
Clear the soil of weeds and fork in plenty of compost .
The rain will percolate through the soil .
They embedded the pilings deep into the subsoil .
The gender gap on this question is even wider among working adults in their 30s and 40s , when many women face the trade-offs that go with work and motherhood .
Study background value of beryllium and vanadium in alluvial rice soil of Western Sichuan Plain
A in the A soil increased 1.5 times , in the B soil 2.8 times , in the C soil 3.3 times .
Adsorption behavior of ~ ( 99 ) Tc in Ca-bentonite
By means of naturally burying specimens in soil , corrosion behavior of Al in brown desert soil in Xinjiang was studied .
Profile Distribution of Total Cu , Pb , Hg , As in Some Paddy Soils from the Southern Jiangsu , China and the Influencing Factors
The results in thermostatic incubation experiment were given as follows : ( 1 ) Speciation of Cd in the artificially Cd contaminated soil analyzed by the modified BCR sequential extraction procedure were acid extractable reducible residual oxidizable .
By pot experiment , study was conducted on the effect of P fertilizer application on the growth of plant , the concentration and the amount of uptake of Cd , Cu , Zn , Mn of plant in Cd polluted calcareous Chao soil .
The degradation rate of chlopyrifos in the d soil was still rapid than that in the ck soil and s soil , but the difference become smaller 90 days after pretreatment .
Contrarily , in bare soil , the peak of N_2O emission rate occurred at the anaphase of the experiment , and there was a significant exponential correlation between N_2O emission and air temperature .
Research and Analysis on the soilwater retention efficiency of the absorbent DQ-1 in the sandy soil of the West Heilongjiang Province
The adsorption ratio of Tc in bentonite increase with the increase of the mass percent of Fe and Tc exists mainly in the form of Tc (ⅶ) after the adsorption equilibriums .
Tender plants were transferred to M4 medium when they were about 2 centimeters in height . Some plants , which rooted and formed obvious root system , were transplanted into soil .
The results show that the enrichment degree of REE in calcareous soils from the Wujiang catchments is much higher than that of limestone , yellow soil , upper continental crust ( UCC ), China soil ( CS ) and world soil ( WS ) .
The SWCC is defined as the relationship between suction and water content ( or degree of saturation ) for the soils , which is an important topic in the research of unsaturated soil .
The ratios of phenanthrene anthracene and benzo ( a ) anthracene chrysene and (() ~ ( 13 ) C-NMR ) spectrum of soil organic matter showed that PAHs in ancient paddy soil mainly originated from rice straw burning , biogenesis under reducing conditions may be another source .
Field tests of studying the overwintering and survival of Phytophthora boehmeriae Sawada by means of a vital stain MTT ( tetrazolium bromide ) were carried out in Hebei Province . The results showed that both sporangia and oospores could survive in the boll residues in the soil .
Analysis of settlement induced by dewatering during excavation in layered soil
Model Test for Single Pile and Pile Foundation in Sandy Soil
Constructing Test on Dynamic Compaction Soil-cement Pile in Saturated Soft Soil
Dynamic response of spherical cavity in nearly saturated elastic soils
Study on on Site Experiment of Explosion Cavity in Soil
Loads Imposing on the Box-type Structures Buried in Elasto-plastic Soils
Stress Transmission Mechanism and Effective Stress Analysis of Unsaturated Soils
Mechanical Characteristics of Gas in Non - saturated Soil Mass
The difference between measurements of stress in soil and pressure on wall-surface
Study for fluid - solid coupling process in unsaturated soil