
  • 网络national church;state church
  1. rickwarren已经将他的“目的驱动操作芯片”插入到了全世界的120个国家的教会。

    Rick Warren has inserted his " purpose-driven operating chip " into churches in 120 countries around the world .

  2. 国家[教会]行政组织[机构]联合国公共行政和财政方案专家组

    Group of Experts on the United Nations Programme on Public Administration and Finance

  3. 中美教育行政组织比较及其对我国的启示国家[教会]行政组织[机构]

    Comparison of Sino-America Educational Administration Organization with Its Enlightenment for Our Country ;

  4. 被国家官方教会承认的教会。

    The church that is recognized as the official church of a nation .

  5. 认为在神的事务上国家比教会更有权威的学说。

    The doctrine that the state is supreme over the church in ecclesiastical matters .

  6. 在盎格鲁-撒克逊时期,国家和教会密切合作,相互影响。

    In Anglo-Saxon ages , church and state cooperated intimately and influenced each other .

  7. 东欧剧变后国家与教会关系的演化

    Evolution of State and Church Relationship after the Drastic Change of the East European Countries

  8. 本文主要分析剧变后东欧国家与教会关系的演化。

    The article mainly analyzes the evolution of the State and Church relationship in East European countries after their drastic changes .

  9. 所谓教育,已是人人有份,主持者通常是国家,教会也时而担当此任。

    Something called " education " is given to everybody , usually by the state , but sometimes by the churches .

  10. 主权者必须同时作为国家与教会的元首,以避免因神学争执所引发对于和平的威胁。

    The sovereign serves as the head both of church and state in order to avoid the threat against peace due to theological controversy .

  11. 国体,整体,组织体制国家、教会或组织的管理形式(五)改变组织形式。

    The form of government of a nation , a state , a church , or an organization . ( e ) change of organizational structure .

  12. 美利坚合众国的奠基是基督教上帝文化的一朵奇葩,政教分离制度的确立给予了国家和教会独立发展、自由竞争的机会。

    The foundation of America was the result of Christian culture and the separation of state and church gives the state and church equal opportunities of development .

  13. 因为黄金,这种神秘的黄色物质,这种能够否决国家和教会力量的物质是另外一件需要从国外进口的东西。

    For gold , the mysterious , yellow substance which seemed to defy the power of State and Church , was another article that had to be imported from abroad .

  14. 在对剧变前后国家与教会关系的特征进行探讨的基础上,文章对于波兰、罗马尼亚和匈牙利政教关系的演化进行了案例分析。

    On the basis of the special features of the relationship before and after the changes , the article makes a case analysis of the evolution in Poland , Romania and Hungary .

  15. 一切国家的教会机关,不论是犹太教的,基督教的或是土耳其教会的,在我看来,无非是人所创造出来的,建立的目的是在于恐吓和奴役人类,并且借此来垄断权力和利益。

    All national institutions of churches , whether Jewish , Christian , or Turkish , appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind , and monopolize power and profit .

  16. 欧洲形成了以政教两分为特征的二元社会秩序,人们对于国家、教会体现着各异的忠诚,追求信仰自由、平等成为当时的主题。

    Europe developed dualistic social order with character of politics and religion apart , where people showed their different loyalty to the nation and the church . Freedom of religious worship and equality were the theme then .

  17. 美国宪法所规定的政教分离制度并不像一般人所理解的那样,将宗教与政治严格分离开来,而只是规定国家和教会在机构上分离。

    The system of separating politics from religion defined in the American Constitution does not mean any separation as strict as what some ordinary people have always understood but only an organizational separation of state from church .

  18. 毫无疑问的是,在16世纪议会极大地增强了它的影响力,并且议会通过制定大量新法律,处理有关国家、教会等各方面的事务,成为国家机构中不可或缺的一个部分。

    There can be no doubt that Parliament did very greatly increase its influence in the sixteenth century . With the large amount of new laws passed by it , Parliament dealed with affairs concerning both state and church , and became an regular and integral part of government .

  19. 之所以出现这种密切合作、相互影响类型的政教关系,是因为国家和教会之间存在共同目标和共同需要,两者互相合作、互相支持,达到了互利和双赢。

    The reason why this type of church and state , which cooperated intimately and influenced each other was formed , is that there were the same aims and need between church and state . Both of them cooperated and backed each other . They gained mutual benefit and two-win .

  20. 16世纪的西欧,资本主义生产关系已经在封建社会内部产生,民族国家和民族教会相继建立。

    In the Western Europe of sixteenth century , the capitalistic production relation was already established inside the feudal society , and the nation-state and nation-church were constituted as well .

  21. 这些做法是国家规定并得到教会认可的。

    These practices were ordained by the state and sanctified by the church .

  22. 在《上帝之城》中,奥古斯丁对国家的起源、国家的权能和范围、国家的特征和目的、国家与教会的关系等主题进行了研究。

    In The City of God , Augustine studies the origin of the State , its power and scope , its characteristics and purpose , and finally , its relationship between the church .