
  • 网络Gilead;base column
  1. 《使女的故事》第二季的大结局给观众留下了一个令人沮丧的悬念,尽管所有的Marthas都齐心协力为她和孩子提供安全之路,琼决定不逃离基列。

    The Handmaid 's Tale 's second season finale left off on a frustrating cliffhanger , once June decided not to flee Gilead , despite all the Marthas teaming up to provide her and the baby safe passage out .

  2. 何6:8基列是作孽之人的城、血沾染。

    Gilead is a city of wrongdoers , Tracked with bloody footprints .

  3. 小膜3由两列近等长的动基列组成。

    P3 composed of only two rows of about equal length .

  4. 小膜3的内侧动基列明显短于其它两列。

    Inner row of P3 conspicuously shorter than the other two .

  5. 左右两侧体动基列间有无色点状皮层颗粒。

    Colourless dotlike cortical granules distributed between ciliary rows on both sides .

  6. 基列可变的矢值序列空间

    On the vector sequence spaces with variable basic sequences

  7. 小膜3由三排动基列构成,内侧动基列下端稍短,上端与外侧两列分离。

    Inner row of P3 slightly shorter and separated from the other two .

  8. 于是那少年先知往基列的拉末去了。

    So the young man , the prophet , went to ramoth gilead .

  9. 这都是基列父亲玛吉之子的。

    All these belonged to the sons of Machir the father of Gilead .

  10. 基列人安居在约旦河外。但人为何等在船上。

    Gilead abode beyond Jordan : and why did Dan remain in ships ?

  11. 在基列岂没有乳香呢。在那里岂没有医生呢。

    Is there no balm in Gilead ; is there no physician there ?

  12. 于是耶弗他招聚基列人,与以法莲人争战。

    Jephthah then called together the men of Gilead and fought against Ephraim .

  13. 有些希伯来人过了约旦河,逃到迦得和基列地。

    Some Hebrews even crossed the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead .

  14. 押沙龙和以色列人都安营在基列地。

    And Israel and absalom put up their tents in the land of Gilead .

  15. 小膜3由三列动基列组成,其内侧动基列明显短于其它两列。

    P3 composed of three rows , inner row conspicuously shorter than the other two .

  16. 我又将基列给了玛吉。

    And Gilead I gave to machir .

  17. 西割生睚珥;睚珥在基列地有二十三个城邑。

    And segub begot jair , who had twenty-three cities in the land of gilead .

  18. 围口动基列单列,位于胞口右侧。

    Circumoral kinety located right of cytostome .

  19. 小膜3由三列动基列组成,外侧两列动基列排列紧密且明显长于内侧动基列。

    P3 with three rows , outer two closely spaced and conspicuously longer than inner row .

  20. 基列人没有罪孽吗。他们全然是虚假的。

    Is there iniquity in Gilead ?

  21. 口区小膜3由三排平行的动基列构成,内侧动基列下端稍长。

    P3 consisting of three ciliary rows , with inner one distinctly longer at adstomal end .

  22. 他们有三十座城邑,叫作哈倭特睚珥,直到如今,都是在基列地。

    They controlled thirty towns in Gilead , which to this day are called Havvoth Jair .

  23. 基列人耶弗他死了,葬在基列的一座城里。

    Then Jephthah the Gileadite died and was buried in one of the cities of Gilead .

  24. 口区第三片小膜由三排平行的动基列紧密排列而成,下端高于小膜1末端。

    P3 consists of three parallel , closely arranged ciliary rows , terminating adstomally above P1 .

  25. 口区小膜3由三列等长的动基列紧密地平行排列而成。

    Three rows in P3 about equal length , closely spaced and parallel to each other .

  26. 小膜3由三列动基列组成。

    P3 composed of three rows .

  27. 这都是基列的子孙。基列是玛吉的儿子,玛吉是玛拿西的儿子。

    These were the sons of Gilead , the son of Machir , the son of Manasseh .

  28. 他们到了基列地,见流便人,迦得人,和玛拿西半支派的人,对他们说

    When they went to Gilead to Reuben , Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh they said to them

  29. 先是约兰和以色列众人因为亚兰王哈薛的缘故,把守基列的拉末。

    Now Joram had kept Ramothgilead , he and all Israel , because of Hazael king of Syria .

  30. 以色列王和犹大王约沙法上基列的拉末去了。

    So the king of Israel and jehoshaphat , the king of judah , went up to ramoth-gilead .