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shī xìn
  • Dishonesty;break one's promise;go back on one's word
失信 [shī xìn]
  • [break one's promise] 违背协议或诺言,丧失信用

  • 失信于人

失信[shī xìn]
  1. 对企业诚信现状、后果及存在问题的原因进行分析,说明我国企业失信问题的严重性。

    Analyse to enterprise 's sincere current situation , the consequence and reason of the existing problem , prove of our country enterprise break one 's promise the severity of the problem .

  2. 对不起,我失信了。

    I am sorry that I broke my promise .

  3. 十之八九他失信了。

    Most likely he has broken his promise .

  4. 技术官僚精英和欧盟(eu)机构的失信,将给民粹主义政客带来可乘之机。

    The discrediting of the technocratic elites and of EU institutions would leave a space for populist politicians to exploit .

  5. 尤其是在C2C网络交易中,网络交易失信行为屡屡发生。

    The behaviors of mistrust often occur in electronic trade , especially in C2C electronic trade .

  6. 实证结论为:独立董事制度、CPA失信责任和事务所规模对于资本市场运行效率具有明显的影响。

    The empirical research indicates that the independent trustee system , unhonesty penalty of CPA and scale of the accountant 's office all take effect to capital market efficiency .

  7. 新经济学的信息不对称理论揭示了失信的可能性;

    Asymmetric information theory indicates possibility of lacking honest and credit ;

  8. 失信行为产生的原因、社会危害及治理对策

    On the Cause , Social Hazards and Countermeasures of Losing Credit

  9. 我相信你们不会失信的。

    I do believe that you will carry out your promise .

  10. 二是违法违规,失信于民。

    Two is illegal , lose the trust of the people .

  11. 你不应该失信于任何人。

    You should never go back on your promise to anyone .

  12. 但那些诺以良心的保证也是会失信的。

    But promises made in good faith can be broken too .

  13. 失信行为的惩罚机制和内部自律机制不健全;

    Lack of the punishment mechanism against deception and internal self-discipline ;

  14. 你可以失言,但不能失信;

    You can slip of tongue , but cannot fail .

  15. 追求个体利益的最大化可能带来失信行为;

    To maximize the individual benefits may lead to the dishonest behaviors ;

  16. 征信国家失信惩罚机制建设对中国的启示

    Enlightenment of punishment mechanism construction of credit countries losing credit on China

  17. 企业失信行为研究

    A Study on the Behavior of Enterprise 's Credit Lacking

  18. 我真想不到他会失信。

    I 'm surprised to hear that he has broken his word .

  19. 他答应过帮助我们,他没有失信。

    He promised to help us and he stuck to his word .

  20. 你曾失信于你爱的人或者爱你的人吗?

    Have you ever failed anyone who you loved or loved you ?

  21. 农村失信行为的原因分析及对策探讨

    On the reason for rural dishonesty behavior and its solution

  22. 同时,亦为美特斯·邦威集团潜在失信行为和失信成本控制提出了建议。

    Meanwhile , it gives advice to controlling of potential dishonesty behavior .

  23. 第二部分介绍了我国保险市场交易主体各方失信行为的现状。

    The second part presents insurance transactions parties have acts of dishonesty .

  24. 第六,分析旅游企业失信惩罚机制。

    Sixth , the credit punishment mechanism of tourism industry is analyzed .

  25. 赏识教育在读者失信行为管理中的应用

    Application of Appreciation Education to Readers ' Breaking Their Words

  26. 我们不能失信于我们第一笔大生意

    We can 't just bail out of our first big job .

  27. 在英国,失信于雇主是一件特别严重的事。

    Dishonesty against an employer is taken particularly seriously in the UK .

  28. 在中世纪,法官的失信行为让司法制度饱受诟病。

    In the Middle Ages , dishonesty continued to plague the judiciary .

  29. 科技项目的失信行为与治理对策

    Bad Credit Behaviors in Scientific Research Projects and their Countermeasures

  30. 目前企业失信现象很严重。

    Failing for promise of enterprise is serious now .