
ɡù yǒu fǎ
  • indigenous law
  1. 物权法中有关固有法的内容是难以国际化的,包括关于所有权类型的物权规范、关于用益物权类型的物权规范、与各国的习惯及现实经济生活密切联系的物权规范。

    It is difficult to internationalize the indigenous law content in the real law including the provisions regarding the proprietary rights , usufructuary right and provisions close related to the custom and present economic order of a country .

  2. 典权是我国的一项固有法制度。

    Pawnage right is a particular institution of the Chinese native laws .

  3. 物权法具有显著的固有法性,我国农地使用权的物权化建构不应忽视国情。

    Real right has obvious characteristics of inherent law .

  4. 经济发展存在着内在的必然的联系,波浪式发展是社会主义经济发展的一个显著特点。物权法具有显著的固有法性,我国农地使用权的物权化建构不应忽视国情。

    Economic development has its own inherent law . Real right has obvious characteristics of inherent law .

  5. 另一方面民族地区或民族政权的国家(或官方)立法研究较多,民族固有法或传统法的研究则非常不足。

    Secondly , the research on the state laws of the government is much more than that of indigenous laws .

  6. 南非习惯法作为南非固有法,是南非本土部落民族所遵循的习俗与惯例。

    The customary law of South Africa , as a South African native law , is the set of customs and conventions that the South African indigenous nations have been following .

  7. 建立我国民法典上行为能力制度的关键在于融合传统与现代,在固有法与引进法、移植与承袭之间取得平衡。

    How to strike a balance between the traditional and modern , natural law and positive law , transplantation and inheritance , is the key to build the disposing capacity system .

  8. 日本学者千叶正士提出了著名的“多元法律的三重二分法”,即官方法与非官方法、法律规则与法律原理、固有法与移植法。

    The Japanese scholar Masaji Chiba put forward a famous classified method of plural law : " three layers , each with two divisions ", namely , official law and unofficial law , legal rule and legal principle , regular law and transplanted law .

  9. 典为我国之固有法制度,源远流长,几经变易,在习惯法、国家法与西方法律体系的互动中,最终形成了我们今日民法中的典权法律制度。

    The pawnage , the unique traditional institution of our country , with very long history , became into being " the legal institution of pawning right " in the modern civil law , under the interaction between tradition , statutes and western legal system .

  10. 待定固有频率法在分析系统混沌临界值问题中的应用

    The application of the undetermined fundamental frequency for analyzing the critical value of chaos

  11. 八条禁法不太可能是从古代中国输入的舶来品,它很可能是汉朝人根据自己的法律现实和法律观念附会韩国上古社会的固有习惯法而作的一种歪曲记录。

    It is not likely that " eight prohibition law " came from China .

  12. 基于网络固有结构法的多谐波源配电网滤波装置的分阶优化研究一种有效的无结构对等网络搜索算法

    Optimal Configuring of Filters in Distribution Network Based on the Inherent Structure Theory of Network ; An Efficient Search Algorithm for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer System

  13. 由于我国经济的特点,一个配电网多个谐波源负荷并存的特点越来越突出,针对这种情况,本文提出运用网络固有结构法确定滤波装置集中配置时的最佳安装位置。

    Because of the characteristics of our country economy , the characteristic that multiple harmonic source loads lie in distribution network is more prominent .

  14. 这样,以固有物权法与继受物权法为基本材料,初步建构完成了稳定性与灵活性兼备的近代物权法。

    Based upon the traditional property law and the Western property law , the modern Chinese property law characterizing both consistence and flexibility had been basically established .

  15. 作为待定固有频率法的理论基础,规范形理论是高维非线性动力系统简化、降维的有效手段。

    As theoretical basis of undetermined fundamental frequency method , normal form theory is one of the important tools for simplification and dimensionality reduction of high dimensional dynamical systems .

  16. 殖民时期加纳本土法与外来的西方法之间关系错综复杂,独立后的加纳继承了宗主国英国的法律遗产,重视发掘固有习惯法的价值,其现代化历程可谓曲折发展。

    In colonial time the relationship between indigenous law of Ghana and exotic western law was complex , after independence Ghana inherited the legal heritage of the Protectorate British and stressed on excavating the value of indigenous law , so the process of legal modernization is tortuous .

  17. 民国北京政府时期的最高审判机关&大理院通过民事判例、解释例来创制适合时代需要的物权法律规范,以渐进的方式推进固有物权法与继受物权法的融合。

    Da Liyuan , the supreme judicial body when Peking government was in power , had created many rules relating to property law through judicial rulings and interpretations in civil law cases , thus pushing the trend of combining the traditional property law and the Western property law even further .

  18. 热变形的固有应变预测法及实例

    A method to predict residual distortion based on inherent strain and its application to heating processes

  19. 本文并对荧光产生的机理,恶性肿瘤固有荧光观察法的优点和光源等问题进行了讨论。

    We also discussed the mechanism , the advantages and the light source of the method .

  20. 基于Matlab的大型梁结构固有振动边界元法仿真

    BEM Simulation of Natural Vibration of Large-type Beam Structure Based on Matlab

  21. 计算轴系扭振固有特性的Riccati法

    Riccati Method for Calculation Natural Behavior of Shaft System Torsional Vibration

  22. 非局部弹性杆固有频率的Ritz法求解

    Ritz Method for the Frequencies of Nonlocal Elastic Bar

  23. 人工电磁辐射源固有危险性指数法评价研究

    Research on the Appraisal of the Inherent Danger Index of Artificial Electromagnetic Radiation Source

  24. 它是债权人固有的是实体法上的一种权利。

    It is a right of the creditor based on the existing object laws .

  25. 文章提供了准确预测焊接变形的固有应变等效载荷法。

    To address this , an equivalent load method based on inherent strain is presented .

  26. 固有应变有限元法预测焊接变形理论及其应用

    Prediction of Welding Distortions Based on Theory of Inherent Strain by FEM and Its Application

  27. 固有应变等效载荷法是近年来发展的预测焊接变形的重要方法。

    The equivalent load method based on the inherent strain is a developed prediction method these years .

  28. 在传统民法中,履行利益受合同法保护,固有利益受侵权法保护。

    In traditional civil law , the two kinds of interest are protected respectively by contract law and tort law .

  29. 确定基础耦合振动固有频率的迭代法及系统参数的反应幅值法

    Methods of Finding Natural Frequencies of a Foundation under Coupled Vibration with Iteration Procedure and Determining Parameters of the Foundation with Amplitude Responses

  30. 采用固有应变有限元法,通过一次弹性有限元计算,即可得到整个焊接结构件的残余应力及变形。

    Apply the inherent strain finite element method and once elasticity finite element calculation to get residual stress and deformation of the whole welding structure .