
  • 网络physiographic stages
  1. 中国地文期研究史

    The history of the researches on physiographic stages in China

  2. 中国第四纪冰期、地文期和黄土记录

    Quaternary glaciations , physiographic stages and loess record in China

  3. 青藏高原隆起与黄河地文期

    Uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the Yellow River physiographic period

  4. 华北地文期命名之新见

    A New Viewpoint on Renaming the Physiographic Time of North China

  5. 鄂西高原地文期辨析

    The identification of the physiographic epoch in West Hubei Plateau

  6. 黄河中游的地貌与地文期问题

    The Landforms in the Middle Reaches of The Yellow River and Problem of Physiographic Stage

  7. 地文期与地文期研究

    Physiographic stages and their research in China

  8. 太行期岩溶剥蚀面的发现及地文期的划分

    The discovery of karst denudation surface of the Taihang stage and the division of physiographic stages

  9. 在晚新生代黄河中游至少存在九个地文期旋回。

    There are at least nine physiographic cycles in the middle reaches of the Yellow River during the Late Cenozoic Era .