
  • 网络Sky Moon;Tian Moon
  1. 营业时间:每周7天,3-10月10:00-17:1511-2月10:00-16:45

    Hours : Open 7 days a week . March — October 10:00 — 17:15 November — February 10:00 — 16:45

  2. 星期分成天,月分成星期。

    The days go into weeks , and the weeks go into months .

  3. 通常以天、月或您指定的时间间隔为单位来记录相应的信息。

    Information is generally recorded day by day , for up to a month , at intervals that you specify .

  4. 基本单位的有效值是事务、秒、分、小时、天、月和年。

    Valid values for base unit are transaction , second , minute , hour , day , month , and year .

  5. 结果:25例病人术后黄疸均基本消退,消退时间20天-3月,转氨酶好转时间在二十天内,21例腹水15-35天消退。

    Results : 25 cases of jaundice patients were regression in20 days-3 months , aminotransferase turn better in20 days ; 21 cases of ascites subsided in15-35 days .

  6. 物之能感人者,在天莫如月,在乐莫如琴,在动物莫如鹃,在植物莫如柳。

    Of all things in the universe , those that move men most deeply are the moon in heaven , the chin in music , the cuckoo among birds , and the willow among plants .

  7. 目前5月只有3天,6月只有6天可以提供该服务。

    It is currently only available for three days in May and six days in June .

  8. W先生上月提出辞呈;他的任期最后一天是6月30日。

    Mister Wolfowitz resigned last month ; his last day is June thirtieth .

  9. 综合起来,这种所谓的“资产支持商业票据”(asset-backedcommercialpaper)在需要偿还前,可持续几天到几个月不等。

    Collectively this so-called " asset-backed commercial paper " or ABCP lasts for anything between a few days and a few months before needing to be refunded .

  10. 研究结果表明:汶川地震前3天即5月9日出现电离层扰动异常,并且Ti参量异常尤其明显。

    The results indicate that : Three days before Wenchuan Earthquake that is the May 9 the precursors are very obvious , and Ti anomaly is particularly evident .

  11. 金黄地鼠于妊娠1~3天,sc月橘烯碱4mg/kg·d却无此作用。

    D on day 1 / 3 of gestation resulted in 100 % anti-implantation effect . However , yuehchukene at 4 mg / kg .

  12. 包括美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)在内的100多位国家和政府首脑将在大会最后一天(12月18日)到场。

    More than 100 heads of state and government , including Barack Obama , US president , are due to attend the final day of the conference on December 18 .

  13. 这一天离5月18日Facebook闹哄哄的上市大戏只隔了几天,但Facebook已经遭遇了数不清的质疑和批评,说不定会令桑德伯格的演讲以尴尬收场。

    Days after a tumultuous May 18 initial public offering , the social network has come under a barrage of questions and criticisms which could have made the event , well , awkward .

  14. ProjectFrog的使命是希望通过易于建造的空间(通常几天或者几个月便可完成),彻底改造建筑行业。相比教育与医疗等行业的传统建筑,ProjectFrog的建筑可以节省约50%的能源。

    Project Frog aims to revamp the construction industry with simple-to-build spaces ( they takes days , rather than months to construct ) that consume about 50 % less energy than traditional buildings for sectors like education and healthcare .

  15. 方法:34例波及黄斑部的孔源性视网膜脱离复位后的患者分别于术后3天、1月、2月、3月、4月、5月、6月进行OCT观察6个月。

    Methods : 34 cases of reattached retina from rhegmatogenous detachment associated with macular detachment were examined at postoperative 3 days , 1 month , 2 months , 3 months , 4 months , 5 months and 6 months , respectively .

  16. 不过,第九天(10月5日),史蒂夫•乔布斯突然逝世。

    Then , on day 9 , Steve Jobs died .

  17. 但有每年有一天的11月大选日。

    But there is a November election day every year .

  18. 他可能死了几天或者几个月。

    He could have died days ago or even months .

  19. 第二天,1月6日,船上没有什么消息。

    The next day , January 6 : nothing new on board .

  20. 你想我们要出走几天,几个月?

    Say , we go out for a week , or a month .

  21. 第3天,9月26曰,我看见了一个帆船,

    On the third day , September 26th , I saw a sail ,

  22. 他在为一次婚礼屠宰家禽后几天于5月10日出现症状。

    He developed symptoms on10 May some days after slaughtering poultry for a wedding .

  23. 她待了差两天一个月。

    She stayed a month less two days .

  24. 第三天,11月10日,还是没有人,同样是冷清清的。

    Next day , November 10 : the same neglect , the same solitude .

  25. 12月25日公司假期放假1天;12月26日上班。

    Day Company holiday on December 25 .

  26. 这一天是7月23日。

    This day is July 23 .

  27. 那一天是9月25号。

    It was the25th of september .

  28. 6月蛹期107天,7月45天。

    The pupal period lasts 10 7 daye in June , but 4 5 days in July .

  29. 全年大风日数为53天,1月大风日数占全年的36%;

    The annual gale days are 53 d , and 36 % of it happens in January .

  30. 结果:48例卵巢肿块均在10天~3个月内自行消失。

    Results : In ten days to three months , 48 cases of ovarian masses disappeared spontaneously .