
  • 网络Christianity in China
  1. 基督教在中国近代传教权的攫取

    The Possession of Modern Missionary Work on Christianity in China

  2. 基督教在中国本色化是其自身发展的客观要求,是中国基督教的正确选择。

    The indigenization of Christianity in China is the objective requirement of its own development as well as the right choice of the Christians in China .

  3. 基督教在中国内地广泛传播,中国传统的文化受到了西方近代文明的冲击,这种冲击给中国传统建筑以极大影响。

    This impact was influenced on the Chinese traditional architecture greatly .

  4. 元亡后基督教在中国湮灭的原因

    The Reason of the Annihilation of Christianity after the Overthrown of the Yuan Dynasty in China

  5. 基督教在中国北方内陆农村社区的进入方式及其本土化策略,以及它对乡村原有社会文化、社区群体结构及家庭关系的冲击和改造。

    The approach of Christianity entering in China rural communities , and its strategy of localization .

  6. 从某种程度而言,基督教在中国越是流行,它与基督教的联系也越不紧密。

    In a way , the more popular Christmas gets in China , the less Christian it becomes .

  7. 他专门研究基督教在中国日益增长的影响力,并且对温州基督企业有许多看法。

    He specialises in the study of Christianity 's growing influence in China-and has plenty to say about Wenzhou 's Christian entrepreneurs .

  8. “教案”是指基督教在中国传播的过程中,教会人士与中国朝野之间的种种纠纷。

    The many disputes between the missionaries and the Chinese government or the public in the spread of Christianity in China are referred to as missionary cases .

  9. 基督教在中国的传播与汉语研究的科学化&明清之际基督教文化对中国文化的影响

    Dissemination of Christianity in China and Modernization of Chinese Language Study & Influence upon Chinese Culture exerted by Christianity at the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  10. 在中国近代史上,有一个非常引人瞩目的现象,即统治阶级与被统治阶级联合一致,共同反对基督教在中国的传播。

    There was a striking phenomenon in the modern history of China , namely the gerentocratic and the class-governed constently united and protected Christianism from spreading in China .

  11. 明末清初,基督教在中国得到较大规模的传播,中国传统思想,主要是儒家思想,与基督教神学之间产生了剧烈的碰撞。

    During Ming & Qing dynasties , Christianity was promulgated in China in quite a large scale , and a violent clash between Chinese traditional thought and Christian theology occurred .

  12. 同时,对基督教在中国农村的发展也进行了一些理性的思考,并提出了相关的管理建议,最后对后续研究的开展也作出了展望。

    Meanwhile , the development of Christianity in rural China have also been rational thinking , and made recommendations related to management , follow-up study conducted last made some prospects .

  13. 近二三十年来,基督教在中国出现了一个令人关注的急剧增长,其中农村信徒成为中国教会目前的主要群体。

    There has been growing interests of Christianity in China in the past two or three decades , the followers from rural areas became major force among the Chinese church communities .

  14. 近年来,随着基督教在中国的传入,乡村社会中原有的儒家伦理规范和信仰在与基督教传入的信仰模式的冲突中渐渐淡去。

    In recent years , with the introduction of Christianity in China , the rural society Confucian ethical standards and central some belief in Christianity and the faith of the model of the conflict to gradually disappeared .

  15. 考察进步历史观的深层结构,以及立足于此结构考察进步信念的消失,是理解所谓后现代生存状况的一个哲学基础,而这个基础又同时是理解基督教在中国的正当性的前提。

    The investigation of deep structure of the idea of progress , and of the vanishing , based on the structure , of progressive concept is a philosophy foundation to comprehend the existence of so-called " post-modernity " .

  16. 文章指出:厦门是近代以来基督教在中国传播的重要基地之一,她以开放的态度接纳了基督教这种全新的宗教文化。

    The conclusion is : Amoy is one of the most important bases of the Christianity in modern China . She accepted Christianity , which was a brand-new religionary culture in China at that times , with an open manner .

  17. 基督教曾在中国历史上发挥过重大作用。

    Christianity did had significant history in China wuxia world .

  18. 基督教未能在中国广泛传播,原因何在?

    Christianity failed to spread in China . Why ?

  19. 近代中国教会大学指19世纪末20世纪初开始西方基督教会在中国创办的13所和天主教会办的3所高等教育学校。

    China modern Christian Universities refers to13 Christian universities and3 Catholicism Universities that were founded in the end of19th century and at the beginning of20th century .

  20. 正因为宗教冲突的存在和宗教繁荣发展的趋势,正确处理儒学和基督教在现代中国的关系变得十分必要。

    Due to the conflicts between Christianity and Confucianism as well as the tendency towards religious prosperity , it is necessary to deal with the bilateral relationship correctly in modern China .

  21. 基督教,在中国单指新教,又称耶稣教,它是16世纪时由天主教分裂出来的教派,故称新教,以示与天主教旧教的区别。

    Christianity , single refered to the Protestant in China , and also called Protestantism . It was splitted up by the Catholic church in the 16th century , therefore , called Protestant , in solidarity with the difference between the Catholic .

  22. 基督教在现当代中国文学中的形象及其变迁

    The Image and Its Change : Christianity in Chinese Temporary Literature

  23. 基督教青年会在中国的体育活动及其影响

    Sports activities of Young Men 's Christian Association in China and its influence

  24. 关于基督教神学哲学在中国的翻译和吸纳问题

    On the Problems of the Translation and Being Absorbed of Christian Theology and Philosophy in China

  25. 清末期间,天主教与基督教新教在中国的传教事工达到了鼎盛。

    During the qing dynasty , the Catholic and protestant missionaries in China reached the peak work .

  26. 华大教育学院还是一所教育研究机构,致力于研究基督教教育如何在中国发展;

    Secondly , it was an institute , mainly researching the Christian education how to develop in China ;

  27. 自从基督教与儒学在中国社会相遇以来,会通儒学与基督教就成为困扰中国思想文化界的一大难题。

    Ever since Christianity met Confucianism in Chinese society , communication between them has long been a perplexity in China 's ideological and cultural circles .

  28. 这从一个侧面说明,基督教大学后来在中国大陆的消亡,某种程度上说确是政治的牺牲品。

    The author considers because of that the perish of Christian university in Mainland after 1951 , in some degree , was a sacrifice of politics .

  29. 基督教青年会在中国体育系统中一直起着重要作用,由于许多体育界的领导人都是青年会培养出来的,所以一直到最近还能感受到它的影响。

    The YMCA continued to play a major role in China 's sport system , and its influence was still being felt until recently since many sports leaders were YMCA-trained .

  30. 拒斥与接纳&基督教在华传播与中国民间信仰关系的文化透视

    Repelling or Accepting & the cultural investigation of relationships between the dissemination of christianity in China and the Chinese popular faiths