
  1. 多年以后我又重返非洲,不过这是后话了。

    Many years later I returned to Africa but that 's another story .

  2. 他在国外居住多年以后,于1939年回到了英国。

    He returned to Britain in 1939 , having resided abroad for many years .

  3. 他过去一直在欺骗税务部门,只是多年以后才被查出来。

    He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was found out .

  4. 谁知道这么多年以后,我会为了度过自己的抗癌经历再去看伯尼医生和他的CD呢?

    Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to get through my own cancer experience ?

  5. 多年以后,她仍然与其中一些人保持着联系。

    Years later she is still in touch with some of them .

  6. 那么多年以后又见到他,是一种不可思议的感觉。

    Seeing him again after so many years was a strange sensation .

  7. 多年以后,奥雷连诺上校站在行刑队面前,准会想起父亲带他去参观冰块的那个遥远的下午。

    Many years later as he faced the firing squad4 , Colonel Aureliano Buend í a was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice 。

  8. 在中国加入WTO多年以后,中国市场开放进程进入后过渡期。

    Several years after China entering WTO , the opening of Chinese market has stepped into ″ the post transition period ″ .

  9. 我们认为Spectrum是一部正在被书写的史书,在多年以后这系列丛书仍将为艺术家和读者提供参考和灵感。

    We think of Spectrum as an ongoing history book series , collections that can be used as both a reference and as an inspiration to artists and readers for many years to come .

  10. 两人曾参加过彼此的婚礼,两家还曾一起度假,观看超级碗(SuperBowl)比赛,但从纳努拉辞职之后,两人之间便再无往来,直到多年以后两人不期而遇,才打破了两人之间的沉默。

    The two men , who had once been in each other 's weddings and had gone on family vacations and trips to the Super Bowl together , didn 't talk until they ran into each other years later .

  11. 多年以后,OpenNTF一直在维护一个项目集合和一个代码段存储库。

    For the past several years , OpenNTF has maintained a set of projects and a code snippet repository .

  12. 多年以后,布莱恩特不仅在赛场上取得成功,并且成为雪碧(Sprite)、麦当劳(McDonalds)、耐克、阿迪达斯(Adidas)和其他许多品牌的代言人。

    Years later , Bryant is a success both on the court and as the face of Sprite , McDonalds ( MCD ) , Nike , Adidas , and other brands .

  13. 尽管完全无人驾驶的汽车仍是多年以后的事,但是具备先进防撞技术的高度自动化汽车如今已上路行驶。丰田(Toyota)希望打造不可能为车祸负责的汽车,然而多数现代汽车都有某种主动安全功能。

    While fully driverless cars remain some years away , highly automated cars with sophisticated crash-prevention technology are on the road today.Toyota wants to build cars that cannot be responsible for a crash , but most modern vehicles have some sort of active safety features .

  14. 但是这一观念在多年以后才得到认可。

    But the idea did not become popular until years later .

  15. 我再次见到它已经是多年以后的事了。

    Many years were to elapse before I saw it again .

  16. 多年以后,这个孩子的故事终于开始。

    Finally , years later , the boy 's story began .

  17. 为什么业务流程再造在企业中实施多年以后的成功率仍然不尽人意?

    Why has the rate of success on BPR still been discontented ?

  18. 多年以后我听说了这个词:童工。

    Years later , I heard about the term : child labor .

  19. 多年以后,他们仍对那段经历感到好笑。

    They were still laughing about the experience years later .

  20. 我希望多年以后我也能取得她今天的成就。

    Over time , I hope I can accomplish what she has .

  21. 多年以后,农夫佛莱明的儿子从伦敦圣玛丽医药学院毕业。

    In time , Farmer Fleming 's son graduated from St.

  22. 那要好多年以后,但现在就要做起。

    It will take many years , but we should act now .

  23. 这么多年以后,你还记得我所有的事?

    After all these years you remember everything about me ?

  24. 多年以后,年轻人已事业有成。

    Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business .

  25. 若这遇见你,多年以后。

    If I see you , after long years .

  26. 即使多年以后我们还会遇见。

    Even many years later we will meet .

  27. 任何和平协议都将是多年以后的事。

    Any peace agreement would be years away .

  28. 多年以后在某个地方,我将叹息着讲述这件事

    I shall be telling this with a sigh

  29. 多年以后,钮扣仍有诱人的芬芳。

    Years later , that enticing scent lingers .

  30. 这么多年以后看到他真令我甚感意外。

    It gave me quite a turn to see him after all these years .