
  • 网络suburban area
  1. 流动人口自发聚居于城郊结合部或群租式的居住方式带来了较多的社会问题和隐患。

    The spontaneous settle-down of floating population into the suburban area or such living type as " Group-oriented leasing " has brought more and more social problems and hidden dangers .

  2. 南京市Z校是一所民办初中,地处城郊结合部,生源复杂特殊。

    Nanjing Z is a private junior high school , located in the city outskirts , the complexity of special students .

  3. 加强城郊结合部犯罪控制的几点思考

    Some Reflections on Crime Control in the Joint of City and Outskirts

  4. 无锡市城郊结合部老年人慢性非传染性疾病流行现状

    Investigations on Chronic Non - communicable Diseases of the Aged in the Wuxi Suburbs

  5. 上海市城郊结合部河道水环境研究和整治对策

    The Study of Water Environment of Rivers and Treatment Methods to Outskirts Unit of Shanghai

  6. 城郊结合部征地中农民利益保护问题的理论与实证分析

    A Theoretical and Case Analysis of Peasants ' Benefits Protection in Farmland Procurement in Urban-Suburb Areas

  7. 城郊结合部土地利用现状数据库建设的研究

    Study on Establishment of the Land Use Condition Database in Conjunctive Area of the Town and Country

  8. 这些分析构成一个完整体系,展示了新时期花溪城郊结合部的村民自治的特点。

    All above these can show us the characters of Self-governance among villagers of Hua-xi in new period .

  9. 暴力犯罪案件多在行人稀少、治安管理薄弱的城郊结合部一带发生。

    Violent crimes are often committed at the fringe areas , where people are fewer and security measures looser .

  10. 城郊结合部社区的出现,是工业化、城市化发展的必然结果。

    The emergence of the urban-rural fringe communities is an inevitable result of the development of post industrialization and urbanization .

  11. 我校大多数学生来自于城郊结合部;他们的学习态度,学习方法和学习习惯都存在着一些问题。

    Most of our students from the suburb area , their learning attitudes , methods and habits all exist some problems .

  12. 论打造平安工程中的城郊结合部治安改性结合剂对炭素捣打料性能的影响

    On the Public Security of Suburban Areas in Making ″ Peace Project ″; Effect of modified coal-tar pitch binders on performance of carbon ramming mix

  13. 低技能劳动力市场内部的自我歧视问题研究&基于农民工与城郊结合部激进式市民就业能力的比较

    Study on The Self-discrimination of the Low-skill Labor Market & Baced on the Comparison between The rural labors and Radical Residents living in the urban-rural joint

  14. 一是剪子湾地处城郊结合部,区位优势明显,独特的地理环境给副业生产创造了机会。

    First , Scissors Bay is located in the city outskirts ; the advantage is obvious , the unique geographical environment created an opportunity to sideline production .

  15. 研究目的:分析南京市农村集体房屋拆迁补偿政策的演变历程,提出完善中国城郊结合部农村集体房屋拆迁补偿政策的建议。

    The purpose of this study is to give some advice to improve the policy of compensation for collective-owned house removal at urban fringe in China by analyzing compensation policy in Nanjing .

  16. 城郊结合部的经济、文化和社会组织具有明显的过渡性和不稳定性,与之相对应的是社会变迁呈现出多样性和复杂性。

    The economy , culture and social organization in this zone have obvious characters of transition and instability . The social vicissitude in this zone presents the form of diversity and complexity .

  17. 生态旅游园区大多设在农业基础好、特色明显、交通便利的城郊结合部,甚至在市区内建成农业主题公园。

    The eco-tour garden is mostly set up in fine ; the characteristic is obvious , easily accessible combining departments of outskirts on the agricultural foundation , even build up a agricultural theme park in the urban area .

  18. 从加油站行业发展趋势看,高速公路、国道、城郊结合部加油站规模出现适度大型化趋势,而中心城区加油站规模出现小型化趋势。

    From the tendency of gas station industry development , the moderate and large scale of gas station industry development appears near the expressway , State Road , suburban areas , and the scale of the urban gas station tends to become smaller .

  19. 第三部分分析城郊结合部违章建筑愈演愈烈的成因,通过分析找出四大原因:①有法律上的漏洞;②经济利益驱使;③行政行为偏差;④特殊文化背景影响。

    The third part analyses the causes of increasing illegal buildings in urban fringe area , and identify four major reasons : ① There are loopholes in the law ;② Driven by economic interests ;③ Deviation of administrative acts ;④ The impact of the special cultural background .

  20. 控制城郊结合部犯罪必须控制好几类严重刑事犯罪活动,如突发性、动态性犯罪,连续性犯罪,团伙犯罪及流窜犯罪等。

    In order to control the crime in the joint of city and outskirts , it is required to control some kinds of grave criminal activities such as the case suddenly occurring and the dynamic case , the continuous case , gang crime and the fleeing crime , etc.

  21. 然而,城镇化在推动城市经济发展和繁荣的同时,也给广大农民的生活带来了前所未有的影响,大批农民失去土地,这种情况在城郊城乡结合部地区尤为突出。

    However , at the same time , it took unprecedented effect on the farmers , for example , numerous farmers lost their land . This condition is special serious at rural and fringe of the big and medium-sized cities .