
  1. 喂它们的时候,我注意到一只曾经逃跑的土拨鼠现在对这种食物状况产生了明显的兴趣。

    While I was feeding them , I noticed that a groundhog who used to run away was now taking an noticed interest in this food situation .

  2. 我们建议用狗粮成分做成冰棍来喂它们,这样对小孩来说是很好玩的,并且这样的食物对狗狗来说即安全又充满乐趣。“

    nd product is both safe and enjoyable for dogs . "

  3. 我听说那里有很多野鸭子,我带点吃剩的面包去喂它们。

    I 've heard that there are lots of ducks there .

  4. 可以。因为来访者喜欢喂它们。

    Yes , cause the visitors love to feed them .

  5. 我常常去喂它们,给它们换水。

    I often feed them and change water for them .

  6. 师傅,您是要喂它们吗?

    Sir , are you going to feed them ?

  7. 若许可,煮各种豆类喂它们也非常有益。

    If possible , it is very nutritious to feed dogs assorted legumes .

  8. 我们一动也不动地看着野鸟在喂它们的小鸟。

    We remained stock still and watched the wild birds feeding their young .

  9. 我不是想喂它们,我只想打它们

    I 'm not so much feeding them as I 'm hitting them .

  10. 我有些徒弟喂它们素食,也没事。

    But some of our disciples feed them vegetarian food and they are ok .

  11. 我们必须喂它们偏要在我把盘子放下的时候我必须喂它们

    I have to feed them.just as I put it down . I have to feed them .

  12. 幼崽太小,不能捕猎,成年的狼就用胃中半消化的肉喂它们。

    Since pups are too young to hunt , adult wolves bring meat to them in their stomachs .

  13. 我一直喂它们吃奶粉和生肉,后来它们长得太大了,就不住在我的屋子里了。

    I raised them both with bottled formula and raw meat until they grew too big for the house .

  14. 我观赏池里的鲤鱼并用我带来的一些面包喂它们。

    I watched the carps in the pond and fed them some bread that I had brought with me .

  15. 每个成员都抱着一只这种毛茸茸的新朋友,还用瓶子喂它们吃午饭。

    Each one of the team members snuggled up to their new furry friends and helped feed them lunch through bottles .

  16. 邮差听到这小鸭子的声音,得到许可打开箱子,喂它们食物和水。

    Postal workers heard the ducklings and got permission to open the box to get the babies some food and water .

  17. 你也可以从宠物店买些活体的虫子和小虾来喂它们。

    You can also supplement your fish 's diet with treats like live worms and shrimp , also available from pet shops .

  18. 尽管我每天都喂它们一捆捆的干草它们吃这东西应该是足够了我还是很理解它们这种愿望。

    I understand this desire , even though I feed them bales of hay every day , and it ought to be enough .

  19. 日前,一只宠物鹦鹉通过模仿主人的声音引来小狗并喂它们吃了会令其中毒的葡萄,最终使三只小狗意外中毒。

    A pet parrot accidentally poisoned three dogs by mimicking their owner 's voice and feeding them grapes , which is poisonous to canines .

  20. 因为那些小燕子太小了,还不会飞行,只得靠父母到外面去找食物回来喂它们。

    Because those who swallow too small , will not fly , had to rely on their parents to feed them back out to look for food .

  21. 萨沙护士补充说:抚养它们是件辛苦的事我必须每两个小时就喂它们一次,甚至在晚上也是如此但是一切都是值得的。

    Nurse Sascha added : ' Hand-rearing them is hard work - I have to feed them every two hours , even throughout the night - but its totally worth it .

  22. 在长达两年的时间里,它们完全依赖妈妈来喂它们虫子,而两年对于一只鸟的生命来说是非常长的一段时间。

    They depend on their moms to drop worms in their little open mouths for as long as two years , which is a really long time in the life of a bird .

  23. 银基触头行业白银套期保值方案讨论有时只是喂它们一些方便面调料拌馒头和生鱼头及鱼尾。

    Discussion on the Possibility of Hedge for Silver-based Contact Manufacturers Against Silver Price Fluctuation Occasionally they are left with some bread buns , raw fish heads or tail They have no access to clean water , either .

  24. 他们下了马,把马拴起来,把带来的粮食喂给它们吃。

    They dismounted , tied up their horses and gave them the grain they had brought .

  25. 我们喂了它们一阵子,对它们的温顺感到惊奇。

    We fed them for a while , amazed at their tameness .

  26. 但喂饲它们亦是一件艰辛的工作。

    But keeping them properly fed is a considerable labour .

  27. 现在,她和南希自在地把花瓣喂给它们吃。

    Now she and Nancy feed them petals for lunch .

  28. 你肯定喂了它们剩饭残羹这类东西了吧?

    You fed them swill and such stuff ?

  29. 我们没有东西喂给它们,给它们保暖.

    We didn 't have enough to feed them , to keep them warm .

  30. 公园的鸟很温顺,它们会吃你亲手喂给它们的食物。

    The birds in the park are quite tame and will take food from your hand .