
  • 网络holiness;the Holy See;Sancta Sedes
  1. 2002年,圣座已经归还了裹尸布。

    In 2002 the Holy See had the shroud restored .

  2. 梵蒂冈城,也被称为圣座,比国家广场和华盛顿特区还要小很多。

    Vatican city which is also called the Holy See , is smaller than a National Mall and Washington D.C.

  3. 内设主教圣座而由首席牧师主持的总教堂。

    The principal Christian church building of a bishop 's diocese .

  4. 梵蒂冈于1995年圣诞节创建了圣座梵蒂冈全球网网址。

    The Vatican inaugurated the Holy See Vatican Web Site at Christmas , 1995 .

  5. 教皇运用教宗无误所宣称的,是教皇的断定或者以圣座颁布的教训。

    Statements by a pope that exercise papal infallibility are referred to as solemn papal definitions or ex cathedra teachings .

  6. (罗马天主教)在一个国家与它没有正式外交关系的圣座代表。

    ( Roman Catholic ) a representative of the Holy See in a country that has no formal diplomatic relations with it .

  7. 记得几天以前我向驻圣座外交使节们说过:仇恨只能用爱来克胜。ph.1.(美国)驻外使领职务,2.各国驻外使领人员

    A few days ago I reminded the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See that hatred can only be overcome through love . foreign service

  8. 给她带来安慰的是母亲仰望上帝圣座和他的圣徒天使们、祈求赐福于她所爱的人时那张宁静的脸。

    It was the sight of her mother 's serene face upturned to the throne of God and His saints and angels , praying for blessings on those whom she loved .