
  • 网络Presidents of Turkey
  1. 土耳其总统上电视为严格的新安全措施进行辩护。

    The Turkish president has gone on television to defend stringent new security measures

  2. “不幸的是,美国的一些政客却在为幼稚的政治游戏而牺牲大问题作出努力,”新当选的土耳其总统阿卜杜拉?居尔(AbdullahGul)说。

    " Unfortunately , some politicians in the United States have made an attempt to sacrifice big issues for minor political games ," said Turkey 's newly elected president , Abdullah Gul .

  3. 伊斯坦布尔——土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(RecepTayyipErdogan)说,上周未遂政变的幕后操纵者,是一位举止温和的穆斯林神职人员,目前他因自我流放,居住在宾夕法尼亚州农村。政变几乎成功地接管了政府,差点杀死了埃尔多安。

    ISTANBUL - Turkey 's president , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , says that a mild-mannered Muslim cleric living in self-imposed exile in rural Pennsylvania was pulling the strings of a coup attempt last week that almost succeeded in taking over the state , and killing Mr. Erdogan himself .

  4. 此番言论惹怒了土耳其总统。

    The comments outraged Turkey 's president .

  5. 土耳其总统居尔乘坐的喷气客机在武装直升机的护航下抵达亚美尼亚,开始了他对亚美尼亚具有历史意义的访问。

    Turkish President Abdullah Gul 's jet arrived in Armenia on this historical visit escorted by attack helicopters .

  6. 上周,土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安指责希腊的演习危及航行安全。

    Last week , Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Greece of endangering navigational safety with its exercises .

  7. 土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安在伊斯坦布尔会见了获得国际承认的利比亚总理费耶兹·萨拉吉。

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has met with Libyan internationally recognized Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj in Istanbul .

  8. 宣布这一消息的前一天,土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安表示,土耳其军队正在向的黎波里进发。

    The announcement came a day after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkish military units are moving to Tripoli .

  9. 目前并不知道他们达成了什么协议,而土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安拒绝透露细节。

    Little is known about what kind of deal was made and Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan won 't release details .

  10. 他与土耳其总统一起在布尔萨体育馆观看两国世界杯资格争夺赛。

    He joined his Turkish counterpart in a stadium in Bursa to watch their two countries play a World Cup qualifier .

  11. 土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安表示,土耳其将向利比亚派遣军队,以支持联合国支持的利比亚全国团结政府。

    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that Turkey is sending troops to Libya to support the United Nations-backed Government of National Accord .

  12. 土耳其总统居尔抵达亚美尼亚首都埃里温,这是土耳其国家元首第一次访问亚美尼亚。

    The Turkish President Abdullah Gul arrived in the Armenian capital Yerevan , the first time a Turkish head of state has visited the country .

  13. 土耳其总统居尔谴责这次袭击,他说,靠恐怖主义手段是无法达到任何目标的,这些袭击显示,凶手是多么的没有人性。

    Turkey 's President Abdullah Gul condemned the attack saying no goals can be achieved by terrorism and these attacks show how inhumane the instigators are .

  14. 希腊总理基里亚科斯·米佐塔基斯要求土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安停止鼓励土耳其移民进入希腊。

    Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is calling on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo ğ an to stop encouraging migrants in Turkey to cross into Greece .

  15. 坎特说,他担心如果前往伦敦,他可能会因为反对土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安而遭到攻击甚至是杀害。

    Kanter said he feared he could be attacked or killed over his opposition to Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan if he were to travel to London .

  16. 土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安警告称,如果利比亚东部部队继续袭击其国际承认的政府,土耳其将对哈夫塔尔采取行动。

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warns that Turkey will take action against Haftar if his eastern Libyan forces continue attacks against the country 's internationally recognized government .

  17. 纽约和华盛顿的大佬们都参加外交关系委员会,这周听土耳其总统发言,下周与英特尔首席执行官见面。

    Movers and shakers in New York and Washington join the Council on foreign relations , where they can listen to the president of Turkey one week and the chief executive of Intel the next .

  18. 因为土耳其总统一直是无党派的“礼节性”国家元首。但是总理已经明确表明他将扩大总统权力,这标志着土耳其的治理制度可能会发生重大改变。

    Turkey 's president has traditionally been a non-partisan , largely ceremonial figure . But the prime minister has already make clear his intent to expend presidential powers , possibly signaling a dramatic change in Turkey 's system of governance .

  19. 土耳其总统表示,现在他愿意将公园开发案交由法官处理,但是他警告逗留在公园的示威者称,如果他们不离开,那他们今天就会被安全部队赶出去。

    Turkey 's president says he is now willing to let the park development case be handled by a judge , but he warned lingering protesters in the park they would be thrown out today by security forces if they did not leave .

  20. 周二,居伦再次否认与政变有任何牵连。“土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安今天再次证明,他在巩固自己的权力、打压他的批评者上愿意拿出任何可能的手段,”居伦在一份声明中说。

    On Tuesday , Mr. Gulen again denied any involvement . " Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today once again demonstrated he will go to any length necessary to solidify his power and persecute his critics , " Mr. Gulen said in a statement .

  21. 这是土耳其元首33年来首次访问巴格达,在这历史性的时刻,伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼和土耳其总统居尔都满面笑容。

    Both Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Turkish President Gul were all smiles for the historic occasion .

  22. 土耳其总理表示他将封锁推特,而抗议者甚至在海报和大楼上注明使用方法,不过土耳其总统在推特上宣布,他不会支持这项禁令。

    Protesters are even spray-painting instructions on posters and buildings after the Turkish prime minister said that he wanted to " wipe out " Twitter , but the president of Turkey announced on Twitter that he does not support the ban .