
  • 网络P.I.D.;land no
  1. 深圳市的土地以宗地为基本单位统一编号,叫宗地号,简称地号。

    The land of Shenzhen city with ancestor the ground unites number for main unit , call a ground date , abbreviation ground date .

  2. 我们知道饥饿,饥饿难熬,只得不停地哭号。

    But we 're hungry , very hungry , and we cannot stop our crying .

  3. 另外,还讨论了根据地电信号特点设计的一种采集算法。

    In addition , the paper shows a data acquisition algorithm on the basis of earth resistivity characteristics .

  4. 标牌采用铝制,标注制造地、号、号、用厂名,检具的重量及尺寸。

    The fixture with an aluminums Brand , mark with manufacturer , serial number , drawing No. , user name , weight , dimensions .

  5. 1-MCP处理能够显著地抑制24号桃在贮藏过程中的果肉褐变。

    1-MCP as a new gaseous inhibitor of ethylene action will be available for inhibiting the flesh browning of peaches in future .

  6. 在矿山开采疏干排水21年时,洪阳水源地的11号井、14号井和补2B井均报废,7号井需更换大扬程水泵方能继续使用。

    After 21 years of mining the No.11 well , No.14 well and No.2B well were scrapped , the NO.7 well needs replacing lift pump to use .

  7. 但是他们格外地关注13号星期五这天。

    But they are extra careful on Friday the Thirteenth .

  8. 在下面,船长惊恐地发现泰坦尼克号正在迅速下沉。

    Below , the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly .

  9. 结果在11只家兔后肢中成功地导出电信号,1只失败。

    Results Electrical signal was successfully recorded in 11 legs of rabbits , with failure in 1 case .

  10. 为了快速准确的地进行集装箱号识别,提出了一种基于图像分割和区域特征分析的集装箱号字符定位和识别方法。

    This paper proposes an algorithm for container character location and recognition based on image segmentation and region feature analysis .

  11. 不久前离开地球地阿斯屈拉号飞船准备飞行三百英里进入太空。

    The spaceship Astra which left the earth a short time ago , will be travelling three hundred miles into space .

  12. 在巴黎没有什么爱情秘密!人们饶有兴趣地朝14号包厢里的伯爵和子爵张望着。

    There are no love secrets in Paris ! People watched the Comte and the Vicomte in Box 14 with interest .

  13. 这种虚拟凸轮机构能方便地实现电信号控制,稳定性好,可靠性高,具有很好的实用价值。

    The signal control can be easily realized by this virtual cam mechanism with good stability , high reliability , and better practical value .

  14. 07方舟兽医诊所,香港西营盘第三街100号,真光大厦地库3号铺。

    The Ark Veterinary Hospital , Shop 3 , LG / F , True Light Building , 100 Third Street , Sai Ying Pun , Hong Kong .

  15. 他的副手按时来作航线记录,一一记在图上,所以我可以很正确地了解诺第留斯号所走的路线。

    His chief officer regularly fixed the positions I found reported on the chart , and in such a way that I could exactly plot the Nautilus 's course .

  16. 结构-元素之间的结构关系是相同的,因此例如地址一贯地包含门牌号、街道、城市、地区和邮政编码。

    Structure-the structural relationships between elements is the same so that for example an address consistently consists of a house number , street , city , region and post code .

  17. 在文章最后,本文展示了试验的结果,并给出了结果分析。试验结果证明了本文提出的识别算法能有效地识别批次号,有着实际的应用价值。

    In the last part of this article , test result and some test result analysis were presented to demonstrate the algorithm proposed above , which proved to have practical utility .

  18. 成千上万块手帕在挤得紧紧的群众头上招展,不停地向林肯号敬礼,直到船抵达赫德森河口,纽约城所在的长形半岛的尖端,人群才渐渐散去。

    Thousands of handkerchiefs were waving above these tightly packed masses , hailing the Abraham Lincoln until it reached the waters of the Hudson River , at the tip of the long peninsula that forms New York City .

  19. 魁魁格尝遍了各种杂烩,吃了一顿非常丰盛的早饭,弄得老板娘不能托他斋戒的福,大大赚钱。我们兴冲冲地到裴廓德号去,一面闲逛似地走着,一面用大比目鱼刺剔着牙齿。

    and Queequeg , taking a prodigiously hearty breakfast of chowders of all sorts , so that the landlady should not make much profit by reason of his Ramadan , we sallied out to board the Pequod , sauntering along , and picking our teeth with halibut bones .

  20. 不到三分钟我就轻而易举地驾着伊斯帕尼奥拉号沿着金银岛顺风而行了。

    In three minutes I had the Hispaniola sailing easily before the wind , along the coast of Treasure Island .

  21. 可以看到schemainfo忠实地跟踪当前版本号。

    You can see schema_info faithfully track the current version number .

  22. 因为RM目的地端分配序列号标志符,一旦序列被终止,RM的目的地端能够清除所有与终止的序列相关的资源。

    Because the RM Destination assigns the Sequence identifier , once the Sequence has been terminated , the RM Destination can purge all state associated with the terminated Sequence .

  23. NW向断层除了与莺歌海盆地分界的1号边界走滑断层外,其他均为调节断层,也带有一定的走滑性质。

    Beside No.1 fault , which was strike-slip fault and the boundary fault of Yinggehai basin , the other NW-trend faults were adjusted faults , but also with a certain strike-slip weight .

  24. 香奈儿现任香水师贾克·波巨坐在香奈儿女上的旧公寓里,大胆地对原版五号香水进行了第四次诠释,并称为“No.5EauPremiére”。

    Sitting in mademoiselle 's old apartment , Jacques Polges , the current master perfumer at Chanel , has dared to create what will be only the fourth interpretation of the original-No. 5 Eau Premi é re .

  25. 利用光电探测器将其中的四束1级衍射光的光强线性地转换为电信号,将它们作为神经网络的输入,入射光Stokes参数作为神经网络的输出,建立多层线性神经网络模型。

    The light fluxes of the four 1st order diffracted beams are linearly converted into four electrical signals by a photoelectric conversion circuit . A multilayer linear neural network model is set up whose inputs are the electrical signals , and outputs are the Stokes parameters of the incident light .

  26. 提出了一种处理320t筒形混铁车凝铁故障的全新方法,并采用此方法成功地将武钢11号混铁车内114t凝铁排除。

    A new process is provided for dealing congeal iron fault of 320t barrel type iron mix car . Using this process , 114t congeal iron was removed from No. 11 iron mix car successful .

  27. 船在水上平稳地航行.东风号航行太平洋。

    The ship slipped through the water . The East Wind sailed the Pacific .

  28. 他们会随时地听候我们的号唤。

    They can be beckoned whenever you need .

  29. 自动地将编码电信号变换为纸带上的穿孔的任何纸带穿孔机。

    Any tape punch that automatically converts coded electrical signals into perforation in tape .

  30. 辩证唯物地研究书次号&再与蒋鸿标先生商榷

    Research the Book Numbers by Dialectical Materialism