
  • 网络backcrossing;backcross breeding
  1. 通过标记辅助回交育种改良优质水稻保持系金山B-1的稻瘟病抗性

    Improving the Resistance of Jinshan B-1 , a Male Sterile Persistence Line of Rice with Good Quality , to Rice Blast via Marker-assisted Backcross Breeding

  2. 对回交育种中的有关技术也进行了讨论。

    The related techniques in backcross breeding were also discussed .

  3. 应用回交育种和QTL聚合改良粳稻抗旱性

    Improving Drought Tolerance of Japonica Rice by BC Breeding and QTL Pyramiding

  4. 分子标记辅助选择(MAS)因其对目标基因的快速准确选择为回交育种提供有效工具。

    Molecular marker-assisted selection ( MAS ) can provide a rapid , accurate , and efficient tool for selecting target genes in back-cross breeding .

  5. 本试验选用4个优良品种为低AC的Wx基因的供体,通过分子标记辅助选择和回交育种,不仅有效地降低了057的AC,且获得了一些优良品系和组合。

    Using four varieties with low AC as the donor parent of Wx gene , we have succeeded in lowering the AC of 057 and selected some improved lines and elite hybridized combinations through backcrossing with 057 and using the PCR-Acc ⅰ marker – assisted selection .

  6. 该方法可以很方便地应用于实际的回交育种。

    The method can be conveniently applied to practical backcross breeding programs .

  7. 本研究证明了将标记辅助选择技术应用于旨在改良单个数量性状的回交育种的可行性。

    The present study proves the feasibility of applying MAS technology to the backcross breeding programs aiming at improving a single quantitative trait .

  8. 该文提出了一种估算在标记辅助回交育种中同时进行前景选择和背景选择所需群体大小的方法。

    A method to estimate the minimal sample size required for marker assisted backcross breeding when both foreground selection and background selection are conducted is proposed .

  9. 因此,为了在标记辅助回交育种中充分利用标记信息,应当分步骤鉴定标记基因型和选择个体。

    For the best use of marker information in a marker aided backcrossing program for gene introgression , a stepwise marker genotyping and individual selection were suggested .

  10. 分子标记辅助选择技术以其对目标基因快速而精确的选择为回交育种提供了非常有效的工具。

    Molecular marker-assisted selection ( MAS ) provides a very efficient tool for backcross breeding because it can offer rapid and precise selection of the targeted gene .

  11. 用回交育种改良水稻的个别性状时,可考虑在加强选择情况下,经2次回交即可得到理想的后代。

    When individual trait is to be improved by backcross method , the desirable progeny with the said trait may be obtained by two backcrosses , under the condition of enhancing the selection .

  12. 在此,综述了分子标记的特点与类型及分子标记辅助选择原理,着重介绍了分子标记辅助选择在水稻育种上的利用现状,主要包括在回交育种、基因聚合、数量性状改良等方面的应用进展。

    In this essay , we summarized the characteristics and types of molecular marker , introduced the basic principle of the marker-assisted selection , focused on its application in rice breeding , such as backcross breeding , gene polymerization and improving quantitative traits .

  13. 选用限性基础材料,采用连续回交的育种方法,育成了夏秋用双限性家蚕品种1303、1302。

    By using the routine method of cross breeding , the silkworm variety 1303 and 1302 , both with sex-limited markings and characters of excellent silk quality , for summer and autumn rearing were bred .

  14. 采用杂交、回交、系统分离育种方法,育成了适应长江流域夏秋期饲养的品种吴花×浒星。

    A new variety Wuhua × Xuxing for summer autumn rearing has been bred by the methods of hybridization , back cross , and pedigree separation .