
  • 网络group culture
  1. 藉由仪式所进行的个人心理治疗、团体文化治疗,最终达致生命与天地的和谐状态,亦即「中和」的审美境界。

    Eventually , it reaches a harmony of life and universe , i.e.the aesthetic state of " neutralization ", by means of individual psychotherapy and group cultural therapy through rites .

  2. 人们正在等待新税法的颁布,它包括了一项对个人和团体文化、教育、科学和体育机构的捐款减免税的条款。

    People are waiting for the new tax law that includes a provision for tax relief on personal and corporate donations to cultural , educational , scientific and sporting institutions .

  3. 纵观历史,有许多团体和文化崇拜地球或自然。

    Throughout history , there have been many groups and cultures that have worshiped the Earth or nature .

  4. 英国历史文化遗产保护中的民间团体民间文化艺术遗产管理系统框架研究

    Non-Governmental Organizations in British Heritage Conservation ; On the Management System Frame of the Folk Cultural Art Inheritance

  5. 不过,霍夫斯塔德文化维度用于东亚区、西方区、经济团体和文化多样性组。

    However , the Hofstede cultural dimensions were used for East Asia zone , Western zone , economic groups and cultural diversity groups .

  6. 事实上,在东亚地区、经济团体和文化多样性组织方面,文化指数对经济增长有稳健的正影响。

    In fact , the cultural index appeared to have a robust positive effect of growth in East Asian region , economic groups and culture diversity groups .

  7. 就胡风分子的许多个别的人来说,我们所以受他们欺骗,则是因为我们的党组织,国家机关,人民团体,文化教育机关或企业机关,当着接收他们的时候,缺乏严格的审查。

    As for many of the individuals in the Hu Feng clique , they were able to deceive us because our party organizations , state organs , people 's organizations , cultural and educational institutions or enterprises failed to make a strict examination of their records before admitting them .

  8. 自我关注大于团体,随着文化的不同背景也不同。

    The priority of self-concern or group-concern varies from different cultures .

  9. 我们重视这个团体种族和文化方面的多样性。

    We value the rich ethnic and cultural diversity .

  10. 这是一次由人民团体、政府文化部门和企业联手举办的艺术盛会。

    The festival will be a grand art meeting jointly held by the people 's organizations , government cultural departments and enterprises .

  11. 事实上,政府在历史文化遗产保护方面理应承担起主要的职责,并为市场及社会团体进入历史文化遗产保护领域创造条件。

    The government should bear the primary responsibility to protect historical and cultural heritage , and create the condition to allow market and social groups entering this field .

  12. 因此,不断地更新中国特色词汇这个语言库并将它公之于众将有利于其他文化团体对中国文化的进一步了解。

    Thus , to constantly update the Chinese-specific words pool and energetically introduce them to the outside world will be favorable for other cultural communities to gain a deeper knowledge of Chinese culture .

  13. 第五十二条国家鼓励社会团体、社会文化机构及其他社会组织和个人开展有益于受教育者身心健康的社会文化教育活动。

    Article 52 The State encourages public organizations , social and cultural institutions , other social organizations and individuals to offer social , cultural and educational activities that are conducive to the sound development in body and mind of educatees .

  14. 而在向独立于场的发展上存在着个别差异,其中家庭环境、社会团体结构、文化教育、性别角色期待等因素对认知方式的发展有明显影响。

    And it has the obvious individual differences in the development toward the field-independence , and the factors , such as family environment , social group construction , culture educating and gender role expecting , etc. clearly influence the development of cognitive style .

  15. 学校是一个小型社会,团体有其独特文化。

    A school is a miniature society which has its unique culture .

  16. 如今,这里所有类型的社会经济团体和许多种文化混合在一起。

    Today , it has all kinds of socio-economic groups and many cultures living together .

  17. 这些创新团体对自我和文化表达的热切渴望一再令我感到惊叹。

    I continue to be amazed by the hunger in the creative community for self and cultural expression .

  18. 结社权利在法国迟迟得不到立法的确认,在很大程度上是因为一种反中间团体的公意政治文化的长期存在。

    The right of association was slowly established in France because there was a kind of political culture of generality .

  19. 由于历史的一次偶然事件,在我们西方出现了一种把人的精神生活与机关团体生活分隔的文化。

    By an accident of history , we in the West have evolved a culture that separates man 's spiritual life from his institutional life .

  20. 这个团体选择了欧洲文化地标巴塞隆那,举行他们在西班牙的首次演唱会,并为他们的欧洲巡演拉开序幕。

    The band has chosen the city of Barcelona Europe ´ s cultural land mark to hold their first concert in Spain which is also the opening of their European tour .

  21. 中等职业学校美术社团是由特定年龄的群体组成的团体,是学校文化的重要载体。

    Secondary vocational school fine art associations is a kind of league , which is made up of students of particular ages , it is an important carrier for school culture .