
  1. 跨国公司是国际直接投资的主体。

    Transnational company is the majority of international direct investment .

  2. 20世纪80年代以来,以养老基金、保险基金、投资基金为主体的机构投资者的崛起,引导着国际证券市场投资主体机构化的深刻革命。

    From 1980 's , the sustained rise of institutional investors mainly of Investment Funds , Pension Funds and Insurance Funds have brought about the deep revolutions in the international securities markets .

  3. 作为国际直接投资的主体,跨国公司也在迅速兴起,并通过跨国经营、兼并等方式,迅速在全球形成了庞大的生产和销售网络,推动了世界产业结构的调整。

    The Multinational Corporations ( MNCs ) have been developed rapidly through transnational business and merger . A network of production and sales all over the world has been formed , and it can promote the adjustment of industrial structure .

  4. 改革开放以来,交通基础设施的投资体制逐步向市场经济和国际惯例靠拢,投资主体日趋多元化。

    Since reforming , the investment of traffic infrastructure system close up step by step to market economic and international usual practice and the investment main part becomes multivariate day by day .

  5. 它包括宏观层面上,中国对外直接投资总体战略、法律规范、国际投资环境、投资主体、服务体系、促进体系和监管体系;

    On one hand , the government should focus on the overall strategy of China 's FDI , the criteria of law , the environment of international investment , the subject of investment , the system of service , improvement and supervising .

  6. 另外,国际资本流动呈现出新的趋势和特点,国际直接投资的主体、内容、形式及要素构成等各方面正发生深刻的变化。

    Besides , international capital movement have presented new tendency and the characteristics , which is displayed in the profound change of main body of investment , the content , the form and the constitution of essential factors .