- 网络hemicryptophytes;hemicryptophyte

The life forms of most of the plants belonged to the therophytes , followed by hemicryptophytes .
Hemicryptophytes took the second largest proportion of the community , reflecting the plants adapted to the long , cold winter of the three regions .
The results showed : hemicryptophytes biomass did not have clear zonality law ;
However , the three ecological types were dominated by taproot type , limb type and hemicryptophyte .
Most plants among the six life forms belonged to the hemicryptophyte which accounted for 31.25 % .
Meso and micro-phanerophytes predominated in life-form , hemicryptophyte at the second ; interlayer plants and annuals are fewer .
The results showed that the structure of plant life forms was different among landforms and the number of hemicryphtophytes or annual plants were more than others .
Results indicate that phanerophyte is the dominant synusia in the shrub layer and hemicryptophyte in the herbage layer , and Selaginella is the only species on the forest floor .
The life forms of most of the plants belong to the hemicryptophyte which forms 40 % , the geophyte 29 % , and the hemicryptophyte - geophyte 15 % .
The 51.82 % of species of Sympetalae ( except Compositae ) in this area are Hemicryptophyte , and therefore they are the dominating components in the plant life form spectrum in this area .
It was showed by the results that in this community , micro-phanerophytes and meso-phanerophytes occupied the dominant position , accounting for 28.85 % and 17.31 % respectively . Hemicryptophytes ( 12.2 % ) and epiphytic ( 8.33 % ) had higher percentage .
The growth-forms of vegetation type dominated by shrubs and herbs , a total of 518 species and account for 93.16 % of the total species . spectrum phanerophyte at most , hemicryptophyte second and the ground buds at least in the life-forms of vegetation .
Herbaceous chamaephytes , hemicryptophytes and geophytes are dominant , 233 species , comprising 83.21 % of the total , that is adapted to harsh , subalpine habitats .