
  1. 只有这样,才能使承德加快建设建设国际旅游名城。

    Only in this way , it can be accelerated Chengde to construct of famous international tourist city .

  2. 发展桂林文化游建设现代化国际旅游名城的思考和探索

    The Probe into the Development of Culture Tourism in Guilin and Its construction of the Famous Modern International Tourism City

  3. 将桂林建设成为现代化国际旅游名城,是全市和全国人民的心愿。

    It is the wishes of people in Guilin and whole country to make Guilin the modern international tourism famous city .

  4. 发展现代物流产业是桂林加快建设现代化国际旅游名城进程的一个重要保障。

    The development of the modern circulation of commodities is very important in building Guilin into a modernized international city of tourism .

  5. 承德作为环渤海经济圈中的一个国家历史文化名城,其城市竞争力如何,对于实现建设国际旅游名城至关重要。

    Chengde city is recognized as a well-known state-listed historical cultural city in Bohai-rim economic circle . Based on this point , the competitiveness of Chengde city is a key point for constructing national tourist city .

  6. 其次,文章从城市建设的角度出发,将美化城市形象、打造城市广告作为西安提高城市知名度、建立国际旅游名城的重要举措。

    Secondly according to urban construction theory , the authors hold that embellishing the image and making advertisements are the important methods for Xi ' an to enhance its fame and become an international tourist city .

  7. 同时也是建设桂林国际山水旅游名城的战略需要。

    And at the same time , it is also necessary for the establishment of international famous landscape tourism city .