
  1. 医学史的理论研究,在医学起源、医史分期、医学人物评价、医学发展的内在规律与外部文化环境之关系等问题的研究更为活跃、深入、客观。

    In the field of theoretical study , all relevant problems , including origin of medicine , division of historical periods , appraisal of medical figures , relationship between the inner law of medical development and cultural background , have been explored actively , profoundly and objectively .

  2. 主体意志的变化与其所处的外部社会文化环境的变化并非绝对同步的。

    The changes of wills aren 't absolutely in step with the changes of their external social and cultural environments .

  3. 第一部分,首先回顾了文化研究在西方的兴起和兴盛的过程,接下来从外部社会文化环境和学术内部发展规律两个方面分析了文化研究引入中国的背景。

    In the first section , the rise and prosperity of cultural studies in western countries is examined retrospectively and the background for its introduction in China is analysed from the external social-cultural environment and internal rules of academic development .

  4. 即使在实践共同体与外部的社会文化环境不利的情形下,教师依旧可以坚守自己的教育哲学,并努力地在课堂中践行。

    Even in the adverse circumstances of communities of practice , social and cultural environment , teachers can still stick to their own educational philosophy , and make efforts to put it into practice in the classroom .