
  • 网络garden construction
  1. 园林施工中大树的移栽技术

    The Transplanting Technology of Big Tree in Botanical Garden Construction

  2. 本文从事前控制、事中控制、事后控制等方面探讨和分析了园林绿化施工中的质量控制,提出了提高园林施工质量的技术要点。

    Front this article was engaged in controls , in the matter controls , afterwards controls and so on the aspect discusses and has analyzed in the botanical garden afforestation construction quality control , proposed improves the botanical garden construction quality the technical main point .

  3. 提供居住区、城市公共空间、公园绿地、风景旅游区等环境景观规划设计、园林施工、园林监理的专业化服务。

    We provide professional service in plan , design , construction supervision for dwelling , public space , park greenbelt , scenical tourist site , ect .

  4. 文章分别概述了园林施工及养护的要点,并在此基础上提出两者同设计的有机结合,创作出成功的园林作品。

    The main points of the gardens construction and maintenance are outlined , and on this basis , the suggestion that combination of the two will create successful garden works .

  5. 讨论了园路施工测量方法,给出了园路中线任意点测量坐标的计算思路,阐述了程序设计中要解决的主要问题,并运用VISUALBASIC语言实现该计算过程,满足了园林道路施工的要求。

    Calculative idea on survey coordinate of park road centerline was put forward . Key problems in program design were elaborated . Visual Basic was used to carry out computing process , which satisfied the request of park road construction .

  6. 本文结合广州大学城华工校区绿化二期工程实践,对将PDCA理论运用在园林工程施工管理上进行了初步探索,希望能为ISO在园林行业的应用起到参考和推动作用。

    The article using the second phased campus landscape project of South China University of Technology in Guangzhou-University-city as an example , tentative apply the PDCA theory into the landscape project construct control .

  7. 论园林工程施工项目经理在项目管理中的作用

    The Role of Project Manager in Project Management of Garden Construction

  8. 园林道路施工测量计算程序设计

    Study on Surveying and Program Design of Park Road Construction

  9. 园林行业施工企业定额编制的探讨

    About the Quota of Construction Enterprise in Landscape Industry

  10. 浅谈平原园林绿化施工

    About Construction of Gardens and Landscape in Plain

  11. 园林种植施工图设计浅议园林种植工程的施工组织设计浅议

    Views on Construction Blueprint of Landscape Planting

  12. 园林绿化施工中的质量控制

    The Quality Control in the Landscape Construction

  13. 谈现代园林绿化施工中的反季节种植

    Off - season Cultivation during Modern Landscaping

  14. 结合个人的工作经验,对园林工程施工过程中存在的一些问题进行分析和探讨,并提出相应的解决措施。

    Analysis is made of some problems in landscape project construction process based on work experience , and countermeasures are put forward .

  15. 在目前园林工程施工管理过程中,人们一直把园林建筑工程混同于园林绿化工程项目,这个问题长期以来都没有引起大家注意。

    By now , in the process of the park engineering construction management , people has been thinking that park engineering construction is park 's greens engineering item by mistake .

  16. 仿植物装饰园林建筑小品施工工艺研究

    Construction Analysis of Botanical Imitation Ornament for the small garden Architecture

  17. 天津园林绿化工程施工质量控制

    Quality control of virescence project 's construction in TianJin gardens

  18. 园林绿化工程施工招标中评标办法的探讨

    On Bid Evaluation Method during Garden Landscaping Works ' Invitation for Bid

  19. 谈如何控制园林绿化工程施工项目成本

    How to Control the Cost of Landscaping Construction Projects

  20. 城市园林绿化及其施工技术管理研究

    Research on Urban Landscaping and Construction Technology Management

  21. 海山环境艺术公司是专门从事景观园林设计、施工的专业公司。

    Haisan Environmental Arts Company is a professional company specialized in interiors decorations and landscape gardening design and construction .

  22. 昆明阳光苗圃是一家从事城市景观、园林绿化设计施工的专业苗圃公司。

    Kunming Sunshine Nursery is a company engaged in the urban landscape , landscape design and construction of professional nursery .

  23. 分析了目前园林绿化工程施工招投标中普遍采用的评标办法存在的缺陷,建议采用国际上通行的经评审的最低投标价法。

    The author has analyzed the deficiency of current bid evaluation method during garden landscaping works , and advised to adopt the international lowest bid method .

  24. 详细设计了基础地形管理、园林绿化工程施工管理、园林养护管理、古树名木管理、查询与统计、专题图输出、系统管理等子功能模块并编写了各相关数据字典。

    Designed the detailed plots of the terrain management , landscape construction management , landscape conservation and management , management of trees , query statistics , thematic map output , the system management module functions and edited the relevant data dictionary . 3 .

  25. 从事园林景观设计、施工、生产、管理为一体的专业公司。

    In landscape design , construction , production and management as one of professional firms .

  26. 水景在园林中的运用园林工程施工管理的探讨

    APPLICATION OF WATER SCENERY IN PARKS AND GARDENS Probe into the Construction Management of the Landscape Engineering

  27. 园林工程建设苗木的政府采购园林工程施工管理的探讨

    Government Purchasing of Nursery Stock in Landscape Engineering Probe into the Construction Management of the Landscape Engineering

  28. ISO质量管理体系在园林工程中的实践&PDCA循环在园林工程施工阶段的运用

    Apply ISO quality management system in the landscape project & apply PDCA circle into the landscape project construct control

  29. 所以,华宇园林公司应该实行以下的发展战略:1、以园林景观设计施工为主的相关多元化战略。

    So , HuaYu Landscape Architecture Company Ltd should take the following development strategy : 1 . diversification strategy .