
  • 网络Civil Servant System;civil service system;National Civil Service System
  1. 中国国家公务员制度目前正在改革开放不断深入的大环境下,为适应社会主义市场经济体制的需要,逐步走向科学化、法制化的人事管理制度。

    Chinese national civil service system gradually becomes the scientific and legal personnel management system at the deepening of reform and opening up a large environment to adapt to the socialist market economic system required .

  2. 本文是以国家公务员制度的法制建设为出发点,通过比较分析的方法,从国家公务员制度的相关理论为理论依据。

    This article is based on the national civil service system , the legal system as a starting point , by comparing the analysis methods , from the national civil service system , the theoretical basis for relevant theory .

  3. 国家公务员制度的社会生态环境制约因素分析

    The Analysis of the Factor That Social Ecological Environment

  4. 浅谈国家公务员制度完善和创新

    The perfection and innovation of the Civil Servant System

  5. 国家公务员制度与有效政府

    The Government Functionary System And The Efficient Government

  6. 公务员制度的变异与控制&对中国国家公务员制度实施情况的反思

    The Aberrance and Control of Civilian Institution & Some Reflection about the Implementation of Chinese civilian institution

  7. 行政法治:高起点完善国家公务员制度的必由之路

    Legal Administrative Governing : the Only Way to Improve the System of Civil Servants at a High Starting Point

  8. 中国官僚制度化的逻辑分析&兼论国家公务员制度建设的问题与改革方向

    A Logical Analysis to China 's Bureaucrat Systemization & Problems and Reform Orientation of China 's Government Functionary System Construction

  9. 按照国家公务员制度进行人事管理的事业单位,不适用本办法。

    These Procedures do not apply to those public institutions that administer personnel in accordance with the state public servant system .

  10. 实施与完善公务员保险制度,是建立现代国家公务员制度的内在要求。

    To implement and perfect civil servant insurance system is an inherent demand of the construction of modern civil servant system .

  11. 但随着国家公务员制度改革的实施,完成了计划体制下的统招统分机制向市场经济体制下人才双向选择机制的改革,从而也不可避免的出现一些问题。

    But , with the implementation of the transforming from the unified distribution mechanism to two-way option , many problems have emerged spontaneously .

  12. 我国高校现行的人事制度是计划经济体制下形成的,带有国家公务员制度特征的相对封闭的一种管理模式。

    The current personnel system of institutions of higher learning is a management mode characterized by relative closeness , shaped under the planned economy system .

  13. 公务员保险制度是国家公务员制度的一个重要组成部分,也是社会保障制度的一种类型。

    The insurance system of civil servant is an important part of civil servant system , and it is also a variety of social security system .

  14. 国家公务员制度,在西方又被称为文官制度,是资本主义国家普遍采用的一种公共人事管理制度。

    The civil servant system , also called civil service in the west countries , is prevalently adopted as a kind of public staff management system .

  15. 公务员监督机制是公务员制度的重要组成部分,也是一个国家公务员制度优劣与否的重要表现之一。

    Civil oversight mechanisms is an important part of the civil service system , but also a national civil service is one important manifestation of the merits or not .

  16. 进入90年代,为适应市场经济发展和政治&行政体制改革深化的需要,我国开始推行国家公务员制度。

    In the 1990s , China started implementing the systems of civil servants in order to meet the needs of a market economy and the reform of political and administrative systems .

  17. 进一步完善国家公务员制度,严格管理,加强培训,提高公务员的政治和业务素质。

    Further efforts should be made to perfect the public servant system , exercise strict management and strengthen the training of public servants to improve their political integrity and professional skills .

  18. 随着国家公务员制度的实施和干部人事制度改革的逐步深入,国家始终把对公务员队伍管理作为重要内容。

    With the implement of national civil servant system and the gradual deepening reform of personnel system for cadre , the state has concern the civil servant management as an important content .

  19. 当前,提高公务员队伍的素质水平,巩固和完善国家公务员制度,进一步提升政府工作效率,己经成为顺应经济社会快速发展的一项刻不容缓的任务。

    Nowadays how to improve the quality of national public servants , enhance and perfect civil service system and further improve the service efficiency has become an urgent task to adjust to the economic society .

  20. 论文的主要创新点有:提出完善国家公务员制度的关键是要在公务员法制建设方面取得进展;

    Main and creative point that this lesson have : Bring up the institutional key of perfect and national public official to want in public official legal system developments the aspect make to make progress ;

  21. 建立和完善中国公务员管理机制,对于革除原有人事行政体制的弊端、保证国家公务员制度根本目的的实现、完成新世纪的历史任务具有重要的意义。

    To the establish and perfect Chinese civil servant administrant mechanism is important significance for abolishing the abuse in executive personnel system , ensuring to realize the aim of civil servant system and completing the task of new century .

  22. 生态环境原是自然科学术语,本文试借用自然科学中动植物生态学的概念、术语对国家公务员制度所处的生态环境进行理论分析和探讨。

    The ecological environment was a natural science term originally , this text try to borrow natural science animals and plants ecological concept and term to discuss and analyze the ecological environment that the system of public service live in .

  23. 建立国家公务员制度,是我国干部人事制度改革的历史性进步,也是中国改革开放和社会主义市场经济建设的必然选择。

    It is the historical progress of the reform of personnel system for cadre of our country to set up the system of public service it is inevitable choice of China 's reform and opening-up and socialist market economic construction too .

  24. 西方国家公务员制度已经有100多年的历史,在公务员的激励方面积累了丰富的经验,对我国公务员激励机制建设有着重要的借鉴意义。

    In western countries , the incentive mechanism of the civil service has developed for more than 100 years and it has accumulated rich experiences in the civil service management , which is of great significance for our civil service mechanism .

  25. 国家公务员制度是国家政治制度的一个重要组成部分,国家公务员薪酬制度是我国薪酬制度体系中最为敏感的一个环节,更是实施公务员管理面临的不可回避的现实问题。

    National civil service is an important component of the national political system . Remuneration system of civil servant is the most sensitive part of civil servant management system , which The Civil service management is faced with and can not be avoided .

  26. 为适应市场经济的发展,我国已由传统的干部人事制度转变为国家公务员制度,但对公务员激励方面仍主要是以内容为中心的静态激励。

    In order to meet the development of the market economy , our country has already changed into the system of public service from traditional cadre 's personnel system , but motivation is still mainly on the static motivation which focuses on the content .

  27. 如何立足国情,有选择地借鉴当代西方国家公务员制度变革的基本举措,得出本土化的有中国特色的公务员制度改革完善之路,便是本文力图解决的问题。

    This thesis attempts to offer some feasible advice for the establishment of a civil service system with Chinese characteristics , by way of benefiting from drawing upon the basic measures of civil service system reforms in western countries but holding the stance of China 's national conditions .

  28. 国家公务员监督制度研究

    Study of National Civil Servants ' Supervisory System

  29. 薪酬最高国家的公务员制度薪酬最高公务员制度的国家

    Country with the best paid national civil service

  30. 我国国家公务员激励制度的构建是一项庞大的系统工程。

    The national civil service incentive mechanism in China is a huge systematic project to build .