
shēng yù
  • reputation;prestige;fame;image
声誉 [shēng yù]
  • [fame;reputation;prestige] 名誉;声望

  • 这里是正当的世家,在本城里是声誉最好的。--巴金《家》

  • 收百姓之欢心,树名贤之良佐,天下无双,则足以显声誉。--《后汉书.冯衍传》

声誉[shēng yù]
  1. 正是这场运动确立了这家报纸的声誉。

    It was this campaign that established the paper 's reputation .

  2. 这是提高公司声誉的机会。

    This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company .

  3. 这篇报道企图玷污该党领袖的声誉。

    The story was an attempt to smear the party leader .

  4. 狂热的足球迷败坏了他们所支持球队的声誉。

    Violent football fans bring discredit on the teams they support .

  5. 他们的失败提高了那些受到他们攻击的人的声誉。

    Their defeat redounds to the glory of those whom they attacked .

  6. 他把自己说成是一场诋毁声誉行为的无辜受害者。

    He cast himself as the innocent victim of a hate campaign .

  7. 她接受了他的邀请,这件事已经使她的声誉受到了损害。

    She had already compromised herself by accepting his invitation .

  8. 这会严重损害公司的声誉。

    This could seriously injure the company 's reputation .

  9. 在新指挥的领导下,这个乐团建立了国际声誉。

    Under its new conductor , the orchestra has established an international reputation .

  10. 他在以自己的声誉为这笔交易作赌注。

    He 's gambling his reputation on this deal .

  11. 她是一位享有国际声誉的作家。

    She is a writer of international repute .

  12. 体育运动因受商业赞助而降低了声誉。

    Sport is being debased by commercial sponsorship .

  13. 党的声誉比我当选的机遇更重要。

    My election chances are not as important as the good name of the party .

  14. 由于约翰逊东窗事发,他们的体育声誉受到了严重损害。

    Their sporting reputation has suffered enormously from Johnson 's exposure .

  15. 杰克逊不想损害自己政界名人的声誉。

    Jackson doesn 't want to damage his reputation as a political personality

  16. 作为一位技艺非凡的大师,他声誉日隆。

    He was gaining a reputation as a remarkable virtuoso .

  17. 这给他的声誉造成了难以估量的损失。

    This has done incalculable damage to his reputation .

  18. 他们会非常渴望提高他们在国外的声誉。

    They 'll be keen to enhance their reputation abroad

  19. 与对他声誉造成的损伤相比,这一代价就变得微不足道了。

    The cost pales into insignificance when compared with the damage done to his reputation

  20. 梅利的工作没有获得什么声誉。

    Mailly 's work achieved little renown .

  21. 他是一位声誉很高的学者。

    He was a highly regarded scholar .

  22. 要想提升销量和声誉,马自达公司需要对自己重新定位。

    Mazda needs to reposition itself if it is to boost its sales and reputation .

  23. 这所大学有良好的学术声誉。

    This college has a good academic reputation

  24. 公司必须树立诚信的声誉。

    Companies must earn a reputation for honesty

  25. 他说总统正在作最后的努力,希望保住自己的声誉。

    He said the President was making a last ditch attempt to save his own neck .

  26. 当时,他在牛津担任诗歌教授的聘期刚到一半,声誉正隆。

    He was in the middle of his tenure as Oxford Professor of Poetry and at the height of his fame .

  27. 我很高兴获得提名,也很荣幸接受如此声誉卓越的奖项,这是对我们公司所取得成就的认可。

    I was delighted to be a nominee and to receive such a prestigious award in recognition of our company 's achievements .

  28. 欧盟认为它能够解决欧洲面临的最严重的困境,提升自己作为国际舞台上一个重要角色的声誉。

    The EU thought it could resolve Europe 's worst nightmare and boost its own credibility as a strong actor on the international stage .

  29. 他妒忌朋友的声誉。

    He was jealous of his friend 's reputation .

  30. 他屡次失败使他的声誉受损。

    His failures harmed his reputation .