
  1. 地震谣传后de思考

    Considering on earthquake rumors

  2. 无为县地震谣传的平息与思考

    Ponderation and subsiding of the earthquake rumors spreading in Wuwei County

  3. 关于平息漳州10·9地震谣传工作的体会

    The Experience on appeasing the 10 · 9 earthquake rumor in Zhangzhou

  4. 安徽省地震谣传特征及控制对策

    Features of earthquake rumors in Anhui Province and rumor-controlling countermeasures

  5. 新传播手段下的地震谣传和对策思考

    Under the New Means of Communication and Countermeasures Earthquake Rumors

  6. 识别地震谣传减轻人为灾害

    Researches on the recognition of earthquake rumors and the reduction of man-made disasters

  7. 地震谣传的诱发原因、演变特征及平息对策

    Inducement , evolution and subsidence countermeasure of earthquake rumour

  8. 论地震谣传与社会信息沟通

    On the seismic rumors and social message communication

  9. 地震谣传平息后的思考

    The ponder afte earthquake rumor alleviated

  10. 面对地震谣传的思考

    Thinking on earthquake rumour

  11. 1981年陕西省汉中地区暴雨洪灾中的地震谣传及其辟谣对策(调研报告)

    An Earthquake Rumoured to Occur during the Rainstorm Flood Disaster of 1981 in the HanZhong Area . Shaanxi Province , China and the Countermeasures Taken for Repudiating It ( An Investigation Report )

  12. 本文以翔实的资料,从环境地质条件,城市建设规划,建筑物防震减灾以及地震谣传等方面,论述了厦门城市存在发生各种地震灾害的危险。

    From the full and accurate data , this paper expounds various risks on earthquake hazards existing in Xiamen City in many aspects such as the environmental geological conditions , urban construction planning , earthquake protection and hazard mitigation for buildings , rumour of earthquakes and so on .

  13. 中国地震监测网络中心在即将引起公众恐慌之前很快辟除了北京地震的谣传。

    The China Earthquake Networks Centre quickly denounced the rumours of a Beijing earthquake , before further panic ensued .