
  1. 国有企业经营权探析

    A Study On The Bussiness Right Of State-owned Enterprise

  2. 论国有企业经营权的完善

    On Perfection of the Managerial Power of State Enterprise

  3. 但国有企业经营权在现实中的作用却不尽如人意。

    But the practical effect of the managerial power of state enterprise is unsatisfactory .

  4. 理论上对如何看待国有企业经营权也存在争议。

    There are still controversies on the problem of the managerial power of state enterprise in theory .

  5. 国有企业经营权不能从根本上解决企业对其综合财产的占有和使用,只有改造为企业法人所有权才能保证国家股权的实现。故将企业经营权定性为用益物权显然不当。

    The management right of state-owned enterprise is the ownership in essence , so it is unsuitable to be prescribed in property law .

  6. 但我国的用益物权制度却因自身理论的缺陷而无力解决国有企业经营权中存在的现实问题。

    But the system of usufructuary right of China can not resolve the practical problems of the managerial power of state enterprise for its born theoretic limitation .

  7. 国有企业经营权制度的立法目的,是赋予国有企业对抗所有人的不当干预的权利,使国有企业成为独立的市场主体,自主参与市场竞争。

    The purpose of the system of the managerial power of state enterprise is authorizing the state enterprise to confront the unmerited interferences , and making the state enterprise to be the self-governed market participant to participate in market competition .

  8. 随国有企业所有权与经营权的分离,国有企业出资人与国有企业经营者的权责得到明确。

    As the ownership and operation right of state-owned enterprises have separated from each other , the rights and responsibilities of the funders and operators of such enterprises have become distinct .