
  • 网络Kansas;Kansas city;KansasCity
  1. 堪萨斯城地区的教会为此事捐助了35,000美元。

    Kansas City area churches kicked in $ 35,000 to support the event

  2. 登机最后的广播这是为乘坐372A航班预订到堪萨斯城的乘客Erin和FredCollins的最后登机广播。

    This is the final boarding call for passengers Erin and Fred Collins booked on flight 372A to Kansas City .

  3. 同样,现在担任堪萨斯城联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofKansasCity)高级社区事务顾问的文斯科先生工作得也很开心。

    Wenske is working happily as a senior community-affairs adviser for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City .

  4. 托马斯赫尼希已担任堪萨斯城联邦储备银行(federalreservebankofkansascity)行长20年,之前曾在银行监管部门工作过18年。

    The writer has been president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City for 20 years and previously worked in banking supervision for 18 years .

  5. 这次会议召开日期已经确定,将于2011年5月15日在堪萨斯州堪萨斯城的MarriottOverlandPark召开。

    It will kick off on May15,2011 , at the Marriott Overland Park in Kansas City , Kansas .

  6. NPR新闻,弗兰克·莫里斯堪萨斯城报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Frank Morris , in Kansas City .

  7. 这种大规模的暴风雪导致了交通问题,比如CNN的泰德?罗兰兹就正在堪萨斯城之外。

    This massive winter storm is causing travel problems like what CNN 's Ted Rowlands ran into outside Kansas City .

  8. 在很多方面,该无线服务都和GoogleFiber互联网服务类似。后者已在美国一些城市引入,包括堪萨斯城地区和德州的奥斯汀。

    In many ways , the wireless service is similar to the Google Fiber Internet service that has been introduced in a handful of American cities , including the Kansas City area and Austin , Tex.

  9. 但是,根据堪萨斯城的智囊团考夫曼基金会(theKauffmanFoundation)有关创业的最新研究,这个形象是虚构的。

    But according to a new study from the Kauffman Foundation , a Kansas City think tank that studies entrepreneurship , that image is a myth .

  10. JJ在密苏里州堪萨斯城的餐馆周二提前关门。

    JJ 's restaurant , in Kansa city Missouri , closed early on Tuesday .

  11. 我是堪萨斯城Intergroup的Giselle。

    This is Giselle calling from Intergroup in Kansas City .

  12. 同时,那些曾经根据年龄、宗教和吸烟习惯寻觅伴侣的Match客户,如今已能根据是否练瑜伽、是否居住在堪萨斯城某个具体的住宅区来搜寻。

    Meanwhile , Match customers who once searched by age , religion and smoking habits are now able to sort potential mates based on whether they practice yoga and live in a particular neighbourhood in Kansas City .

  13. 印度出生的N.达莫达.雷迪经营的小小的加州公司在堪萨斯城重新启用了美国电话电报公司的一家芯片工厂,并从密苏里州获取了财政上的支持。

    India-born N.Damodar Reddy 's tiny California company reopened an AT & T chip plant in Kansas City last spring with financing from the state of Missouri .

  14. 大胆地组合了Deleon龙舌兰酒、HaigClub威士忌酒和AviationAmerican杜松子酒,混合坦帕湾和堪萨斯城的自然香气。

    A daring combination of Deleon Tequila , Haig Club Whisky , Aviation American Gin and natural flavors found in both Tampa Bay and Kansas City .

  15. 摘要:堪萨斯城,俄亥俄州,伊利诺伊州,宾夕法尼亚州的facebook粉丝们,全世界各地观看我们节目的朋友们,欢迎大家收听CNN学生新闻。

    To our Facebook fans in Kansas , Ohio , Illinois , Pennsylvania and to everyone who 's watching us around the world , welcome to CNN Student News .

  16. 分析了录音磁带记录数据的堪萨斯城(Kansas)标准和INTELHEX数据记录格式及其在NC-401数控车床上的具体应用。

    Kansas standard and Intel Hex data record format are described , their applications in NC 401 numerical lathe are introduced .

  17. 对堪萨斯城的居民来说这些天可谓好事连连,首先是谷歌的Fiber高速网络接通,然后还拥有一支战无不胜的美国橄榄球联盟球队,今天他们通过最经典的方式表达了他们的喜悦之情,他们通过大声呐喊表达喜悦。

    There 's plenty of reason for Kansas City residents to be exultant these days - from Google 's Fiber internet service to an unbeaten NFL team - and today they 've expressed that joy in the most classic of ways : by shouting about it .

  18. 两名遇害者在堪萨斯城犹太社区中心的停车场被杀,另外一名遇害者在VillageShalom生活辅助设施内被杀。

    Two people were killed in a parking lot of a Jewish community center of Greater Kansas city , and one at Village Shalom assisted living facility .

  19. 福格艺术博物馆(TheFogg)和纳尔逊艺术博物馆于是同意一同出资,买下所有残片并将其带到堪萨斯城重新组装。

    The Fogg and the Nelson agreed together to provide funds to acquire all the pieces and reassemble them in Kansas City .

  20. 超级碗LV比赛在坦帕湾海盗队和堪萨斯城酋长队之间拉开帷幕,佛罗里达州坦帕市的雷蒙德·詹姆斯体育场在一些假球迷的衬托下显得“人”满为患。

    Super Bowl LV kicked off between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs , Raymond James Stadium in Tampa , Florida looked full with the help of some fake fans .

  21. 伯南克的四年任期将于明年1月结束,预计届时他将再度被巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)提名为美联储主席。上周日,他打破先例,在堪萨斯城召开了一次市政厅答疑会。

    Mr Bernanke , who is still expected to be re-nominated as chairman by Barack Obama when his four-year term expires in January , broke with precedent last Sunday when he held a town hall question and answer session in Kansas City .

  22. 令人意想不到的是,华特·迪士尼早年曾被《堪萨斯城明星报》(KansasCityStarNewspaper)解雇,因为他“不够具有创造力”。1922年,他在堪萨斯创立了Laugh-O-Gram公司,制作动画片和短篇广告。

    Amazingly , Walt Disney was fired from an early job at the Kansas City Star Newspaper because he was " not creative enough . " In 1922 he launched a Kansas-based company called Laugh-O-Gram with a mission to produce cartoons and short advertising films .

  23. MadisonBumgarner在11年的世界大赛期间,第一次不参加比赛。他曾经打出四支安打,并在与旧金山巨人队的比赛中投出8分球,并以5:0大胜堪萨斯城。

    And Madison Bumgarner tossed the first World Series shutout in 11 years , allowing four hits while striking out eight in the San Francisco Giant 's five-to-nothing win over Kansas City .

  24. 总部位于堪萨斯城的斯普林特公司是美国第三大无线运营商,曾希望以320亿美元的价格收购T-mobile公司。

    Kansas City based Sprint has been a distant No.3 among US wireless carriers and hoped to merge with T-mobile in a 32 billion dollar deal .

  25. 在70年代,与其说他是个纽约市居民,不如说他是个放浪形骸的游客,乘坐豪华轿车穿梭于“麦克斯的堪萨斯城”、天堂车库(ParadiseGarage)和里诺斯威尼(RinoSweeney)几个夜总会之间。

    Throughout the 1970s , he was less a citizen of New York than a debauched tourist , directing his limo to Max 's , Paradise Garage and Reno Sweeney .

  26. 去年夏天,保罗·文斯科(PaulWenske)不得不接受《堪萨斯城星报》(KansasCityStar)的买断协议,他一下子失去了自我认同感。

    Forced to take a buyout from the Kansas City Star last summer , Paul Wenske lost his sense of identity . 'I 'd been an investigative reporter all my life , and then boom , 'says Mr.

  27. 堪萨斯城的官员们希望在一次大规模暴风雪袭击这个地区前完成在JJ餐馆废墟中的搜寻工作,这仅仅是在密苏里州。

    Kansas city officials were hoping to finish searching to the rubble in JJ 's restaurant before a massive winter storm hit the area , and this is just in Missouri .

  28. 面部肌肉张力没有吸引力也可以通过舒缓的音乐和简单的插花得到缓解。密苏里州堪萨斯城天然温泉的共同拥有人RichardDeLozier说。

    Unattractive tension in facial muscles also can be relieved by soothing instrumental music and simple flower arrangements , says Richard DeLozier , co-owner of Naturally Spa in Kansas City , Mo.

  29. 现在,贝尔彻的家人告诉堪萨斯城“明星”队他们也怀疑CTE作祟,而就在上周五,贝尔彻的遗体被从宾州的墓地里挖出来用以检查他的大脑。

    Now , the Belcher family tell the Kansas City " Star " that they too , suspect CTE , and on Friday , Belcher 's body was exhumed so his brain could be examined .

  30. 酷爱与音乐家和摇滚歌星拍拖的贝贝比尔(BebeBuell)这样描述鲍伊莅临“麦克斯的堪萨斯城”(Max’sKansasCity)夜总会的情景:“他身着粉蓝色西装,搭配着橙色的头发,就这样走了进来,让我们每个人都如醉如痴。”

    Here 's Bebe Buell , the musician and rock star paramour , recalling Mr. Bowie 's arrival at Max 's Kansas City : " He walked in wearing a powdered-blue suit with orange hair , and just bedazzled us all . "