
  1. 多站多路径GPS信号研究低纬电离层不均匀体

    Investigation of low-latitude ionospheric irregularities by using multi-station GPS multi-link signals

  2. 磁赤道异常区电离层F区不均匀体发展过程中的闪烁谱研究

    Scintillation spectra investigations during the evolution of irregularities in the equatorial F region

  3. 电场对暴时低纬电离层foF2变化的影响中低纬电离层加热大尺度场向不均匀体的二维数值模拟

    Effect of electric field on low-latitude storm time ionospheric f_oF_2 variations Two-dimensional simulation of high-frequency-induced large-scale irregularities in F region

  4. 采用虚拟裂纹扩展法对焊接接头力学不均匀体的断裂参量J积分进行了数值模拟分析。

    The virtual crack extension method has been utilized to simulate the J-integral of non-uniform welded joints .

  5. 利用数值模拟,研究了不同条件下赤道电离层等离子体交换不稳定性的演变和扩展F不均匀体的形态。

    We have performed numerical simulations of nonlinear evolution of plasma interchange instability in equatorial spread F ( ESF ) under different conditions .

  6. 利用上海地区GPS综合应用网提供的高时空分辨率的双频GPS观测资料,研究了该区域内一电离层不均匀体的产生、消亡过程。

    Based on the high spatio-temporal resolution GPS dual-frequency data provided by Shanghai GPS Comprehensive Application Network , an ionospheric heterogeneity and its process of arising and disappearing were monitored and studied .

  7. 三维电性非均匀体上CSAMT畸变效应研究含有随机夹杂非均匀体的有效弹性模量

    Study of CSAMT Sounding Distortion on Three-dimensional Anisotropic Bodies The Effective Elastic Moduli of Inhomogeneous Media with Randomly Distributed Inclusions

  8. 模拟计算结果表明:BSS不均匀体的特征尺度随高度变化可以导致闪烁谱和不均匀体谱之间谱指数的显著差异。

    The simulation shows that the variation of irregularity characteristic scale with altitude can result in large difference in spectral index of scintillation power spectrum and irregularity power spectrum .

  9. 在对含有随机夹杂的非均匀体求有效弹性模量时,一般多根据Eshelby的等效夹杂法,但由于该方法没有充分考虑非均匀体内部的微结构,所以其理论具有一定的局限性。

    Based on the principle of Eshelby 's method , many scientists solve the effective elastic moduli of inhomogeneous media with randomly distributed inclusions , but since the method does not fully consider the microstructure of inhomogeneous media , the theory has the limitations .

  10. 浅部不均匀体导致视电阻率拟断面畸变

    Distortions of apparent resistivity pseudosections due to near - surface inhomogeneity

  11. 穿过电离层电子密度不均匀体的脉冲平均到达时间

    Mean Arrival Time of Pulse Signal Propagating Through Ionospheric Irregularities

  12. 浅部不均匀体对目标体电阻率异常影响的研究

    A study on effects of shallow inhomogeneous body on object resistivity anomaly

  13. 不同电阻率测深方法对旁侧不均匀体的反映

    The reflection of the lateral inhomogeneous body by different resistivity sounding methods

  14. 大气重力波产生中纬电离层不均匀体的理论

    A theory of mid-latitude ionospheric irregularities produced by atmo - spheric gravity waves

  15. 温纳偏置电测深法压制表层电性不均匀体影响的研究

    Researching on the elimination of near-surface inhomogeneity effect by Wenner offset sounding method

  16. 波在含有各向异性不均匀体介质中的散射理论

    To the theory of scattering of waves in a medium containing anisotropic irregularities

  17. 重力场包含了各种密度不均匀体的迭加效应。

    The gravity field contains the superimposition effect of heterogeneous bodies with different densities .

  18. 暴时密度增强区附近电离层不均匀体研究

    Study of Ionospheric Irregularities in the Vicinity of SED Region During a Super Geomagnetic Storm

  19. 进一步分析其闪烁功率谱,计算出了不均匀体的东向平均漂移速度。

    Moreover , average eastward drifting velocity of the irregularities is calculated by the spectrum analysis .

  20. 对焊接不均匀体在腐蚀条件下的电偶腐蚀行为进行了讨论。

    In this paper the couple corrosion of heterogeneous welded bodies in corrosive cnvironment is discussed .

  21. 高匹配焊接接头不均匀体低周疲劳损伤研究

    Study of low cycle fatigue ( lcf ) damage on the mechanical heterogeneity model of overmatched welded joints

  22. 地下电性不均匀体的空间范围越大,则其对地电场的影响也越大。

    The larger the special dimension of the inhomogeneous body is the more influence exerts on the geoelectric field .

  23. 模拟结果验证了地下不均匀体确实可导致视电阻率各向异性变化。

    The simulation results prove that the non-uniform bodies underground can bring on anisotropy changes in the apparent resistivity .

  24. 当区外非均匀体与距其较近的一口井的距离大于井间距的一半时,这种影响即可忽略。

    And it will be negligible if the distance is more than half of the well spacing between two wells .

  25. 焊接接头是一个宏观力学不均匀体,力学不均匀性对焊接接头的动态断裂行为有重要的影响。

    Welded joint is a mechanical heterogeneous body , and the mechanical heterogeneity has great effect on dynamic fracture behaviour of welded joint .

  26. 重力归一化总梯度法用于研究单个或为数不多的密度不均匀体的分布和位置,已被证明是有效的。

    It has been proved that normalized total gravity gradient method can be effectively used to ascertain the existence and exact location of single ( or several ) nonuniform density body .

  27. 而且储层是一个不均匀体,受多种复杂的地质因素控制,特征参数很多,各种特征参数之间的关系更加十分复杂。

    In addition , reservoir is a nonuniform body , it is controlled by many complex geology factors , it has many character parameters , and there are some complex relations among these character parameters .

  28. 最后,本文针对球夹杂的情况给出了非均匀体有效弹性模量依赖于夹杂体积份数的关系,并将该结果与文[10]中的结果进行了比较。

    Finally , the relations between the effective elastic moduli of inhomogeneous media and contents of inclusions , volume for spherical inclusions are given and the results are compared with ones of [ 10 ] in this paper .

  29. 通过具体模型数值模拟,总结不均匀体参数变化对其视电阻率各向异性变化的影响情况,并与实际地震台站所观测到的现象相比较。

    Adopt numerical simulation of the specific model , and sum up how the parameter changes in the non-uniform bodies influence the anisotropy changes in the apparent resistivity , and compare with the actual phenomena observed at seismic stations .

  30. 尤其大回线源瞬变电磁法,由于发、收位于同一点,在近场测量,不存在体积效应,故分辨率高,特别是横向分辨率更高,可分辨出地下规模较小的不均匀体。

    Because of sending and receiving of signal being in the same point , it belongs to nearer field method without volume effect , it is of higher resolution especially the transversal resolution is so high that the underground body with smaller size may be distinguished .