
shānɡ pǐn lǜ
  • marketability of products
  1. 24℃贮藏3d,1MCP处理的绿芦笋商品率仍达88%以上,比对照高128%。

    The commodity rate of green asparagus treated by 1-MCP was 88 % after 3 days storage at the room temperature .

  2. 处理中,以低氮高钾(N4K6)处理的块茎产量、品质与商品率最佳。

    Low N + high K treatment gave best yield , quality and commodity rate of tuber among treatments .

  3. 当N∶K2O为2∶3时,马铃薯的平均产量和商品率最高。

    When the ratio of N to K_2O was 2 ∶ 3 , the average yield and marketable rate of tuber would be the highest .

  4. 另外,经1-MCP处理的辣椒乙烯释放量小于对照,表明1-MCP能有效减少乙烯的生物合成,从而延缓辣椒衰老和提高商品率。

    It was suggested that 1-MCP could effectively delay the senescence and extend the storage life of pepper fruits by inhibiting ethylene biosynthesis .

  5. 结果表明,通过降低贮藏环境中的O2含量,提高CO2浓度,可有效抑制龙眼果实的呼吸作用,延缓了果实的衰老与变质,保鲜效果好,商品率高。

    The result showed that the controlled atmosphere storage ( CAS ), by decreasing O2 content and increasing CO2 concentration , reduced the respiration rate and slowed and the quality deterioration in storage of the longan fruits .

  6. 5mL/kg乙醇处理可以延缓叶绿素和VC的降解,提高绿芦笋的商品率,但对抑制抑制POD和PAL的活性、降低粗纤维的含量无显著效果;

    The treatment of 5mL / kg ethanol could inhibit the reducing of chlorophyll and vitamin C , enhance the commercial value , however , it did not have significant effect on retarding the activities of POD and PAL and the content of lignification ;

  7. 经1000mg/L纳他霉素处理的冬枣贮藏到60d其商品率达87.3%,高于对照组的商品率(72.9%);贮藏到100d其商品率仍可达到75.0%,显著高于对照组(50.2%)。

    After treated with natamycin and stored for 60 and 100 days , the commodity rate of Dong jujube were 87.3 % and 75.0 % respectively , which were significantly higher than those of the control .

  8. 其中壳聚糖可食性膜处理组保鲜效果比其他处理更为显著,贮藏75d,商品率达到88.1%,较对照提高25.1%。

    The chitosan edible film was more efficient than the other . During 75 d storage , the rate of rotting still remained low 5.4 % , and the rate of commodity was 88.1 % and superior to CK 25.1 % .

  9. 商品率与农产品提价效应

    Commodity rate and the effect of improving agricultural product price

  10. 由此,玉米种子商品率日益提高,逐渐形成产业化。

    Thus , the increasing rate of maize seed products , and gradually industrialized .

  11. 第三要加快推进科技进步,提高农产品商品率。

    Thirdly , we must accelerate the scientific and technological progress to increase agricultural commodities .

  12. 腐殖酸氮磷钾复合肥对马铃薯产量、商品率及淀粉含量的影响

    Effect of humic acid N-P-K compound fertilizer on yield , marketable tuber rate and starch content of potato

  13. 农作物的商品率大大提高,很多作物运销附近省县。

    The commodity-rate of crops greatly improved and much more crops were transported then sold in other provinces nearby .

  14. 试验证明,这种短期快速肥育技术是加快牦牛出栏、提高商品率、增加效益和收入、促进牦牛业发展的有效措施。

    This fast fattening technology is an efficient measure to increase the income of farmers and to accelerate yak husbandry .

  15. 种草养畜以其环境亲和特点,以及稳定的生产和较高的产品商品率,在黄土丘陵沟壑区越来越受到重视。

    Forage-livestock system has received increasing and specific attention due to its environmental compatibility , stable production and high commodity rate .

  16. 不同氮水平商品率差异不显著,变化趋势没有规律。

    At different nitrogen levels the difference of commodity potato rate is not remarkable and the variety trend has no the regulation .

  17. 芸豆的商品率随着密度的增大而降低,其中以N60kg/hm2降低的幅度最大,商品率最低。

    Common beans commodity rate decreased as the density increase , which N60kg / hm2reduced the magnitude of the largest commodity lowest rate .

  18. 棉花是商品率极高的经济作物,对于增加棉区农户收入和提高消费水平具有重要的作用。

    Cotton is an economic crop with a high commodity rate which plays an important role in increasing farmers ' income and consumption .

  19. 要在发展农业生产的基础上,逐步提高农产品特别是粮食的商品率。

    With rising agricultural production , we should gradually increase the proportion of agricultural products entering the market , and particularly commodity grain .

  20. 同一品种,绿熟果比红熟果商品率高,病烂指数低;

    The green mature pepper fruit has higher commercial rate and lower index of rot than the red riped ones in the same variety .

  21. 且农业纯收入增量中,由于商品率提高带来的现金收入增量也不到一半。

    In the increment of net farm income , increment of cash income generated by increase in commodity ratio is less than one half .

  22. 对降低果实的裂纹和病害方面有一定的作用,可提高果实冷藏后的商品率;

    BTH preharvest treatment also reduced significantly cracks and disease of fruit , increased the marketable rate of melons after stored at cold storage .

  23. 但不能提高果实采后常温贮藏及经长途常温运输后的商品率。

    However , no significant difference was found in the marketable rate of fruit after stored or transported for a long distance at ambient temperature .

  24. 长江流域是我国重要的农产品生产基地,粮食商品率达35%。

    The Yangtze Valley is one of the important bases of agricultural products in China , its merchandise rate of grain reaches up to 35 % .

  25. 降低供水损失、提高供水商品率是供用水管理营业工作中的核心问题。

    Reducing the loss of the water-supply and increasing the commodity ratio of the water-supply is the key problem in the management of the water-supply and water-consumption .

  26. 它具有果实经济性状好、商品率高、果肉厚、种子襄腔小、质地致密、耐贮运、产量高等优点。

    Its advantages include fine fruit characters , high rate of marketable fruits , thick fruit flesh , small seeded sac , dense texture and high yields , etc.

  27. 种植密度与单株产量和商品率呈负相关,但不影响商品薯产量和经济效益;

    There is a negative correlation between planting density and yield per plant , potato commercial rate but it does not affect the commercial potato yield and economic benefit .

  28. 交通运输是市场经济的开路先锋,能冲破自然经济束缚、提高商品率和市场的空间范围。

    Transportation is a pioneer of market economy , it can break through natural economy fetters , and enhance the rate of commodity and the space of the market .

  29. 以提高龙眼的保鲜质量和商品率为目的,采用生物抑制剂处理龙眼进行低温气调保鲜。

    To improve the freshness quality and the commercial rate of longan , biological inhibitors were used to treat the experiments for low-temperature controlled atmosphere ( CA ) storage .

  30. 棉花是农产品中商品率较高的经济作物,其所受到的影响和冲击将会更大。

    Cotton is one kind of economic plants which have much higher commercialized rate , and the impact and shock on it will be much greater than other crops .