
  1. ~(218)P0法在地质灾害勘查中的应用与展望

    Application and Prospect of ~ ( 218 ) p_o method to geological hazard

  2. GIS支持下的物探数据的管理与分析&以地质灾害勘查地球物理信息管理系统的建设为例

    Management and Analysis of Geophysical Data by Applying GIS Technique Establishment of Geophysical Information Management System for Geological Hazards Exploration

  3. 地质灾害勘查中应注意的几个问题

    On several problems worthy of note in geologic hazard investigation

  4. 地球物理方法在地质灾害勘查中的应用

    The application of geophysical prospecting techniques to geological hazard exploration

  5. 地质灾害勘查综合物探数据管理与解释系统

    Management and Explanation System of Integrated Geophysical Techniques Data in Geological Hazard Investigation

  6. 综合物探数据分析系统在地质灾害勘查中的应用

    The application of analysis system to integrated geophysical techniques in geological hazard investigation

  7. 努力提高地质灾害勘查监测技术水平为防治地质灾害服务

    Advancing the surveying and monitoring technique for the prevention and control of geological hazards

  8. 变形观测在地质灾害勘查中的应用

    Application of Deformation Observation in Geologic Hazard Prospecting

  9. 崩塌分类和崩塌稳定性检算方法已被《岩土工程勘察设计手册》和《地质灾害勘查指南》等采用。

    The classification methods and the calculating methods for the stability of collapses are used by Geotechnical Investigation and Design Manual and Geological Hazards Investigation Guide .

  10. 对国土开发和地质灾害勘查评价、减灾防灾工作等具有一定意义。

    It is in a way significant to the utilization of land , and especially to the investigation , evaluation , reduction and prevention of the hazards .

  11. 地质灾害的勘查是地质灾害评估、灾害治理方案设计、防治工程实施的重要保证,其中物探技术可以发挥重要作用。

    The exploration of geological hazards can guarantee the fulfillment of such tasks as evaluating geological hazards , drawing up a plan for tackling hazards and carrying out a prevention and control project .

  12. 本文对传递系数法、Sarma法在稳定性计算中的应用进行了总结,并结合燕翅山地质灾害防治工程勘查工作,对各实测资料进行了分析;

    In this paper , application of transfer coefficient method and Sarma method in the stability computation are summed up .

  13. 虎门镇东风社区某岩质边坡地质灾害治理工程勘查

    Rock Slope Engineering Exploration Geological Disasters Thesis in Humen town of Dongguan

  14. 滑坡地质灾害治理工程勘查的实践&以浙江省余姚市大俞村滑坡为例

    Practice of Geological Investigation For Landslide Stabilization & With Dayu Village Landslide in Yuyao City of Zhejiang Province For Example

  15. 我国矿山地质灾害主要类型和勘查防治方法

    Main mine geological disaster types in China and the observation and harnessing methods

  16. 对自然地质作用和工程场地施工所诱发的地质灾害的勘查,以及为正确设置地质灾害监测网点的勘查,均有其重要性及特殊性。

    It has importance and significance for surveying the hazards induced by natural geologic actions and construction on sites , and for setting up the monitoring networks .