
jūn yī xìnɡ
  • uniformity;homogeneity
  1. 影响CMP用纳米Al2O3磨粒粒度均一性的因素及其机理

    Factors and Mechanisms Influencing Granularity Uniformity of Nano-sized γ - Al_2O_3 Abrasives for preparing CMP

  2. VRLA蓄电池浮充电压均一性的探讨

    Study on the uniformity of floating charge voltage of VRLA battery

  3. HPLC、质谱分析鉴定其分子的均一性和准确性。

    HPLC , mass spectrometric analysis demonstrate the molecular accuracy and precision .

  4. 其均一性,用电泳,HPLC法分析。

    The homogeneity was analyzed using electrophoresis and HPLC .

  5. 得到的有序大孔硅薄膜具有孔结构保存良好,并具有良好的均一性,证实了沉积物为Si。

    It is proved that the Ordered Macroporous Si film has well-preserved pore-structure with same size .

  6. ~(137)Cs在耕作土壤中的均一性分布研究

    Study on Homogeneity Distribution of ~ ( 137 ) Cs in Agricultural Soils

  7. 结果经纯化后所得样品具有等电点均一性,达到了高效液相纯及SDSpage凝胶电泳纯。

    China . Results HPLC , SDS PAGE and IEF electrophoresis all proved the sample 's homogeneity .

  8. 粉末试样的均一性同样会影响DTA曲线的重复性。

    The homogeneity of specimen obviously influences the precision of testing .

  9. 结果:培养的MSCs集落生长迅速,均一性好。

    Results : Rapid growth with good homogeneity in cultured MSCs was observed .

  10. 城市下垫面对地表能量交换的影响巨大,引起地表温度分布的不均一性。Air(初三适用)

    Urban ground surface has an important effect on the energy exchange between air and land , which leads to an inhomogeneous distribution of land surface temperature ( LST ) .

  11. 先天性长QT综合征的QT间期不均一性:诊断上的意义

    Heterogeneity of the QT interval in the inherited long QT syndrome : diagnostic implications

  12. 测序结果显示所购克隆为目的基因克隆,电泳结果显示提取的质粒和PCR产物保持了较好的纯度和均一性。

    Electrophoreses results revealed good quality of extracted plasmids and PCR products . Sequencing results showed that the genes were the correct ones .

  13. 核不均一性核糖核蛋白A1在大肠癌中的表达

    Expression of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Al in colorectal cancer

  14. Pt、Pd地球化学巨省只是地球原始组成物质不均一性在地表的表现。

    The geochemical megaprovince of Pt and Pd is a surface expression of the original geochemical heterogeneity of the earth .

  15. 结果发现:1.在90°C下pH为1.02的处理溶液中成功制备了均一性高、分散性好的TiO2/PS复合微球。

    TiO2 / PS composite microspheres with high uniformity and good dispersibility were successfully prepared on Ti substrate at 90 ° C in the pH 1.02 treatment solutions .

  16. 其次,发现了毕赤酵母表达的胰岛素前体N末端的不均一性现象并分析了原因。

    The heterogeneity phenomenon on the N-terminal of insulin precursor produced by Pichia pastoris was found . The phenomenon was presumed to be caused by the following reasons .

  17. cm2,同时由于纳米TiO2膜表面粗糙度和不均一性的影响,存在弥散效应。

    There is dispersion effect due to the roughness and inhomogeneity of nano-TiO_ ( 2 ) film surface .

  18. 激光粒度仪测定PTA粒径分布Midnight均一性最好;

    Determination of PTA particle size distribution with laser particle size instrument The highest uniformity was measured in Midnight .

  19. 左心室游离壁3层之间胆碱能神经分布有跨室壁不均一性,而M2受体密度没有明显差异。

    Transmural heterogeneity characterizes cholinergic nerve innervation in the left ventricular free wall without significant differences in M2 receptor density .

  20. C、O同位素组成特征表明,中国东部大陆地幔具有很大的化学不均一性,可能是由地幔碳的多样性、源区的不均一性或地幔交代作用所致。

    The characteristics of carbon and oxygen isotope indicate that continent mantle possesses considerable chemistry inhomogeneity , which possibly results from the diversity of carbon in mantle , inhomogeneity of origin or mantle metasomatism .

  21. 通过QT离散度可反映心室复极的不均一性和电不稳定性。

    Can reflect a sex of inequality and electric unstability that the ventricle replies very much through QT dispersion .

  22. MgB2/Fe带材Jc的各向异性及MgB2芯织构和成分不均一性的研究

    Study on the anisotropy of critical current densities , texture and phase inhomogeneity in mgb_2 / fe tapes

  23. 经MonoQ柱层析呈现一个对称峰,证明了HBsAg颗粒所带电荷的均一性;

    Only one symmetric peak appeared through FPLC Mono Q column which shows that the electric charge of HBsAg particles is homogeneous .

  24. 经醋酸纤维素薄膜电泳和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳证明乌贼墨GAG为均一性多糖;

    It was proved to be homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel and cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis .

  25. 薄膜的致密度和均一性与前驱体薄膜所使用的CIS纳米结构的形貌尺寸有关。

    The density and uniformity of the thin films are strongly related to the size and shape of the nanostructures .

  26. 地幔流体REE的研究有助于了解地幔区域化学不均一性、地幔的富集与亏损等地幔地球化学特征。

    Study on REE in mantle fluids has significance for understanding of regional geochemical difference , mantle enrichment and depletion .

  27. 方法:利用机械与酶消化的方法获得均一性的兔髁状突软骨细胞,在二维贴壁培养条件下增殖至P2代;

    Methods : The cultured mandibular condylar chondrocytes of neonatal rabbits was released by mechanical dissection and enzyme digestion .

  28. 结果表明:降水集中度(PCD)和集中期(PCP)能够定量地表征降水量在时空场上的非均一性。

    The results showed that the PCD and PCP could quantitatively represent the non-uniformity properties of the precipitation spatial-temporal distribution .

  29. 采用化学分步共沉淀工艺,改善了添加剂在ZnO压敏元件中分布的均一性,从而提高了ZnO压敏电阻器的电性能。

    The distribution of additives in the zinc oxide varistors is more homogeneous by the process of chemical coprecipitation , which improves the electrical properties of the zinc oxide varistors .

  30. 合成的产物均经过毗邻分析,5'末端~(32)P标记后的电泳-同系层折双向纯度鉴定或凝胶电泳以及核苷酸顺序分析证明了合成产物的均一性和结构的正确性。

    The purity and structure of the products were verified by nearest neighbor analysis and , after ~ ( 32 ) p labeling at their 5 ' - termini , by the electrophoresis-homochromatography two-dimensional analysis , gel electrophoresis and sequence analysis .