
  • 网络plastic CAP;Plastic
  1. 使用专用工具套筒扳手紧固塑料盖。

    Tighten plastic cap using special tool socket wrench .

  2. 她揭开塑料盖,拿出了一个小勺。

    Prying off the plastic lid , she took out a small scoop .

  3. 为了保存邮票,集邮者通常把它们放在塑料盖下。

    To keep stamps , stamp collectors usually put them under plastic covers .

  4. 保护仪器的一种可以移动的塑料盖。

    A removable plastic cover to protect a piece of equipment .

  5. 连接管道前必须拆除上述塑料盖。

    This cap must be removed before connecting the piping .

  6. 图片可以看出,在红色的包装和塑料盖。

    The red packaging and the plastic lid can be seen in the picture .

  7. 返工固定支架的塑料盖。

    Rework plastic cover for mounting bracket .

  8. 万一暴风雨带来了大量的雨水,塑料盖会保护箱子内的盆栽混合土,肥料还有白云石。

    If storms should bring large amounts of rain , the cover protects the potting mix , fertilizer , and dolomite inside the box .

  9. 负责实验室仪器的使用、护和保养参。保护仪器的一种可以移动的塑料盖。

    Be responsible for the routine use , cleaning and preventive maintenance activities of lab equipments . a removable plastic cover to protect a piece of equipment .

  10. 主天线位于手机顶部份子化合物塑料盖平面部分内,可以在第二张、第三张图片上看到。

    The main antennas are located near the flat plastic plates on the top and bottom of the phone , as seen in the second and third pictures .

  11. 该机设计人性化,高频调速,性能稳定可靠,自动化程度高,是塑料盖组装的最理想的设备。

    It is of the humane design , variable frequency speed regulation , stable and reliable performance , high automation degree , It is the best equipment for assembling the plastic caps .

  12. 咖啡机上的喷嘴一侧有个塑料盖,不让顾客看到咖啡师往油脂里加了多少糖(这就是一种变成了独门秘方的云淡风轻)。

    a plastic flap alongside the nozzles on the machine prevents customers from glimpsing how much sugar the baristas add to the crema ( a case of sprezzatura turned into proprietary secret ) .

  13. 当喝水者放下或端平杯子时,套壳内的铁棒利用套壳底部的斜面滚动,塑料盖片复又自然盖住杯子。

    When the drinker puts down or carries the cup , the iron rod in the jacket shell rolls using a slope on the bottom of the jacket shell , and the plastic cover sheet covers the cup naturally again .

  14. 分析了有内侧凹塑料盖的工艺特点,进行了模具设计,介绍了一种简单易行的三向内抽芯结构在注射模中的应用。

    The technology characters of plastic cover with inside concave is analyzed , and related mold design is completed , furthermore , a simplified as well as easy to operate , three-way pulling-core structure is introduced to apply in the injection mold .

  15. 更棒的咖啡、更低廉的价格以及更友好的同事关系——所有这一切都如此令人愉快,以至于我感到奇怪,这么多年来我到底在干什么——像个从烧杯里喝水的婴儿一样,从塑料盖上的小洞里吮吸拿铁?

    This was so agreeable - better coffee , cheaper and more sociable - it made me wonder what I 've been doing all these years sucking lattes out of a hole in a plastic lid like a baby drinking from a beaker .

  16. 这款新伞叫做空气伞,它移除了传统的塑料伞盖,取而代之的是一个风力屏障。

    Called the Air Umbrella , the concept removes the plastic top from the umbrella and replaces it with a wind shield .

  17. PET热灌装瓶用塑料防盗盖的选用

    Selection of plastic anti-theft caps for hot-filled PET bottles

  18. 对PET热灌装瓶的塑料防盗盖的类型和性能作了简单介绍;并对其使用范围作了说明。

    The type and function of plastic anti-theft capes for hot-filled PET bottles are briefly introduced , and the scope of application concerned is described .

  19. 主要论述了塑料油箱盖的注塑成型工艺,并就如何例用CAE分析论证产品的工艺性、以及如何保证产品的不变形进行了说明。

    Mainly discuss the Plastic Tank Flap injection process . and how to use CAE in analysis product manufacture . and how to ensure production not deformation .

  20. 塑料斜盖注射模脱模机构的设计

    Design of Demoulding Mechanism of Injection Mold for the Plastic Slant Lid

  21. 塑料基座盖注射模设计

    Design of Injection Mold for the Plastic Pedestal Cover

  22. 塑料油箱盖成型工艺的研究

    Research of the plastic Tank Cover manufacture process

  23. 塑料防盗盖助推饮料工业

    Plastic Cap Drives Beverage Industry

  24. 塑料牙盖嵴面打磨粗糙后,可显著增强塑料牙与基托树脂的结合强度。

    The ground rough bonding surface can remarkably enhance the bond strength of denture teeth to denture base .

  25. 塑料绝缘材料盖,电气设备用这台计算机由一个塑料防护罩盖着。

    A plastic cover protects the computer .

  26. 有界完备充分统计量从温控器上拆卸塑料温控器盖,确保与温控器上固定点完全分离。

    Boundedly complete sufficient statistics Remove the plastic thermostat cover from the thermostat ( s ) making sure to disengage the attachment point from the thermostat .

  27. 将环形磁铁嵌入橡胶圈的内腔中,再将塑料罩盘盖在橡胶圈的背面。

    The annular magnet is embedded into an inner cavity of the rubber ring , the plastic cover disk is covered at the back face of the rubber ring .

  28. 从温控器上拆卸塑料温控器盖,确保与温控器上固定点完全分离。全省全年有九十一点六万人解决了温饱问题。

    Remove the plastic thermostat cover from the thermostat ( s ) making sure to disengage the attachment point from the thermostat . All across the province , throughout the year , 916,000 people solved the problem of dressing warmly and having enough food .

  29. 用塑料楔子将滤清器盖上的旧o形环撬出并进行处理。

    Lever off the old O-ring on the filter cover using a plastic spatula and dispose of it .

  30. 建设高标准厂房、购置设备、筹建科研中心等。建设塑料桶、塑料盖生产线一套。

    Establishing high standard plants , purchasing facilities and preparing the establishment of scientific and research center , as well as supportive flow capital .