
quān shè
  • pen;colony house;sty
圈舍 [juàn shè]
  • [pen;sty] 养牲畜、兽类的棚、舍

  • 饲养场内有供大熊猫居住的十多间圈舍

圈舍[quān shè]
  1. 试验采用腐植酸饲料添加剂与EM原露的配合饲用,研究奶牛产奶量、乳脂率和改善圈舍环境等方面的作用。

    In order to study the effect of humic acid combined with Effective Microorganisms ( EM ) on the milk productivity of cow , humic acid feedstuff additive and EM were feed to cows in this experiment .

  2. 结果表明:腐植酸与EM原露配合使用效果最佳,产奶量比对照组CK增产15.79%,乳脂率增加到3.54,圈舍环境得到了明显改善。

    The results indicated that the effectiveness of Humic acid combined with EM is the best . In contrast to control group CK , producing milk quantity increased 15.79 % , butter fat rate increased to 3.54 , and cowshed environment was also improved .

  3. 改善猪冬季生长的圈舍小气候环境,减少不合理的热能消耗,提高饲料利用率。

    The energy consumption was decreased and the feed efficiency increased .

  4. 生物发酵床与暖棚式圈舍对育肥猪育肥效果的对比试验

    Effects of biological ferment bed and warm pen on the pig fattening

  5. 影响这些方面的因素很大程度上由圈舍和管理决定。

    The factors influencing these are determined largely by housing and management .

  6. 为牲畜搭建临时圈舍并提供饮水,更有利于它们度过严冬

    Sheltering animals and providing water makes it easier to survive a harsh winter

  7. 四川养麝研究所人工养麝场圈舍设计的生态化策略

    Ecological Strategies of Musk Deer Breeding-house Design in Sichuan Academe of Musk Deer Breeding

  8. 熊猫苑圈舍后山崩塌危岩带是“5·12”地震中发生的一处地质灾害。

    The rockfall in panda sheds mountain was a geological disaster during " 5.12 " earthquake .

  9. 净化环境、除臭、驱虫、净化圈舍空气,减少因环境恶化造成的生产能力障碍。

    Purify environment , deodorant , insecticide , purifying fold air , reduce environmental degradation caused by production capacity obstacles .

  10. 环境富集和饲养密度以及夏季饮水温度和圈舍通风对绵羊福利的影响

    Effects of Environmental Enrichment and Stocking Density , Water Temperature and Fan Ventilation on Sheep Welfare in Summer on Sheep Welfare

  11. 传染性疾病、仔麝死亡率、圈舍空间等承载容量因素对圈养马麝种群产生重要制约作用。

    As for infectious disease , the mortality of newborn musk deer and carrying capacity of breeding houses can influence the population dynamics . 2 .

  12. 视频中显示,这些超级可爱、让人很想抱一抱的熊猫宝宝们仰卧在圈舍的草地上,争相抢夺装有配方牛奶的奶瓶。

    The footage shows the cute and cuddly bears lying on their backs on grass in their enclosure grabbing hold of the bottles filled with formula .

  13. 改善饲养管理,圈舍保持温暖干燥,空气清洁,定期消毒。

    Improved feeding and management , keep pens warm and dry , the air clean and disinfected regularly to improve the breeding environment to reduce disease incidence .

  14. 从道德角度而言,鸡有足够的意识或“知觉”,能够在健康状况不佳的情况下感到疼痛,在圈舍条件较差的情况下产生缺失感。

    From an ethical perspective , chickens have a sufficient degree of awareness or " sentience " to suffer pain if their health is poor , or deprivation if they are poorly housed .

  15. 随着猪群的年龄的增长、与猫鼠和蚊蝇接触机会的增多,弓形虫病阳性率越高;气温降低、圈舍清扫次数增多、饲养密度降低,弓形虫病的感染率降低。

    T.gondii infection rate rises as the age of the swinery and the contact with cats , mice , mosquitos and flies increases and decreases as the temperature falls , the density of the pig population decreases and sweeping frequency of swinery increases .

  16. 通过对弓形虫感染因素的统计学分析发现:弓形虫病血清学阳性率与猪群的年龄、猫鼠的存在、圈舍清扫和消毒的频率和抗弓形虫药物的使用相关。

    Statistical analysis of T.gondii infection factors showed that the seropositive rate was related to the age of the swinery , the existance of cats and mice in the swinery , sweeping and sterilization frequency of swinery and the administration of anti T.gondii drugs .

  17. 食物和水源基本依赖于人工场所,取食地依次为地面散落食物处、粪堆、垃圾堆、杂草丛、庭院晾晒的粮食及畜禽圈舍,缺乏自然食物资源。

    Its food and water resources are from artificial places . Because of not having enough natural foods to tree sparrows , feeding places include falling foods sites in ground , dunghill , dump , brushwood , drying grain crops in garden , poultry houses .

  18. 日前,中国山东省一家动物园承认将一只受伤的哈士奇放进了一个狼群密集的圈舍内,并辩称说这只哈士奇受到狼群们的“尊敬”--尽管最初的目的是想给游客们“找些乐子”。

    A zoo in eastern China 's Shandong province has admitted to keeping a wounded husky dog in a populated wolf den , arguing that the dog was " respected " by the wolves , though it was initially introduced to " create more fun " for tourists .

  19. 她说,大绍玛村的“环境革命”从道路硬化、人畜分离,延伸到了少数民族群众的窗台圈舍和柴房,还在村里开展了“卫生先进家庭”的评选活动。

    She says the clean-up works in Da Shaoma village included road construction , separating the areas where animals live from the residential areas , and repairing the houses of the local villagers . To maintain the momentum of the campaign , the local officials praise the families who maintain the cleanest houses .