
dà sǎo chú
  • general cleaning;thorough cleanup;give a thorough cleaning to;operation clean-up
大扫除 [dà sǎo chú]
  • [give a thorough cleaning to;operation clean-up] 彻底清扫环境卫生

大扫除[dà sǎo chú]
  1. 通常我们每周有一次大扫除。

    As a rule , we have a general cleaning up once a week .

  2. 每星期六下午我们大扫除。

    We have a general cleaning every Saturday .

  3. 这房子需要来个大扫除。

    The house is in need of a thorough clean .

  4. 那地方得来个大扫除,然后我们才能搬进去。

    The place needed a good spring clean before we could move in .

  5. 我这段时间正在戒酒,对体内进行大扫除。

    I 'm on the wagon for a while . Cleaning out my system .

  6. 通过清洁排毒法对身体进行“大扫除”。

    Overhaul your body with a cleansing detox

  7. 他们首先给屋子来一个大扫除。

    They first had a great house cleaning .

  8. 每月落底要大扫除。

    We shall have a thorough cleaning at the end of every month .

  9. 在SquareFoot公司,李发起了每周一次的大扫除时间。

    At the Square Foot , Mr. Lee has started weekly cleanup sessions .

  10. 美国宇航局NASA目前正在打算利用激光给环绕在地球周围的太空垃圾来一次大扫除,目的是为了防止他们与卫星发生碰撞。

    Nasa is considering using lasers to deflect space junk around Earth and stop it colliding with satellites .

  11. MsLethbridge向我们展现了截然不同的生活场景——从公爵官邸里忙碌的大扫除到僻静的郊区住宅,从贵族男管家到Barnardo(创办孤儿院的英国慈善家)的孤儿,从衰落的贵族、兴起的中产阶级到外国保姆,如今的清洁工。

    This is the extreme end of Ms Lethbridge 's survey - a vivid sweep from ducal palace to suburban villa , from lordly butler to Barnardo 's orphan , from decaying gentry and aspiring middles to the foreign nannies and cleaners of today .

  12. 我能用大扫除来消磨时间。

    I can fill the time by spring cleaning the house .

  13. 一股干劲、猛写一阵信、一阵大扫除。

    A fit of energy , letter writing , spring-cleaning , etc.

  14. 大扫除也是这一天最重要的一件事儿。

    Cleaning is also a very important tradition on the day .

  15. 庆祝春节也包括大扫除和放烟火。

    The celebrations include decorating the house and setting off fireworks .

  16. 我们得好好全家大扫除一番了。

    B : we need to do a full household cleanup .

  17. 在春季大扫除,我丈夫照顾院子。

    My husband takes care of the yard during spring cleaning .

  18. 你们觉得大扫除是一件很麻烦的事情吧。

    Do you think the cleaning is a very troublesome issue !

  19. 春季大扫除不需要使用大量有毒化学清洁剂。

    Spring cleaning does not need to be a noxious-chemical-filled affair .

  20. 又到了家庭春季大扫除的时候啦!

    At our house , it 's time for spring cleaning again .

  21. 普林格尔太太前来帮我进行大扫除。

    Mrs Pringle came to give me a hand with the spring-cleaning .

  22. 在美国,许多家庭都要春季大扫除的习惯。

    For most American families , spring-cleaning is a tradition .

  23. 什么学校突然强令要大扫除

    What ? Ah , some mandatory cleanup at school .

  24. 春季大扫除对我来说总是大杂烩。

    Spring cleaning is always a mixed bag for me .

  25. 希拉里决定对小屋进行大扫除。

    Hilary decided to give the cottage a good clean .

  26. 一到学校,孩子们就开始大扫除。(时间)

    Arriving at the classroom , the children began to do cleaning .

  27. 今天的大扫除,我们包片儿进行。春季大扫除之后一切都整整齐齐。国庆节前我们给教室进行了大扫除。

    We gave our classroom a spring cleaning before the National Day .

  28. 等漫长的冬天过去以后,每家都需要来个彻底的大扫除。

    After a long winter , every home needs a thorough spring-cleaning .

  29. 昨天许多学生参加大扫除。

    A lot of students took part in the thorough cleaning yesterday .

  30. 由于进行大扫除,屋里的一切弄得乱七八糟。

    Everything in the house was turned upside down for the cleaning .