- 名international economic order

WTO and its trade dispute settlement body , have support powerful legal safeguard mechanism which for maintain international economic order and solve international trade dispute in the world .
China 's entry into WTO will not only push the course of its economic internationalization but also contribute to fresh the world economy and establish a fair minded international economic order .
The fund is already halfway through a tortured process of shifting some votes and seats on the board away from Europe , whose dominance reflects the global economic order when the institution was set up .
In short , the south desires a New International Economic Order ( NIEO ) .
Financial crisis , International financial order and the choice of China
Third , the international economic order is developing to diversification .
Commonwealth Experts ' Group on the New International Economic Order
Centre for research on the new international economic order ;
Programme of action on the establishment of a new international economic order ;
Reform International Rules and Seek Common Prosperity
Because of economic globalization , only one country cannot maintain the international eco-nomic order .
Seminar on New International Economic Order
The old international economic order was struggling to keep up with change before the crisis .
Progressive development of the principles and norms of international law relating to the new international economic order ;
For countries that prefer the rule of law and an international economic order , a global wealth tax is a better bet .
Third , China and the United States are key stakeholders in the establishment of an equitable , open and fair international economic order .
Japan Business Federation chairman Hiroaki Nakanishi said on Sunday that the signing is extremely significant toward realizing a free and open international economic order .
Unfortunately , the architects of the post – World War II international economic order did not always draw the right lessons from this period .
Frequent cases of banks ' bankruptcy will directly affect the survival and development of all commercial banks and threaten the entire international economic order and stability .
Tang Min , deputy secretary general of the China Development Research Foundation , said China has for a long time stayed outside the international economic order .
The global financial crisis has shaken the world economy and its foundations and structures , and with it the existing international economic order and the process of globalization .
Bearing in mind the Broad objectives in the resolutions adopted by the sixth special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the establishment of a New International Economic Order .
Now , as 2011 draws to a close , we can only hope the new year will bring with it greater social stability and the restoration of a strong international economic order .
The right to development in developing countries since World War II to break the old international economic order , equal participation in the development process and equal enjoyment of the fruits of development aspirations .
Countries should step up their economic and technical exchanges and cooperation and gradually transform the inequitable and irrational international economic order so that all will win and coexist as a result of economic globalization .
We will continue to give impetus to the Doha round of trade talks , oppose protectionism in all forms , and work to make the international economic order more just , equitable and mutually beneficial .
Beijing , faced with such a prospect , may well conclude that their stake in sustaining an open , peaceful and rules-based international economic order something from which they have benefited greatly is considerably less than they previously believed .
In the context of economic globalization , establishing an international economic order on the basis of fair competition with a view to bringing about prosperity for all human beings is an inevitable task of building a new international economic order .
But at the same time , financial risk is becoming increasingly prominent , which is not only a direct impact on commercial banks for their existence and development , but also a threat to the economic order and stability all over the world .
As the legitimacy of legal factors , characteristics such as continuity , while the political , economic , and cultural factors will lead to frictions most be resolved through legal channels , so the impact of its international economic order and the most devastating .