
  1. 就拿法律专业来说,今年麦可思数据有限公司将其列为失业率最高的十大大学专业之一。

    Take the major of law as an example . This year MyCOS lists law studies as one of the 10 college majors with the highest risk of unemployment .

  2. 佐治亚大南方大学一名20岁的大三学生告诉BuzzFeed新闻,她一般在课程的访问上代码花费500美元至600美元。

    A 20-year-old junior at Georgia Southern University told BuzzFeed News that she normally spends $ 500 - $ 600 on access codes for class .

  3. 他多大岁数大学毕业?

    How old was he when he graduated from the university ?

  4. 他们可以去规模小的或大的大学。

    They can go to a small one or a large one .

  5. 日本创办国立综合研究大学院大学的经验。

    The experience of Japan 's founding of University of National Comprehensive Research Institute .

  6. 有些规模大的大学甚至有公车在校园里载送学生到各个教室上课。

    Some large universities even have buses to take students to classes across campus .

  7. 口袋中的秘密&便携式视频播放器大检阅大学与中学英语教学的衔接

    Pocket secret The Dovetailing of the English Teaching in Middle Schools with That in Colleges

  8. 如果你走过我们各大科技大学的实验室,你会看见许多亚洲面孔。

    If you walk through the labs of our great scientific universities you see many Asian faces .

  9. 国内规模稍大的大学都有好几个食堂,提供不同口味的菜肴。

    The larger Chinese universities all have a bunch of cafeterias , that provide different kinds of cuisine .

  10. 教育,有许多非常大的大学里当然可以,但是即使是小学院也可以扩展人员。

    Education , there are some very large universities of course but even the smaller colleges have the extension staff .

  11. 比如说,做生意吧,比如买电脑,如果电脑商想要把电脑卖给一个规模大的大学,

    But for example , a business sells , oh computer , say , and they want to sell their computers to a big university .

  12. 如果学生想继续进入四年学院或更大的大学学习的话,先参加社区学院可以为其节省许多钱。

    Starting at a community college can save a lot of money if students want to go on to a four-year college or a big university .

  13. 这或许就是大批量大学叙事创作这一文学现象所呈现出的社会文化价值,也是本论文研究的重要意义。

    Perhaps this is the social and cultural values of literary phenomenon showing large quantities of " university narrative ", and it also is the great significance of this thesis research .

  14. 哥伦比亚大学是美国第五所历史悠久的大学,没有进入世界十大著名大学排名。哥伦比亚大学培养了三位美国总统和27位州长。

    The fifth oldest university in the US , Columbia University closes out the world 's top ten universities and is famed for educating three US presidents and27 heads of state .

  15. 随着社会对应用型外语人才的需求越来越大,大学英语教学的重点是加强学生的听说能力和写作能力。

    With increasing demand of the applied talents in foreign languages , the key point of college English teaching falls on strengthening the students ' abilities of listening , speaking and writing .

  16. 大学校长不再言及教育中的重大问题,而是把身心投入到筹措资金和公关活动上,期待着能继续向前走,到下一所名气更大的大学就任校长。

    University presidents no longer speak to the great issues in education but instead devote themselves to fundraising and public relations , and look to move on to the next , more prestigious university presidency .

  17. 大学之大涉及大学是什么、大学做什么等大学发展的根本问题,涉及大学教育的本质及其规定性,涉及大学的定位与特色的形成。

    The greatness of university concerns the essential issues of university development that what is " university " and what does " university " do , the essence and definition of the university education , and also the location and characteristics of the university .

  18. 证明了Dirac族的第一约束流的可分离性,并且给出了它的分离方大连理工大学博工学位论文程。

    It is shown that first constraint flow of Dirac hierarchy is separability and its separation equation is presented .

  19. 室内试验研究表明,大连理工大学沥青路面再生课题组开发的再生剂TY-X对老化的SBS改性沥青再生效果良好。

    The experiment research shows that the recycling agent empoldered by Dalian university of technology hot in-place graduate school has good effect on aging SBS modified asphalt .

  20. 大连理工大学环境生物工程研究室通过多年试验研究,开发了新型一体化3R(carbonremoval,nitrogenremovalandphosphorusremoval)生物反应器。

    Environmental bio-engineering laboratory of Dalian university of technology developed a new combined 3R ( means carbon removal , nitrogen removal and phosphorus removal ) bioreactor . In this combined bioreactor , carbon , nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes could run simultaneously . Fibrous carriers were packed in the reactor .

  21. 最后,在辽宁省教育厅重大项目计划和大连理工大学生命+X项目的支持下,作者所在的实验室开展了新型视频脑电图仪及Holter的研究与开发。

    The validity of the method is verified through experiments . Finally , my lab developed a new type video electroencephalograph and holter , supported by Liaoning Educational Committee and the " life + X " project of Dalian University of Technology .

  22. 本文以大连理工大学机械工程学院开发的350t履带起重机实际项目为背景,对其传感器故障诊断技术进行研究。

    In this paper , a method which is based on the subject-350t crawler crane that is developed by school of mechanical engineering of DUT is developed to detect and diagnose the sensor faults .

  23. 正文第三部分总结分析了大学院与大学区制失败的原因。

    The causes of its failure are analyzed in last section .

  24. 大连理工大学国家自然科学基金资助情况分析

    Analyses of funded projects of NSFC in Dalian University of Technology

  25. 大连理工大学学术交流公寓设计

    Design on Flats for Academic Exchanges of Dalian University of Technology

  26. 我希望去一个大城市读大学。

    And I want to go to college in a big city .

  27. 充实而有光辉谓之大&东华大学科技史教学经验谈

    History of Science and Technology Teaching Experience in Donghua University

  28. 大连理工大学四级后口语课程设计

    The Design of Speaking Course for Post-4 Students in DUT

  29. 大企业从大学毕业生中选拔最优秀的人材。

    Big business culls the brightest from among college graduates .

  30. 人们又开始计划建立一所更大更好的大学

    they started making plans to build an even bigger and better university