
shī chǒng
  • be out of favour;fall from grace;be in disgrace;be in disfavour;fall into disfavour;be our of favor
失宠 [shī chǒng]
  • [fall into disfavour;be our of avor] 失去别人的宠幸

  • 在宫廷里一直失宠

失宠[shī chǒng]
  1. 萨姆已失宠于他的父母。

    Sam was in disgrace with his parents .

  2. 我最初一帆风顺,备受器重,但现在却失宠了。

    All went well at first , and I was in high favour ; but presently I fell from grace

  3. 如果你失宠于老板,就会遇到麻烦。

    If you get in bad with your boss , you 'll have problems .

  4. 她在宫廷中失宠。

    She was disgraced at court .

  5. 首先,把ATM接到桌面系统已经失宠,因为以太网和快速以太网已经占据了桌面系统的连接。

    First , ATM to the desktop lost favor because Ethernet and Fast Ethernet were already well-entrenched in desktop connections .

  6. 2.技术变迁可能令Skype逐渐失宠。

    The shifting technology landscape would tilt the playing field away from Skype .

  7. 在今天的IT界“云”是一个热词,而SOA似乎渐渐失宠,最少在分析家的眼里是这样的。

    Today the Cloud is a new IT buzzword , while SOA seems to be slowly coming out of favor , at least in the view of some analysts .

  8. 调查揭露了Facebook迅速失宠从春季的72%的青少年用户跌到了如今的45%。

    It reveals Facebook 's fall from grace has been sudden - from being used by 72 % of teens in the spring to just 45 % now .

  9. 新兴且流行的数据即平台(Data-as-a-platform)Hadoop与一定程度上失宠的SOA的联姻,可能么?

    Is it possible to marry the new favorite data-as-a-platform , Hadoop , with SOA , which is somewhat falling out of favor ?

  10. 人们不禁会想,就像后危机时代银行业市场的其他宠儿、特别是渣打银行(StandardChartered)和法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)一样,富国银行早就该失宠了。

    It is tempting to think that like the other darlings of the post-crisis banking market , notably Standard Chartered and BNP Paribas it is overdue a fall from grace .

  11. 担心Web2.0只不过是一时的流行,和所有的流行事物一样,流行得快,失宠得也快。

    Concern that Web2.0 is merely a buzzword or a fad , and like all fads , it will lose popularity as quickly as it gained it .

  12. 在实体bean很快脱颖而出又很快失宠的时候,对会话bean和JDBC的接受程度却随着时间的推移缓慢而稳定地积累起来。

    Whereas entity beans rose quickly to prominence and then fell just as quickly out of favor , the popular acceptance of session beans and JDBC has been accumulating slowly and steadily over time .

  13. 损失拨备在危机爆发前已经失宠,因为金融业董事可以借此构建储备“甜饼罐”(cookiejar),以便日后用来抵消糟糕的业绩。

    Provisioning had fallen into disfavour before the crisis because it allowed financial directors to build up " cookie jar " of reserves that they later used to smooth away poor performance .

  14. 几乎所有的人都受到了影响,但是三巨头收到的冲击最深;因为他们在系列车型设计的偏好上明显倾向于皮卡和SUV,而这两种车一夜之间就失宠了。

    Everyone has been affected , but the Big Three , with their model line-ups skewed towards the pickups and SUVs that are now out of favour , have been hurt most .

  15. 去年这个时候,比亚迪F3轿车是中国国内最受欢迎车型之一,但现在已失宠,10大最畅销车型中已不见其身影。

    This time last year its F3 car was one of the most popular in China , but now it has lost favour and vanished from the top ten sellers .

  16. cerulli指出,普通股票型基金日益失宠,投资者现在青睐进取型债券基金和保本型基金。

    Cerulli notes plain-vanilla equities funds are falling out of favour , with investors flocking to aggressive bond and guaranteed funds .

  17. 由于全球股市下跌,中国散户投资者去年表现出的对海外投资的浓厚兴趣已消失,同时,中国所谓的合格境内机构投资者(QDII)机制也再度失宠。

    The avalanche of retail interest in offshore investments last year has evaporated as the markets drop and China 's so-called qualified domestic institutional investor ( QDII ) scheme once again falls out of favour .

  18. 证明金牙已经失宠的一个例子是,当美国饶舌歌手坎耶维斯特(KanyeWest)最近决定要让自己的笑容更闪亮时,他选择把自己的下牙换成了钻石假牙。

    In a sign of how much gold teeth have fallen out of fashion , when Kanye West , the US rap musician , recently decided to add some sparkle to his smile , he chose to replace his bottom teeth with diamonds .

  19. 随着数字化时代的到来,动物演员似乎有点失宠了。

    And , the digital age might make animal actors unnecessary .

  20. 过去的女朋友,现在失宠了,会提出旁证。

    Old girls , now rejected , would quote chapter and verse .

  21. 皇后不久失宠。被处死了。

    Soon the queen fell into disfavour and was executed .

  22. 看起来,马克又失宠了。

    It looks like mark 's in the doghouse again .

  23. 到了十九世纪六十年代,餐车有些失宠了。

    In the nineteen sixties , diners became less popular .

  24. 温斯顿不晓得维泽斯失宠的原因。

    Winston did not know why Withers had been disgraced .

  25. 但超跑的销售周期很短,它们可能在一段时间内吸引了公众的注意,但只要新的超跑一上市,它就会迅速失宠。

    They command public attention only until the next supercar comes along .

  26. 银行类股失宠,因其业绩状况令人担忧。

    Banks were out of favour amid concerns about earnings .

  27. 失宠:当然了!那就是你为什么那么可爱的原因。

    Fall-from-Grace : Of course ! That 's why you 're so cute .

  28. 那些受到宠爱的企业需要小心经营,以免失宠。

    Those that have it need to take care not to lose it .

  29. 失宠:怎么,诺顿,你想告我吗?

    Fall-from-Grace : Why , Nordom , are you trying to court me ?

  30. 他的失宠突然而出乎意料。

    His fall from grace was sudden and unexpected .