
  • 网络genetic intervention;gene interference
  1. 水通道蛋白4基因干预对大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤后血脑屏障形态及功能的影响

    Effect of genetic intervention of aquaporin 4 gene on the structure and function of blood-brain barrier following cerebral ischemic reperfusion in rat

  2. 深入的分子遗传学研究在DCM和HCM中已分别确定了多种致病基因和突变,为早期诊治和基因干预带来了新希望。

    Lots of disease-causing genes and mutations were identified in DCM and HCM respectively through molecular genetics studies which brought new hope to the early diagnosis and genetic intervention .

  3. 再灌注12h伤侧皮质和皮质下脑水肿程度,在AQP4基因干预组分别为79.76±0.62,80.94±0.81,明显高于基因干预对照组。

    Twelve hours after reperfusion , the edema level at cortex and subcortex of the injured side in the intervention group ( 79.76 ± 0.62 , 80.94 ± 0.81 ) were obviously higher than those in the control group .

  4. 基因干预治疗的新星&RNAi

    New star of therapeutic intervention - RNAi

  5. 通过修复或重建腱周组织、电刺激、理疗、加入药物、生长因子及基因干预等,可促进肌腱愈合;

    Tendon healing was accelerated by methods like repairing , reconstruction of peri tendon tissues , electric stimulation , physiotherapy , adding herbs or growth factors , and gene intervention .

  6. SAP基因注射干预小鼠SLE样综合征的发生

    SAP gene injection interfere the occurrence of murine SLE-like syndrome

  7. 我国利用基因技术干预人类生殖已经起步,同时也产生了一些问题。

    Our country used the gene technology to intervene the human reproduction already to start , simultaneously has also had some questions .

  8. 增生性瘢痕形成的早期阶段,通过基因进行干预,是防止瘢痕增生和挛缩的较佳时机。

    The early period of hypertrophic scar formation might be a good time for preventing overgrowth and contraction of hypertrophic scar by gene therapy .

  9. 脓毒症早期大鼠肝脏Toll样受体4基因表达及干预性研究

    Intervention study on the hepatic expression of toll like receptor-4 in septic rats during the early phase

  10. 参麦注射液对脑出血大鼠血肿周围组织Bax、Bcl-2基因表达的干预

    An Experimented Study on the Intervening Effects of Shenmai Injection on the Expression of Bax and Bcl-2 Genes in the Tissue around the Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage among Rats

  11. 鸡内耳发育的基因调控与干预

    Gene Regulation and Interference in Developing Chicken Inner Ear

  12. 白细胞介素-10对大鼠脊髓诱导型一氧化氮合酶基因表达的干预作用

    Effect of interleukin-10 on the gene expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase after spinal cord injury in rats

  13. 电针人中穴对大脑中动脉阻塞大鼠脑神经细胞凋亡及其相关基因表达的干预

    Interventional effect of electro-acupuncture at Renzhong acupoint on neuronal apoptosis and expressions of related genes in rats with middle cerebral artery occlusion

  14. 其作用机理为抗氧化作用,抗细胞增殖,诱导细胞调亡,干预细胞转导和增强抑癌基因表达,干预细胞周期等。

    The mechanism are antioxidation , cell proliferation suppression , apoptosis induction , cell signal transduction disturbing and tumor suppression gene activity enhancing , cell cycle disturbing etc.

  15. 目的:揭示阿胶在骨愈合过程中对6种相关基因表达的干预作用,了解阿胶的调节靶点,探索建构中药基因组学的途径。

    Objective : To express the influences of E Jiao on 6 kinds interrelated gene expression during bone repair , understand E Jiao regulation target , and create gene theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  16. 结果:SAP基因注射可有效干预小鼠SLE样综合征的发生,SAP与活化淋巴细胞DNA结合后可明显促进巨噬细胞对DNA的吞噬,并且巨噬细胞吞噬SAP结合的DNA后不引起预致敏淋巴细胞的增殖。

    Results : SAP gene inoculation could interfere the occurrence of SLE-like syndrome , the binding of SAP to DNA from activated lymphocytes significantly promoted the uptake of DNA by macrophages , and macrophages that ingested the SAP-binding DNA would not cause the increased proliferation of primed lymphocytes .

  17. 过度训练致肾脏细胞凋亡、凋亡相关基因表达及东莨菪碱干预作用的研究

    Apoptosis and the Effects of Scopolamine in the Kidneys of Rats with Overtraining

  18. 有关肝损伤保护药物的研究、基因治疗、外科干预措施等一直是较为活跃的领域之一,但仍缺乏高效的多靶点的保肝药物。

    Related to the protection of liver injury in drug development , gene therapy , surgical intervention has been more active in the field , but still lacking the highly efficient multi-target drugs .

  19. RNA干扰已成为一种进行基因功能分析的强有力的工具,并有望成为最有潜力的基因干预治疗方法。

    RNAi is now a powerful instrument for functional genomic analyses and will be a potentially useful method in highly specific dsRNA based gene-silencing therapeutics .

  20. 目的克隆大鼠AQP4基因并构建其融合蛋白表达载体,以便载体在体内进行AQP4基因干预。

    Objective To clone AQP4 gene and construct its expression vector in order to study the function of AQP4 in cerebral water metabolism in the rat by genetic intervention .

  21. siRNAs介导的基因沉默已经成为一种快速有效的研究基因功能和对基因突变疾病进行干预的措施。

    Gene silencing by siRNAs has become a quick and efficient experimental method to study gene function and therapeutic intervention in the disease characterized by aberrant gene expression .

  22. 为进-步在基因水平研究椎间盘退变的发病机制获得了新的突破口,为将来可能实现的基因诊断、基因干预治疗以及疾病的预防奠定一定的实验基础。

    The results of this study are useful to the further research of pathogenesis of intervertebral disc degeneration at the genetic level . It can provide experimental basis for possible future genetic diagnosis , genetic intervention and disease prevention .

  23. 结论:重组VEGF基因可在兔股骨头滑膜细胞中表达,促进股骨头缺血坏死处新生血管形成和侧支循环建立,为基因干预股骨头缺血性坏死提供了理论基础。

    CONCLUSION : The recombinant VEGF gene expresses in synovial cells of rabbit femoral head , and the expression enhance the vascularization and the establishment of collateral circulation in avascular necrotic femoral head , which lays a theoretical foundation for the gene therapy for avascular necrosis of femoral head .