
  • 网络Urban System Planning;planning of urban system
  1. 基于GIS的福建沿海地区城镇体系规划研究

    A Study on Urban System Planning of Fujian Coastal Zone Based on GIS

  2. 非均衡发展战略在干旱区县域城镇体系规划编制中的实践&以内蒙古阿拉善左旗为例

    Unbalanced development strategy for urban system planning in arid area

  3. 基于GIS技术的城镇体系规划初探

    On Planning of Urban System with GIS

  4. 城镇体系规划的性质与政策分析

    On Character and Policy Analyzing of Urban and Town system Planning

  5. 温州市域城镇体系规划构想

    Some ideas on planning the urban system in wenzhou , Zhejiang Province

  6. 浙江区域城镇体系规划新思路

    New Idea on the Planning of Regional Town System in Zhejiang Region

  7. 基层区城镇体系规划的理论内容和方法

    Theory and Methods for Regional Urban System Planning at the Basic Level

  8. 城镇体系规划中的城乡一体化发展研究&以辽宁省为例

    Study on integration of urban and rural development planning of liaoning province

  9. 区域城镇体系规划的理论与实证研究

    On Theory and Practice of Regional Urban System Planning

  10. 这不仅被大量事实所证实,也可应用于城市规划、区域规划和城镇体系规划。

    Urban , regional planning and urban system planning must follow the law .

  11. 探索省域城镇体系规划实施的有效途径&以江苏省为例

    Probe into Effective Ways of the Implementation of Provincial Territory Urban System Plan

  12. 地域空间结构规划是城镇体系规划的传统内容,在新时期编制城镇空间规划应明确规划的目的、依据和主要内容。

    Spatial structure planning is the traditional contents for the urban system planning .

  13. 基于可持续发展思想的县域城镇体系规划

    Urban system planning of county areas based on the thought of sustainable development

  14. 论中国现行城镇体系规划

    Discuss on present planning of town system in China

  15. 区域城镇体系规划中的生态和环境规划

    Environment and ecology planning in regional urban system planning

  16. 城镇体系规划的可持续发展战略

    The Sustainable Development Strategy of the Urban System Planning

  17. 发达地区县(市)域城镇体系规划的变革研究

    Innovation of urban system planning in developed counties

  18. 对我国城镇体系规划的探讨

    Some opinions to our country town system plan

  19. 新时期城镇体系规划若干问题探讨

    The questions and discussions on the planning of town system during the New Era

  20. 协调·整合·提升&以福建省城镇体系规划为例

    Coordination , Conformity and Upgrade & On the Planning of Town System in Fujian

  21. 区域城镇体系规划的探索和创新&《江苏省城镇体系规划》编制工作的回顾剖析

    Exploration and Renovation of Regional Township System Planning

  22. 福建省县域城镇体系规划编制中若干问题的思考

    Exploring into certain problems in county towns systematic planning and projecting in Fujian Province

  23. 区域城镇体系规划的几个问题

    Problems on the System Plan of Regional Town

  24. 重庆市城镇体系规划管理信息系统建设研究

    Study on the Construction of Urban System Planning Management Information System for Chongqing City

  25. 城镇体系规划中的生态与环境保护规划&以潮州市为例

    Ecology and Environment Protection Planning in Urban System Planning Taking Chaozhou City as An Example

  26. 各级政府都要从实施科学管理的需要出发,制定和实施本级政府的城镇体系规划。

    To make and implement township system planning is one of the responsibilities of government .

  27. 并指出目前城镇体系规划信息系统建立过程中存在的主要问题和应对措施。

    It also points out the problems in the process of urban planning information system .

  28. 区域城镇体系规划研究

    A Study of Regional Urban System Planning

  29. 城镇体系规划的理论与方法初探

    Theory and methodology of urban system planning

  30. 转型时期甘肃省县域城镇体系规划研究

    Study on County Region Urban System Planning of Gansu Province in Transitional Period of China