
  • 网络Multi-stage pump;multistage pump
  1. 冲压式多级泵水力性能的数值模拟及实验验证

    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Verification of Hydraulic Performance of Stamping Multi-stage Pump

  2. 中开式多级泵转子强度的计算

    The intensity calculation of horizontal split casing multi-stage pump rotor

  3. 利用CFD软件对其内部流场进行模拟,结果表明:螺旋离心泵主要是通过其螺旋段部分对流体作功的,可见螺旋式叶轮能起到多级泵加能的作用。

    The interior flow field was simulated by using the software CFD , and its result showed that the energy accepted by the liquid is done by the segment of the screw and the screw impeller can increase pump power as multistage pump does .

  4. SIHI系列产品作为水平或竖直安装的多级泵,应用于高压场合,能够满足ISO5199/EN25199的技术要求。

    The SIHI range of horizontal or vertical , ring-section multistage pumps are for high pressure applications and meet the technical requirements of ISO5199 / EN25199 .

  5. 多级泵平衡盘两间隙内速度与压力分布

    Distribution of Velocity and Pressure Within Balance Disk of Multi-stage-section Pump

  6. 多级泵平衡盘最佳径向尺寸的计算

    Calculation on the optimum radius of the balancing disc for multistage pump

  7. 冲压焊接多级泵粘性设计方法

    Design method of viscidity of stamping and welding multilevel pumps

  8. 多级泵的故障分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment of Faults Occurred in Multi Stage Pumps

  9. 多级泵串量的分析和调整

    Analysis and Adjustment on String Moving Capacity of Stage Pump

  10. 多级泵平衡盘间隙流动及刚度分析

    Analysis on Clearance Flow and Rigidity for A Balance Disc of Multistage Pump

  11. 不锈钢冲压焊接多级泵研究发展现状及应用前景

    Current Developments and Prospective Applications of Stainless Steel Stamping and Welding Multilevel Pumps

  12. 修正后的计算模型可用于单级水蒸气喷射泵的设计,是多级泵优化设计的基础。

    We propose that the revised model may be useful in steam-jet design .

  13. 平衡多级泵轴向力的液体静压支承的结构尺寸设计

    Structural design of hydrostatic bearing for the axial force equilibrium of multistage pump

  14. 多级泵三间隙平衡盘间隙流动的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of fluid flow within gaps in three-gap balance disc of multi-stage-section pump

  15. 多级泵叶轮三维立体激光焊接成形

    Three-Dimensional Laser Welding Formation of Multi-Stage Pump Impeller

  16. 一次成功的多级泵维护

    A Success Maintenance of Centrifugal Multistage Pump

  17. 预测了该多级泵一级的能量特性曲线。

    3 , We get the performance curve through a centrifugal pump stage by calculating .

  18. 多级泵电机轴瓦止推面烧损原因分析和对策

    Damage Reason of the Thrust Face of Sleeve Bearing on Motor Used in the Multi-stage Pump

  19. 传统多级泵的改进设计

    Improvement Design for Traditional Multistage Pump

  20. 在工业生产用的多级泵中,空蚀特性是考核其综合性能的重要指标。

    In industrial production with multistage pumps , cavitation characteristics is the comprehensive performance evaluation of important indexes .

  21. 一种多级泵,是由泵体、叶轮、平衡鼓、副叶轮所组成。

    A multi-stage pump comprises a pump body , an impeller , a balancing drum and an auxiliary impeller .

  22. 同时解决了高工作压力下多级泵的轴向力平衡及静密封问题。

    HIGHLAND has also solved the problem of axial force balance and static seal of multi-stage pump under high-pressure .

  23. 点击此处了解更多隔膜泵,磁力泵,排污泵,多级泵,自吸泵。

    Click here to learn more about Diaphragm Pump , Magnetic Pump , Sewage Pump , Multi-stage Pump , or Self-priming Pump .

  24. 为了在微系统中设计应用低电压驱动的高输出压强电渗泵,提出了多级泵原理。

    The principle of multi-stage EOP is put forward hi order to achieve high - pressure output and low voltage supply in the microsystem .

  25. 多级泵正导叶喉部尺寸对泵的性能有重要的影响,该文介绍了一种事先给定喉部尺寸以计算正导线其它有关几何参数的方法。

    The throat size of the guide vane used in multistage pumps is of importance to p [ WT10 . , 9.75 ] ump characteristics .

  26. 改善多级泵进口的空蚀性能,对安全运行、节能、提高企业经济效益,十分有意义。

    Improve multistage pumps , the cavitation performance of imported for safe operation , saving energy , improving the economic efficiency of enterprises is very meaningful .

  27. 通过分析得出,旋喷泵在小流量、高扬程工况下运行时的效率高于多级泵和高速泵。

    The efficiency of rotary-jet pumps under the operation of low flow and high delivery was higher than those of multistage pumps and high speed pumps through analyses .

  28. 型立卧式多级泵适用于高层建筑的供水,管道增压及消防喷淋等。

    Type DL ( W ) Vertical & horizontal multi-stage pumps are suitable for fresh water transfer in high rise buildings , booster pumps or fire fighting sprinkler .

  29. 介绍了一种新型轴向力平衡装置及其平衡原理,并分析计算了装有这种平衡装置的多级泵在工作过程中末级叶轮所受的轴向力。

    This paper introduced a new-type axial thrust balancing device and its balancing principle , analyzed and calculated the axial thrust of the last-stage impeller in multistage pump that installed this balancing device .

  30. 结合反渗透海水淡化高压泵的能耗状况,合理选择了万吨级反渗透海水淡化高压泵的泵型,提出了一种轴向吸入节段式高压多级泵的新型结构型式。

    Considering the energy consumption of the HP-pump for SWRO , a reasonable type of high pressure pump was selected , and a new structure of the axial suction segment multistage pump was proposed .