
ɡuó fánɡ zhènɡ cè
  • national defense policy
  1. 中国始终不渝地走和平发展的道路,奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,实行防御性的国防政策。

    China steadfastly follows a road of peaceful development , pursues an independent foreign policy of peace and implements a national defense policy that is defensive in nature .

  2. 实行和坚持防御性国防政策;

    Implementing and sticking to a national defense policy that is defensive in nature ;

  3. 要想奏效,英国的国防政策必须具备3个条件。

    British defence policy had to meet three criteria if it was to succeed .

  4. 每当政府的政治性质发生变化,国防政策也会随之变化。

    Every time the political complexion of the government changed , so did the defence policy

  5. 他们的国防政策经不起细察检验。

    Their defence policy did not stand up under scrutiny .

  6. 缩减开支依旧是该党国防政策的中心。

    Spending cuts remain the main plank of the party 's defence policy .

  7. 我们实行的是防御性的国防政策。

    Our defense policy is defensive in nature .

  8. 中国始终奉行防御性的国防政策。

    China has consistently pursued a national defense policy that is defensive in nature .

  9. 对于政府的国防政策,党派间存在着明显的分歧。

    There is a marked cleavage between the parties about the government 's defence policy .

  10. 在规划国防政策时,我们还必须对气候变化可能引发的一些潜在冲突领域加以审视。

    We must also examine potential areas of conflict caused by climate changes in planning defence policies .

  11. 中国制定国防政策的根本依据,是中国的国家利益。

    The fundamental basis for the formulation of China 's national defense policy is China 's national interests .

  12. 新中国的国防政策,继承和发扬了中国优良的历史文化传统。

    The defense policy of New China has carried forward and developed such excellent Chinese historical and cultural traditions .

  13. 随着她所在的党对国防政策的大转变,她好像已经就她起初的观点作了妥协。

    She seems to have compromised her earlier views somewhat by going along with her party 's volte-face on defence .

  14. 中国还每年向论坛提交国防政策声明和其他相关文件。

    In addition , every year China submits to the forum a statement on national defense policy and other related documents .

  15. 欧盟国家期望在「经济欧洲」巩固之后,在此基础上形成一体外交及国防政策的「政治欧洲」。

    The EU hopes to develop a unified foreign and defense policy on the base of European Community 's experiences of economic cooperation .

  16. 她新近作为参议院军事委员会成员,花费了很多年头钻研外交和国防政策。

    She has spent years boning up on foreign and defence policy , most recently as a member of the Senate Armed Services committee .

  17. 要了解,他不是伊朗外交政策和国防政策的决策者。

    " Understand that he is not the decision maker when it comes to foreign policy and defense policy in Iran ," he said .

  18. 奥巴马不会选用与现有外交和国防政策持相左观点的人担当这些重任;

    It 's not like Obama will be replacing the current set of officials with people who have a fundamentally different perspective on foreign and defense policy .

  19. 中国制定国家安全战略、国防政策和军事战略的前提,离不开对现阶段国家安全形势和背景的具体的、历史的考证。

    The precondition for Chinese home security , national defense , and military strategies is inseparable from the present and historical concerns in relation to Chinese security .

  20. 中国的社会主义制度和独立自主的和平外交政策也决定了中国奉行积极防御的国防政策和军事战略方针。

    Meanwhile , china 's socialist system and independent foreign policy of peace have determined the international defence policy and military strategy to be one of active defence .

  21. 中国坚持走和平发展的道路,奉行防御性的国防政策,不对任何国家构成威胁。

    China adheres to the road of peaceful development , adopts a defence policy that is defensive in nature , and does not pose a threat to any country .

  22. 中国的国防政策以国家的根本利益为出发点,服从和服务于国家的发展战略和安全战略。

    Proceeding from the fundamental interests of the country , China 's national defense policy is both subordinated to and in service of the country 's development and security strategies .

  23. 普罗迪先生立即地宣布他无意改变已有五十年之久的以欧盟,联和国及北约为三大支柱的国防政策。

    Mr Prodi swiftly declared that he did not intend changing a50 year-old defence policy , based on the three pillars of the European Union , the UN and NATO .

  24. 中国军方周末做出了进一步尝试,向全球其它国家解释中国的国防政策。针对中国不断增加的国防预算,美国一直要求中国提高这方面的透明度。

    China 's military , facing US calls for increased transparency on its expanding budget , stepped up efforts this weekend to explain its defence policy to the rest of the world .

  25. 国防政策无异其他形式保险,都需要包含一系列的风险:保障海道安全,才能在战时运送物资,在和平时期进行贸易;

    Like any form of insurance , defence policy must cover a range of risks : the safety of sea lanes is vital to move supplies in wartime and to trade in peacetime ;

  26. 中国的发展道路、根本任务、对外政策和历史文化传统,决定中国必然实行防御性的国防政策。

    The pursuit of a national defense policy which is defensive in nature is determined by China 's development path , its fundamental aims , its foreign policy , and its historical and cultural traditions .

  27. 中国奉行防御性的国防政策,加强国防建设的目的是维护国家主权、安全、领土完整,保障国家和平发展。

    China pursues a national defense policy that is defensive in nature . Our endeavors to strengthen national defense aim to safeguard China 's sovereignty , security and territorial integrity and ensure its peaceful development .

  28. 中国奉行防御性的国防政策,中国军队的数量与规模始终控制在维护国家安全需要和国力许可的范围以内。

    Adhering to the defensive policy for national security , China has always controlled the numbers and size of its armed forces within the limit allowed by the national strength and necessary to maintain state security .

  29. 他在被问到伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德周末的强硬言论是否足以将外交手段暂时搁置起来时说:“要了解,他不是伊朗外交政策和国防政策的决策者。他的言论是为了国内政治舆论而发表的。”

    He was asked if the tough talk over the weekend by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might be enough to put diplomacy on hold . " Understand that he is not the decision maker when it comes to foreign policy and defense policy in Iran , " he said . " His comments are meant for domestic political content . "

  30. 宏观经济政策调整对国防费政策的影响

    Influence of macro economic policy adjustment upon national defense expenditure policy