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  1. 卧床期间受试者左侧大脑Ⅰ相面积、左侧主峰高度、左侧大脑血液流入速度均和立位耐力时间呈显著正相关(P<0.01或P<0.05)。

    Left cerebral ⅰ quadrant area , left cerebral Δ y wave crest height and left cerebral inrush velocity were positively correlated with orthostatic tolerance ( P < 0.01 or 0.05 ) .

  2. 作者经分析认为老年高脂血症出现的上述变化均和自由基有关,且它们相互影响,互为因果,为导致AS及CHD的重要原因之一。

    All the changes had strong relation to the free radical , and their interactions were one of the main factors which resulted in the incidence of AS and CHD .

  3. 在40℃/30℃时,黄瓜幼苗叶片Fo、NPQ变化趋势均和对照一致,嫁接苗的增幅小于自根苗。

    At the differ treatment periods and at 40 ℃ / 30 ℃, The Fo and NPQ of grafted and own-rooted seedlings were in accordance with CK .

  4. 对这些基因的预测的氨基酸序列进行分析表明他们的细胞外受体部分均和甘蓝的SLG蛋白高度同源,而细胞内的激酶区都包含有丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶中特异的氨基酸。

    Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequences demonstrated that the extracellular receptor domains are highly homologous to SLG of Brassica , whereas the cytoplasmic kinase domains contain conserved amino acids present in serine / threonine kinases .

  5. 粒子尺寸不均和粒子分布不均匀的复合体,其拉伸延性较低。

    Particle size ; Inhomogeneity of particle size lowers the ductility of the composite .

  6. 年度降雨分布的极度不均和落后的土壤及水分管理措施是制约该地区农田生产力的主要因素。

    High rainfall variety and poor management of soil and water are the most important and limiting factors in crop system in this region .

  7. 涌流灌溉改变了传统的连续灌所存在的田间深层渗漏大,灌水不均和长畦(沟)灌水难的问题。

    Surge irrigation helps to solve some difficult problems as large deep infiltration , ununiformity and difficult to irrigate for long border ( or furrow ) .

  8. 但由于区域资源禀赋不均和城市化、工业化的进程不一致,发展较快的地区与发展较慢的区域在耕地占补平衡能力上存在很大差异。

    Because of the uneven resources and different pace between urbanization and industrialization among each region , developed areas and less developed areas have different ability in maintaining balance between occupation and supplement of cultivated land .

  9. 压力加工各基本工序中,在变形体内,由于流速不均和流动方向不同,切变形是普遍存在的,而且在变形体的某些部位占主导地位。

    In the major processes of press work , shear deformation usually occurs owing to the non-homogeneous flowing velocity and different flowing direction of metal , which plays a main role in some parts of the deformed work .

  10. 针对激光水下图像的特性,提出一种基于分形常数的图像分割方法,以克服因水下成像带来的图像灰度分布不均和严重的散斑噪声影响给分割造成的困难。

    Aimed at the character of laser underwater image , a new method of image segmentation based on fraction texture was presented . This method overcame the difficulty of segmentation due to gray asymmetry and noise interference of underwater image .

  11. 复合载体Ti系催化剂的乙烯均聚和共聚

    Study on Complex-Supported Titanium Catalyst for Gas-Phase Homopolymerization and Copolymerization of Ethylene

  12. 讨论了丙酮含量对MMA,St均聚和MMA-St共聚的影响。

    The effects of acetone amount on the emulsifier-free emulsion homopolymerization rate of MMA , St and the copolymerization rate was discussed .

  13. 研究了非线性ROF系统的Volterra级数表述、最小均方和最小二乘两种确定Volterra级数核的自适应算法在非线性ROF系统建模中的应用。

    In this paper , the ROF system is described with Volterra series , and the adaptive algorithm LMS and RLS for identify Volterra kernel are studied .

  14. 研究了稀土配位催化剂对难以开环均聚和共聚的环硫氯丙烷(CMT)与环氧氯丙烷(ECH)的共聚合。

    The copolymerization of chloromethylthiirane ( CMT ) with epichlorohydrin ( ECH ) was investigated by using rare earth coordination catalysts for the first time .

  15. 结果显示2020s时期东阳市的月均降雨量和月最高、最低气温没有明显变化,但强降雨和高温天气发生的概率增加。

    The results show that the monthly average rainfall , monthly highest and lowest temperature will not change obviously , but the frequency of heavy rainfall and high temperature will possibly increase .

  16. 圆锥形壳体在侧向均压和均布液压作用下的稳定计算

    The Buckling Computation of Conical Shells Subjected to lateral and Hydrostatic Pressures

  17. 原料组分被粉磨、均化和煅烧。

    The raw components are ground , homogenised and burned .

  18. 均质高浓度紊流的时均结构和阻力系数

    The mean structure of homogeneous hyperconcentrated fluid motion and its drag coefficient

  19. 卵石河流的时均流速和悬沙浓度垂线分布

    The vertical distributions of mean velocity and suspended sediment concentration in gravel - bed rivers

  20. 结果表明,在纤维重均长度和粗度之间几乎成线性关系。

    In this investigation , it was found that a positive relationship was observed between weight-average length and coarseness .

  21. 当然,这需要系统在峰均比和带外抑制性能,以及相应的实现复杂度之间进行折中。

    Of course , this requires tradeoff between the performances of both the PAPR and out-of-band and the implementation complexity .

  22. 目的本研究目的是比较不同生长发育阶段高角、均角和低角女性正畸治疗后的垂直向变化。

    Objective To describe and compare the vertical changes after orthodontic treatment in three facial types and in different growth periods .

  23. 再次,研究了晶闸管串联技术的核心问题,静态均压和动态均压问题。

    Thirdly , the problem of the series connection of SCR to soft-starting of Induction motor the static and active voltage balancing are studied .

  24. 数值变量资料主要采用均数和(或)中位数进行描述,分类变量资料主要采用率、构成比进行描述。

    Numerical variable data used the mean and ( or ) the median to describe , and the categorical variable data used rate , constituent ratio .

  25. 均布和非均布荷载作用的各类支承条件的交叉梁系网架力法解

    The Force Method For The Grid Of The Type Of Intersection Beam With Various Kinds Of Supporting Under The Action Of Uniformly Or Unevenly Distributed Loading

  26. 方法以2002年4月20日为时点调查日,对所有住院精神病患者(共1082例)的病史进行均数和发生率统计分析。

    Methods At the time - point of April 20,2002 , histories of all 1082 in - patients were investigated to statistically analyze the mean and incidence .

  27. 采用三维声学多普勒流速仪对弯道内丁坝附近水流的紊动特性进行了系统的试验研究,较为精确地测量了弯道内丁坝附近水流的三维时均流速和脉动强度等。

    This paper presents an experimental study on the turbulence intensity flow characteristics of spur dike flow . Time-average velocity and fluctuation intensity are measured from all aspects .

  28. 本文介绍了宾汉流体从层流向紊流过渡时的时均流速和阻力系数,以及宾汉紊流在光滑区的紊动强度沿垂线分布。

    In this paper , the mean velocity profile , the friction factor for all regions and the turbulent intensity for smooth wall are presented and compared with the experimental data .

  29. 研究发现,个体因素对消费者企业社会责任的感知存在影响。不同性别、年龄、月均收入和不同受教育水平的消费者对于企业社会责任的感知是不同的。

    The study found that individual factors influence consumers ' perceptions of CSR , consumers with different gender , age , average monthly income and education levels have different perceptions of CSR .

  30. 计算采用雷诺时均方程和修正了的k-ε湍流模型,在压强连接的隐式修正法(SIMPLE0-C)建立的压力速度校正方程基础上,利用贴体坐标系和交错网格技术进行计算。

    The time-averaged N-S equations and the k - ε turbulent model is modified . By applying SIMPLE-C algorithm to make pressure-velocity correction equation , the calculation is carried out in body-fitted coordinated grid .