
  • 网络power of international pricing
  1. 中国企业缺失大宗商品国际定价权问题研究

    The Research of Chinese Enterprises Lacking the Commodities International Pricing Power

  2. 作为铅精矿的最大进口国,我国很少掌握国际定价权。

    As the biggest importing country of the lead concentrates , China has less opportunity to control the international market price .

  3. 最后本文从需求、供给和国际定价权三方面提出了防范风险的一些建议。

    Finally this article proposed some suggestion to avoid the risk from the demand 、 the supply and the right of deciding the international price .

  4. 文章认为,中国要提升稀土国际定价权,必须高度重视其贸易全成本的合理内在化,具体而言,应形成合理的劳动力价格,应加强环境监管,应建立代际补偿基金与改革矿业税费制度。

    We suggest that China should form a reasonable price of labor , strengthen environmental regulation , establish intergenerational compensation fund and reform the system of mining tax .

  5. 中国进口大宗物资国际定价权缺失的三大原因,即缺乏国际市场定价中心、资源产品市场垄断和缺乏风险防范机制。

    China lacks international pricing power for its bulk imports for three major reasons : absence of international pricing center , monopoly on resource product market , and lack of risk prevention mechanism .

  6. 基于这种现象,本论文探讨了影响金属商品国际定价权的重要因素之一&金属期货市场的信息效率,通过计量模型检验并比较我国金属期货市场的信息效率。

    Based on this phenomenon , the paper explores one of the most important factors which impact the pricing of metal in international market , that is the information efficiency of metals futures market .

  7. 导致中国稀土国际定价权缺失的原因是多方面的,而其贸易全成本未能完全内在化是一个重要方面。

    There are several reasons for the lack of rare earth pricing power , among which , the most important reason is that the total trade cost of Chinese rare earth has not been fully internalized .

  8. 为了保证纸浆进口安全并控制国际定价权,应继续促进进口市场多元化,组建纸浆进口谈判体系并加强对外投资。

    To ensure the security the pulp supply and control the price of world pulp , we should continue to promote the diversification of import markets , organize a negotiation team for pulp import and increase more foreign investment .

  9. 另外,上游资源的话语权只是一个方面,能够在可持续的保护资源的基础上,实现下游高技术含量和高附加值行业的做大做强才是真正掌控国际定价权。

    In addition , discourse power of upstream resource is only one aspect , making downstream high technical content and high value-added industry become bigger and stronger on the basis of sustainable resources protection is the real control of international price setting .

  10. 中国需要国际贸易定价权

    China needs rights of setting prices an international trade

  11. 国际石油定价权机制研究

    A Study on International Oil Pricing Mechanism

  12. 第二部分提出问题,从表象和实证两方面说明中国缺失国际稀土定价权。

    In the second part , we demonstrate the lack of rare earth pricing power from representation and solid evidence .

  13. 另一方面加快步伐打造中国的石油期货市场,获得国际石油定价权。

    On the other hand we should speed up the pace to build China 's oil futures market to win the pricing right .

  14. 对国际石油定价权的深入研究对于合理地制定我国的能源战略,保证我国国民经济稳定、快速、持续增长,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Deep study on the international oil pricing right will play an important theoretical and practical role in establishing reasonable Chinese energy strategy , ensuring the stability and rapid continuous growth of our economy .

  15. 格兰杰因果检验及其他学者的研究结果均表明中国缺失相应的国际稀土定价权。第三部分构建本文的理论支点。

    The result of Granger causality test in this work and the conclusions of other scholars ' all indicate that China lacks the pricing power in the international trade of rare earth . A theoretical analysis is demonstrated in the third part .

  16. 其次,要加强大豆国际定价的话语权。

    For the next , we must sharpen the pricing power in the international market .

  17. 如何消化国际金价波动带来的风险,提高在国际黄金市场的地位和影响力,争取黄金的国际定价权是我国长期的重要任务。

    It is a long-term task for China to remove the risk from international gold price fluctuations , enhance its status in and influence on global gold market , and acquire internal pricing of gold .