
  1. 老虎得意地说:“因为我是国家一级保护动物”。

    Tiger proudly said : " because I 'm a first class protected animal in the country " .

  2. 摄影家们尤爱这里种类繁多的兰花和国家一级保护动物黑颈鹤。

    Photographers especially love the area 's many types of orchids and China 's highly endangered black-necked cranes .

  3. 海南坡鹿具有极高的科学和药用研究价值,因而被我国政府列为国家一级保护动物。

    Hainan Eld 's Deer is listed among the Grade I animals by China government for its values in scientific and medical researches .

  4. 其中有国家一级保护动物褐马鸡,二级保护动物金钱豹、黑颧、金雕等。

    Among them , the protection of animals at the national level Crossoptilon II protected animals leopard , black malar , such as golden eagles .

  5. 野生脊椎动物共计773种,列入国家一级保护动物26种,二级保护动物76种。

    Wild vertebrate add up to 773 species , and 26 species of them are the national first class protected wild animal , 76 species of them belong to second class protected wild animal .

  6. 该保护区成立以来,对保护国家一级保护动物中华鲟及其栖息的长江口的自然环境发挥了巨大的作用。

    Since then , it has been playing a huge role in protecting Chinese Sturgeon , the First-Grade State Protection animal in china , and the natural environment of Yangtze river estuary in which it habitats .

  7. 滩坑水电站下游为国家一级保护水生动物鼋的保护区。

    The downstream reach of Tankeng Hydropower Station is a key protection area of Pelochely bibroni .

  8. 可怜的梅花鹿曾经遍布中国,现在成了国家一级重点保护动物。

    Poor spotted deer have spread all over China before , however , they become the country first-level protected animal now .

  9. 山东省候鸟资源丰富,共有226种和亚种,其中有67种被列为国家一、二级保护动物。

    There are rich resource of migrants in Shandong province with 266 species and subspecies , of which 67 species were listed as the first class or second class of the national wildlife for protection .