
dì fɑnɡ fēn quán
  • decentralization;decentralism
  1. 另一方面,往往把政府间纵向关系中的中央集权与地方分权作为两个独立的研究方向对象进行研究,各自沿着单一的的思路进行剖析而得出相关的结论。

    On the other hand , it is about the longitudinal intergovernmental relations in the centralization and decentralization as two independent research focuses , respectively along the single way to analyze and draw relevant conclusions .

  2. 伦敦与利物浦是实施地方分权政策的实例。

    London and Liverpool are examples of a policy of decentralization .

  3. 中国的改革具有明显的地方分权特征。

    Reform in China is characterized by regional division of power .

  4. 其次,转轨过程中,地方分权存在的问题。

    Second , in the process of transition , the problems of decentralization .

  5. 试论我国中央集权&地方分权混合体制的合理性

    Probing into the Rationality of Centralism - regionalism Composite System of Our Country

  6. 论1912年前后章士钊的地方分权论和国家结构观

    On Zhang Si-zhao 's Idea of Decentralization & State Structure in about 1912

  7. 地方分权与乡镇财政职能

    Fiscal Decentralization and Functions of the Township Government

  8. 完善地方分权与反对地方保护主义

    Perfect Decentralization with Opposes the Regional Protectionism

  9. 如何继续推进地方分权?

    How to continue to promote decentralization ?

  10. 而只要存在中央与地方分权的财政联邦主义,就具备发行地方政府债券的前提。

    So far as fiscal federalism is concerned , there exists precondition for local government bonds .

  11. 和其他制度相比,地方分权制已被认可并被推荐:它可以很好解决政府中央部门繁重的决策任务;

    Decentralization has been recommended inter alia as a cure for cumbersome decision-making at the centre ;

  12. 地方分权从中心位置分散开来或下放中央权力

    To undergo redistribution or dispersal away from a central location or authority . Centre for Human Rights

  13. 目前我国中央与地方分权制度存在谈判费用、执行费用和监督费用均过高的问题。

    At present , the cost of negotiation , execution and supervision in decentralization institution are exorbitant .

  14. 健全完善地方分权

    Improve The Decentralization Process

  15. 在党领导下的中央与地方分权之间的矛盾显得不可调和,这样直接影响了民生大计。

    Under the leadership of the Party Central and decentralization seem irreconcilable contradiction between , this directly affects the livelihood of people .

  16. 在国家权力纵向配置中,无论是绝对的中央集权还是绝对的地方分权,都是权力配置的极端表现,都存在着明显的弊端。

    For vertical allocation of state power , either absolute centralization or decentralization is an extreme expression of power allocation with obvious disadvantages .

  17. 法国城市规划的地方分权19192000年法国城市规划体系发展演变综述

    Urban Planning Decentralization Policy in France & A Brief Review on the Evolution of Urban Planning System in France from 1919 to 2000

  18. 地方分权实质上是将国家权力在行政体制内部进行合理分配,以达到提高行政质量和行政效率的目的。

    In order to enhance the quality and efficiency of administration , decentralization has become a basic evolving trend of modern stating governance in substance .

  19. 具体说来,本文认真研究了以下三个方面的问题:一是中央集权与地方分权关系调整问题;

    That to say , the thesis discreetly research three problems : Firstly , the adjustment problem of the central and local government 's relationship ;

  20. 一些学者认为,地方分权促进了市场的竞争,但另一种观点则指出,这种改革造成了地方分割,产生了市场扭曲。

    Some scholars hold that regional division of power has enhanced market competition while others believe the reform has resulted in regional separation and market distortion .

  21. 论文分析了后福利国家时代日本20世纪末的地方分权改革所具有的重大意义。

    Secondly , the dissertation analyzes the great meaning of decentralization reformation of local government in Japan in the lately 1900s in the era of post-welfare state .

  22. 为寻求行政机关之间的正式协议的法律基础,有必要建立地方分权的政治制度。

    In order to seek the legal foundation of the formal agreement between the administrative organs , it is necessary to set up the political system of the de-centralism .

  23. 在斗争中,地方分权派遭受失败,二次革命被击败,国会也被解散。

    In the struggle the party of local power was defeated , the " Second Revolution " came to an end in failure , and the congress was dismissed .

  24. 宪法意义上的地方分权是地方权力对中央权威的一种回应性诉求,也是宪政权力纵向配置的一种内在机理。

    Localizing political authority in the constitutional sense is considered as a response of local power to Central Authority and is the internal mechanism of allocating vertically constitutional power .

  25. 随着中央对地方分权改革的推进,地方政府利益主体的地位日益强化,由此而产生的竞争问题日益凸显。

    With the advance of the central decentralization reform , the status of local governments ' mian interests is increasingly strengthened , and the result of their competition is becoming increasingly obvious .

  26. 它制订的程序和结构完全符合宪法基本原理,彰显了对民权的特别保护,划分省之事权也是地方分权的实际要求。

    The formulation proceeding and structure of Hunan provincial constitution accorded with the basic principles of constitution , showing the respect to human rights and the trend of local area division of power .

  27. 提倡地方分权的桥下彻并不是周日大选的候选人,今年9月他在大阪创立了日本维新会,这是日本第一个总部位于东京之外的全国性政党。

    An advocate of decentralisation , Mr Hashimoto , who is not a candidate in Sunday 's election , launched the Restoration party in Osaka in September as the first national political force based outside Tokyo .

  28. 由于美国地方分权的政治体制,各州的学校合并政策及其实施是多元的,因而增加了对美国农村学校合并问题研究的复杂性。

    Because of the political system of the decentralization of authority , state-related school policies and the implementation of the consolidation are also diverse , therefore the complexity of the study of consolidation of American rural schools increased .

  29. 自20世纪中期以来,特别是近几十年来,许多国家和地区为了适应课程改革的形势要求,不论是中央集权的还是地方分权的,都在调整或制定新的课程政策。

    Since the middle of 20th century , especially recent several decades , most countries and regions , including centralized and decentralized , have adjusted their own curriculum policy and adopted new policies to meet the needs of curriculum reform .

  30. 公共政策在执行过程中的异变现象在我国政策执行中是长期存在着的,且伴随着改革开放的深入和地方分权的发展有加剧的趋势。

    In China , the mutation during the process of the public policy implementation is a long-term phenomenon exists . With the deepening of the reform and opening-up policy and the development of the decentralization , it has exacerbated the trend .