
fū qī diàn
  • Couple Shop;small shop run by husband and wife
夫妻店 [fū qī diàn]
  • [small shop run by husband and wife] 由夫妇两人经管的小店铺

  1. 与此同时,扎布斯基还从成千上万餐馆中看到了潜在的大好商机&特别是那些缺乏良好网络技能的小型夫妻店,这些餐馆与Seamless合作,把菜单展示在互联网上。

    Meanwhile zabusky sees promising business potential among the thousands of restaurants often small mom-and-pop shops without sophisticated web skills that work with the company to put their menus on the web .

  2. 这家唐山钢铁厂就是一个夫妻店,他们来到工厂时开着一辆全新的黑色宝马(BMW),而这部车也是一家生产切肉机的家族企业送给他们用于抵偿钢材货款的。

    The Tangshan plant is run by a husband-and-wife team who arrived in a new , black BMW : it was paid for by another family business that makes machines to slice meat .

  3. 皮耶里在大型消费类产品公司工作过多年,如StrideRite和科迪斯(Keds)等。所以,这种夫妻店在推出新产品时所遇到的困难令皮耶里感到失望。

    After years working with large consumer product companies like Stride Rite and Keds , Pieri grew frustrated with the difficulty mom-and-pop shops had launching new products .

  4. 拿到必要的汽车进口与经销的政府批文,是金宝面临的第一个挑战——考虑到他的车行只是他与华人妻子、前IBM高管ErikaChen开的一家“夫妻店”,这里面的难度更是可想而知。

    Securing the necessary government ap ­ provals to import and distribute cars was Mr James 's first challenge , especially as he was operating as a mom-and-pop outfit with his Chinese wife Erika Chen , a former IBM executive .

  5. 杂货店往往是夫妻店。

    The boss of the grocer may be a couple .

  6. 对具有小生产特点的夫妻店一直采取打压、限制政策。

    The policy oppressed and limited " mom and pop " which have the characteristic of the small-scale production .

  7. 这家巨型零售商通过获取越来越大的定价能力,迫使不计其数的夫妻店陷入困境。

    The big box retailer drove countless Mom and Pop stores to the wall by acquiring ever more pricing leverage .

  8. “夫妻店”成功的关键,是要在工作和生活中划定明确的界限,当发生问题时,要勇于拿到台面上讨论。

    The key to success : Setting clear boundaries between work and home , and communicating openly when there 's a problem .

  9. 窗帘是老板自己上门测量的,两口子开着一家卖窗帘的夫妻店。

    Him boss comes to measure the curtain , couple is leaving a small shop run by couple that sells a curtain .

  10. 通过研究,作者对建立夫妻店从业人员的养老保险制度的制度原则、总体思路和具体操作措施提出了自己的观点和有益的建议。

    Through the research , the author to table a proposal in the principle , overall train of thought and specific operation of endowment insurance .

  11. 她说在中国,家族企业一般都是夫妻店,不像美国只有13.9%是夫妻共同创建的。

    Typically Chinese family firms are set up by husbands and wives , she says , unlike the US , where only 13.9 per cent of partnerships are between married couples .

  12. 该公司也面临着来自当地数千家从事相同租赁业务的“夫妻店”的激烈竞争,后者中许多实际上是家庭经营,与区域司机关系更好,成本很低。

    It also faced intense competition from thousands of local " mom-and-pop " leasers , many of them essentially family operations with better connections to area drivers and very low cost bases .

  13. 海鲜沙拉吧;柜台点餐的沙拉店——在逐渐取代老式的夫妻餐饮店。

    and salad stations where customers order from the counter - have replaced older mom-and-pop restaurants .

  14. 夫妻老婆杂货店,专做本小利微的生意。

    A mom-and-pop grocery only makes a bare profit .

  15. 他们正忙于我们所知道并且喜爱的夫妻小零售店,还有临近地区的饭店。

    They 're running the mom and pop stores and neighborhood restaurants we know and love .

  16. 我平时会去一家韩国夫妻开的店,妻子在烹饪的时候丈夫会一直在桌边等着她。

    I used to go to this diner that was owned by a Korean husband and wife , and the guy would wait tables while the wife cooked .