  • grave;tomb
  • 埋葬死人筑起的土堆:~墓。~地。~冢。~茔(坟地,坟墓)。

  • 水边高地:汶~。

  • 大:~首。~烛。

  • 古代的典籍:~典。~籍。


(坟墓) grave; tomb:

  • 祖坟

    the grave of one's ancestors

  1. 坟上有些花。

    There were flowers on the grave .

  2. 他在他哥哥的坟上哭泣。

    He weeps over the grave of his brother .

  3. 公园里有一座古坟。

    There stands a barrow in the park .

  4. 她把花放在坟上。

    She laid flowers on the grave .

  5. Summerof85《85年盛夏》弗朗索瓦·欧容是一位作品类型多样又多产的法国编剧兼导演,他的新片改编自艾登·钱伯斯的开拓性同性恋成长小说《在我坟上起舞》,这部电影回到了欧容的起点,或许也是对他自己青春期的回顾。

    Fran ç ois Ozon , the prolific14 , genre-hopping French writer-director , gets back to his roots – and , perhaps , his own adolescence15 – with an adaptation of Aidan Chambers16 ' ground-breaking gay coming-of-age novel , Dance On My Grave .

  6. 我信步走到古墓的最后方,不寻常的一幕场景映入眼帘——有一座坟的大小是其它坟的两倍那么大。

    When I walked to the rear edge of the cemetery , an unusual sight caught my eye - a tomb that was twice as large as any of the others .

  7. 大家便走了过去,一看原来是一个年轻的妇女,头上包着白色的头巾,身上穿着白布衣裤,脚上套着白布鞋袜,正跪在一座新坟前面痛哭。

    They went over and saw a young woman who , with her head covered with a white kerchief , wore white cotton clothes , trousers , shoes and stockings . She was kneeling in front of a new grave and weeping bitterly .

  8. 请不要在我坟前哭泣-MaryFrye

    Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep - Mary Frye

  9. 坟墓,埋葬处;graveside(n.)坟墓旁我曾经一连好几年每天到母亲坟前献花。

    grave ( n. ) I 've been laying flowers every day on my mother 's grave for years .

  10. 通过鸡胚接种,从死鸭肝、脾病料中分离出一株病毒,该病毒坟鸭胚、雏鸭的致死作用能够被Ⅰ型DHV抗血清所中和。

    One Virus strain was isolated by inoculating infective liver suspensions into the allantoic sac of 9-day-old chicken embryos . The virus identification was made by virus neutralization test with I type DHV antiserum .

  11. 导演是NicholasHytner,编剧是JohnHodge,之前凭借《浅坟》和《猜火车》为人所知。这部新剧在Cottesloe开演之后,很快会转至更大的国家奥利弗主剧院演出。

    Directed by Sir Nicholas Hytner and written by John Hodge , previously best known as the screenwriter for " Shallow Grave " and " Trainspotting , " the production will soon transfer to the National 's main Olivier stage after opening at the smaller Cottesloe .

  12. 你在你亲戚的坟前也做过这些事吗?

    Do you do that at the graves of your relatives ?

  13. 它一直生长在先王的坟上。

    Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebearers .

  14. 马吕斯带珂赛特去上他父亲的坟。

    Marius had taken Cosette to his father 's grave .

  15. 灵车要一直滚到坟坑边。

    The hearse will drive directly up to the grave .

  16. 那给他挖个坟肯定很难吧。

    Must 've been tough trying to dig the grave .

  17. 明天我得在我母亲的坟上放上鲜花。

    I need to put flowers on my mother 's grave tomorrow .

  18. 我的坟冢遂感应温暖甜蜜。

    And all my grave shall warmer and sweeter be .

  19. 你庇护着我埋葬了的爱,你是孤坟,

    Thou art the grave where buried love doth live ,

  20. 你爸在坟里也会不安心的。

    Your father must be turning over in his grave .

  21. 云南昌宁坟岭岗青铜时代墓地

    Bronze Age Graveyard of Fen Ridge , Changning County , Yunnan Province

  22. 地阔天长,只赐我孤坟一处,

    The earth can yield me but a common grave ,

  23. 你的根原本就在坟里,你的死也就不可避免。

    Thy root is ever in its grave , And thou must die .

  24. 房子因客人才生气勃勃,否则只是坟岗一堆。

    If it were not for your guests all houses would be graves .

  25. 秋秋在银娇奶奶的坟前跪了下来。

    Qiuqiu knelt down before Granny Yinjiao 's tomb .

  26. 请不要站在我的坟前哭泣。

    Do not stand at my grave and cry .

  27. 坟内满挂着我那些过世恋人的战利品,

    Hung with the trophies of my lovers gone ,

  28. 请不要在我坟前哭泣;

    Do not stand at my grave and weep ;

  29. 访客随意在坟上采花是不被允许的,除非是在自己的坟上。

    Visitors are prohibited from picking flowers from any but their own graves .

  30. 那洞穴好似精灵的坟。

    What well might seem an elfin 's grave .