
  • 网络University Of Hawaii;University of Hawaii at Manoa;Hawaii University
  1. 他拥有夏威夷大学的博士和MBA学位。

    He holds PhD and MBA degrees from the University of Hawaii .

  2. 但最终,年轻的心对冒险的渴望战胜了他对安静冥想的向往,于是他选择了夏威夷大学(UniversityofHawaii)。

    But in the end , a youthful thirst for adventure beat out any yearning he might have felt for quiet meditation , and he chose the University of Hawaii instead .

  3. 夏威夷大学的BarryHubert是这项研究的领导者。

    Barry Hubert of the University of Hawaii is the lead investigator for the study .

  4. 夏威夷大学人类学家克里斯汀·R·矢野(ChristineR.Yano)正在为全美日裔国立博物馆的凯蒂猫艺术回顾展撰写文字说明,《洛杉矶时报》引述了她的考证。

    The Times quotes Christine R. Yano , an anthropologist from the University of Hawaii , who was preparing the written text for a retrospective of Hello Kitty art at the Japanese American National Museum .

  5. 如果你让人们挤在一起,到了一定程度,他们就不再能做出适当的行为,夏威夷大学研究路上和机上愤怒的心理学教授利昂·詹姆斯(LeonJames)说。

    When you crowd people together , there is a point at which they are no longer able to function appropriately , said Leon James , a professor of psychology at the University of Hawaii who has studied road and air rage .

  6. 使用美国夏威夷大学发展的中等复杂程度海洋模式(IOM)在给定表面强迫条件下模拟了热带大西洋上层海洋年际和年代际变率的时空结构。

    An investigation for understanding relative contributions of the surface wind stress forcing and the heat flux forcing to the upper ocean variability in the tropical Atlantic is presented , with an intermediate ocean model ( IOM ) developed in Hawaii University .

  7. 他是夏威夷大学的毕业生。

    He was a graduate of the University of Hawaii .

  8. 繁漪是一个公共的邮件列表由夏威夷大学举办。

    Fanyi is a public mailing list run by the University of Hawaii .

  9. 哪个巴士去夏威夷大学?

    Which bus goes to the University of hawaii ?

  10. 他是夏威夷大学的宗教方向教授,

    who 's a professor of religion , actually , at the University of Hawaii ,

  11. 夏威夷大学的克雷·特劳尔尼希特表示,热带岛屿上的火灾有很强的影响。

    Clay Trauernicht of the University of Hawaii said that on tropical islands , fires have strong effects .

  12. 1997年初赴美国柏克利加州大学和夏威夷大学做访问学者。

    At the beginning of1997 , she was a visiting scholar in Berkeley University and Hawaii University in US .

  13. 据悉,1960年美国总统奥巴马母亲与父亲在夏威夷大学的一个俄罗斯语言学习班结识,并最后喜结连理。

    President Obama 's mother met his father at a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii in 1960 .

  14. 夏威夷大学建筑专业在读博士生特里斯坦·巴星怀特是整个团队的建筑师。

    Tristan Bassingthwaighte , a doctor of architecture candidate at University of Hawaii , served as the crew 's architect .

  15. 我相信夏威夷大学是一个学习英文的很好的地方。

    That 's why I came here to study and I believe that Hawaii is a good place to learn English .

  16. 这两只兔子是在伊斯坦布尔大学诞生的,由土耳其和夏威夷大学的科学家合作研发。

    The rabbits were born at the University of Istanbul as part of a collaboration between scientists from universities in Turkey and Hawaii .

  17. 夏威夷大学的森林大火专家特劳尔尼希特认为,气候变化是夏威夷火灾的原因之一。

    Trauernicht , the University of Hawaii wildfire expert , suggested that climate change is one of the reasons for the fires in Hawaii .

  18. 夏威夷大学的一支研究团队采访了106名调查对象,询问他们失去宠物后有何感受。

    A team of researchers at the University of Hawaii asked 106 of them to describe how they felt after the death of their pet .

  19. 他的信件帮助他赢得了夏威夷大学的入学资格,也得到了足以支付他开销的钱。

    His letters helped him gain admission to the University of Hawaii and to come up with the money he needed to cover his costs .

  20. 我国临床心理学家所面临的挑战&美国夏威夷大学心理系临床心理学家培训计划有感

    The Challenges that the Clinical Psychologist Faced in China & Thoughts of the Training Plan of Clinical Psychologist in Department of Psychology , University of Hawaii

  21. 夏威夷大学的詹姆斯博士说,他们必须把机上乘客当成一个潜在团体,并且采取某些团体建设的方法。

    They have to think of the crowd as a potential community , said Dr. James of the University of Hawaii , and enact certain community-building principles .

  22. 舒伯特布赖恩是美国夏威夷大学的助理研究员,他称该种细菌处于萎缩冬眠状态。

    Schubert , who is now an assistant researcher at the University of Hawaii , said the bacteria was shrunken and suspended in a type of hibernation state .

  23. 夏威夷大学珊瑚专家鲍勃瑞奇蒙德告诉政府官员,由于鱼类抗拒太嘈杂的区域,他担心那些设备制造的噪音会对鱼类产生影响。

    University of Hawaii coral scientist Bob Richmond told officials he was concerned about the noise the devices make , as fish avoid areas that are too loud .

  24. 美国夏威夷大学的纳米技术专家日前制造出世界上体积最小的刷子,他们说这种刷子的刷毛只有一根头发丝的千分之一那么细。

    University of Hawaii nanotechnology experts have invented the world 's smallest brush & a device boasting bristles a thousand times finer than a strand of human hair .

  25. 这种地球地幔远动对海平面造成的巨大影响的观点已经引起了强烈的关注,檀香山夏威夷大学的克林特康拉德说道。

    The idea that circulation in the Earth 's mantle can significantly affect sea levels has been gaining momentum , says Clint Conrad of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu .

  26. 他在当地学校的学习成绩非常好并赢得了去内罗毕上学的奖学金,随后他来到美国就读于夏威夷大学。

    He did well in a local school and won a scholarship to attend school in Nairobi before coming to the United States to study at the University of Hawaii .

  27. 美国夏威夷大学的一名科学家日前称其在加州东部死亡谷地下的盐晶体中充满液体的小细胞中发现了一种细菌,其寿命高达34000岁。

    34,000-year-old bacteria have been found inside tiny , fluid-filled chambers within the salt crystals below Death Valley in Eastern California , according to a scientist at the University of Hawaii .

  28. 在另一个对于吸烟人群的实验中,夏威夷大学的研究组发现每天喝柚子汁可以帮助减小吸烟人群患癌症的比率。

    For smokers in another experiment , the University of Hawaii research team found that drinking grapefruit juice every day can help reduce the smoking rate of people suffering from cancer .

  29. 在火奴鲁鲁,安就读于马诺阿的夏威夷大学。那里,在俄语语言学的课上,她遇见了来自肯尼亚的交换生巴拉克侯赛因奥巴马。

    In Honolulu , Ann enrolled at the University of Hawaii at Manoa . There , in a Russian language class , she met Kenyan foreign exchange student named Barack Hussein Obama .

  30. 据英国《每日电讯报》18日报道,出自夏威夷大学的最新研究表明,通过对鸟类信天翁的跟踪调查,研究人员发现大约有1/3的信天翁家庭由两只雌信天翁组成。

    According to Telegraph , May18 , a study centered on an albatross colony at the University of Hawaii revealed that one third of albatross'couples ' , are consistent of two females .