
  • 网络aloha shirt;Hawaiian shirt;felina
  1. 他还穿著夏威夷衫。他还仍处于休假的状态。

    He is still wearing a Hawaiian shirt . he 's still in vacation mode .

  2. 那天乔布斯出现的时候没有按要求穿夏威夷衫,但在照片中,他穿着一件夏威夷衫坐在前排中央。

    Jobs had shown up without the suggested Hawaiian shirt , but in the picture he is front and center wearing one .

  3. 你穿这件夏威夷衫看起来真棒!

    A : You look great in that Hawaiin shirt !

  4. 调查显示,夹指凉拖为工作场合的第二大穿衣禁忌,夏威夷印染衫和短裤名列其后。

    Flip-flop sandals weighed in next on the list of fashion mistakes , followed by Hawaiian prints and shorts , it said .