
  • 网络Failure Rate;TLF;Break-even failure rate
  1. 坦桑尼亚中小企业失败率因素的案例研究

    The Case Study on Factors Influencing Failure Rate of Small and Medium Enterprises ( SMEs ) of Tanzania

  2. ERP项目实施的高失败率,让很多企业望而却步。

    The high failure rate of ERP project implementation discouraged many enterprises .

  3. 但是ERP项目实施失败率的居高不下一直是困扰企业的难题。

    However , the high rate failure of implementation plagued enterprise .

  4. 结果三组治疗失败率无显著差异(P>005)。C组并发症发生率明显高于A、B两组(P<005)。

    Results There was no significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) in the rate of therapeutic failure among three groups .

  5. 置信水平增加到95%,可容忍的控制失败率降低到3%,将提高审计的效果。d.置信水平增加到95%将提高审计的效率。

    D.Increasing the confidence level to95 percent will increase audit efficiency .

  6. B组、C组植骨融合失败率高(P<0.05);

    The failure rate of graft fusion were higher in group B and C than in group A ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 据统计表明,目前CRM实施失败率高达75%。

    Present statistical reports show that the failure rate of CRM applications is up to 75 percent .

  8. ButlerGroup的一份报告指出,使用CRM的失败率一度高达70%。

    A report gave by Butler Group said : the failure percentage of application CRM kept almost 70 % for a long time .

  9. 但是怎样避免ERP系统应用的高失败率,是迫切需要研究的一个重要课题。

    Whereas , it is an important issue for urgent discussion that how to avoid the high failure rate of applying the ERP system .

  10. CRM应用和研究现状进行分析;然后研究CRM高失败率的原因;

    Secondly , I analyze the moment situation of CRM project and study the deep reason of high rate of CRM failure ;

  11. 降低置信水平到90%,并减少可容忍的控制失败率到3%,将导致效率和效果的提高。b.可容忍的失败率从4%减少到3%将提高审计效率。

    C.Increasing the confidence level to95 percent and decreasing the tolerable control failure rate to three percent will increase audit effectiveness .

  12. ERP的实施是企业信息化管理的必由之路,但实施的高失败率使许多企业望而却步,如何确保企业成功实施ERP,是当前企业信息化建设的一个重要课题。

    Implementation of ERP system is the only way for enterprise information management . However , the implementation of the high failure rate discourages many enterprises .

  13. 提出了一个预先保留扩展资源预留期限模型和计算不同QoS级别预先保留请求扩展失败率的方法。

    This paper proposes a model of the AR extensible resource reservation duration and a method for computing the AR request extension loss rate of different QoS levels .

  14. 然而,由于战略定位的缺失、管理基础的薄弱以及项目实施规范的缺乏等原因,ERP项目的失败率非常之高,而针对ERP项目实施的研究又少之又少。

    However , because of some reasons , take weak management foundation and lack of project specification for example , failure rate of implementations of ERP projects is very high .

  15. 国外大约有四分之三的项目被ERP实施公司判为是不成功的项目,而我国ERP实施的高失败率也是令企业望而却步。

    There are about three-quarters of project sentenced to unsuccessful projects by ERP implementation company abroad . The high failure rate of ERP implementation in China also prohibit many companies .

  16. 对其他类(不含耐R类)化疗失败率为7.1%,与敏感组比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    In the other drug resistant cases ( except R resistant cases ), the rate of failure was7.1 % , and it was no significantly difference from drug sensitive cases ( P > 0.05 ) .

  17. 业务流程再造(BPR)带来了企业管理领域的一场深刻革命,但其较高的失败率又使众多企业望而却步。

    BPR ( Business Process Reengineering ) brought up a deeply revolution in enterprise management , but its higher failing rate blocked many enterprises .

  18. 本文针对RD项目在执行和成果转化过程中存在着诸多不确定因素,引入风险管理循环组以降低RD项目的失败率。

    Based on the uncertainties of the implement of the R D project , this paper introduces the model of cycle of risk management in order to decrease the failure probability of the R D project .

  19. 模型稳定阶段中,血管吻合失败率、移植心缺血时间及手术时间等较训练阶段均明显缩短(P0.01)。

    Vascular anastomosis failure rate , donor heart ischemia time and surgical time all showed significant improvement in stable phase when compare to those in traning phase ( P0.01 ) .

  20. 但是临床上HP根除率却不高,首治根除率只有约70%,补救疗法的失败率也有9%~10%,其原因主要是患者对药物的依从性欠佳和日益突出的抗生素耐药问题。

    But its eradicating rate in clinic is very low , the first eradicating rate is about 70 % , failure rate of salvage therapy is only 9 % ~ 10 % .

  21. A组患者术后镇痛失败率达23.3%,B组无镇痛失败患者,两组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    The failure rate of postoperative analgesia was 23.3 % in group A , it was significantly higher when compared with group B ( P < 0.05 ) . In group B , all the patients were provided with successful pain relief .

  22. 另外BOT项目参与主体多,项目产生的风险应由参与各方分担等诸多因素的影响,使得结果产生较大偏差,这是导致我国BOT项目运作失败率高的一个重要原因。

    Otherwise , many partner to share risks and other influential factors result in much warp that is important reason which lead BOT projects to failure with high ratio .

  23. 这时需要调整各正常结点的优先列表,以保证每个结点被一个也只能是一个结点选择为自已的第k个优先结点,以减少任务的失败率。

    In this case , it needs to modify the preferential list for all nodes to ensure each node in the preferential list is selected as the k th preferential node by one and only one node else .

  24. 结论:DHS内固定是治疗老年不稳定性股骨粗隆间骨折的有效方法,失败率低。

    Conclusion : DHS is an effective method with the lower failed rate for treatment of unstable intertrochanteric fracture of the aged .

  25. 结论SC模式可缩短CNS疾病术后和重症肺炎困难撤机患者的撤机时间,增加撤机失败率。

    Conclusion For those difficult weaning patients caused by postoperative CNS disease and severe pneumonia , the weaning time was shorter and the weaning failure rate was increased in SC.

  26. 在对我国实施ERP项目存在问题分析的过程中,笔者认识到导致ERP项目失败率这么高的原因之一是ERP项目实施中沟通风险防范还不尽完善,缺乏有效的沟通风险防范体系。

    On the analysis of existing problems in ERP implementation process , the author realizes that one of the reasons for the failure of ERP project is the lack of effective communication and risk prevention system .

  27. 背景:幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)对抗生素的耐药率上升是导致根除治疗失败率上升的主要原因,对经标准方案根除H。

    Background : The rising prevalence of antimicrobial resistance of Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) is the major cause of increasing failure rate of anti-H.

  28. 治疗组与对照组在近期治愈率方面疗效相近(P0.05),但是在治疗失败率、远期疗效方面比较,治疗组明显优于对照组(P0.05)。

    Treatment group and control group in recent cure rate of similar effect ( P0.05 ), but in the treatment of failure , compare the long-term outcome , the treatment group was better than control ( P0.05 ) .

  29. 第二部分通过具体的数据分析了目前国内上市公司ERP实施的情况,失败率高是一个众所周知的事实,但实际上国内企业实施ERP的效果并不比国外的企业差。

    The second chapter made an analysis of actual situation of ERP implementation of listed domestic companies , which told us that the high failure rate is a truth , but we are not worse than our international counterparts .

  30. 检验结果表明POT模型能够较好地把握极值波动特征,失败率均控制在预设的显著性水平附近,拟合优度和预测精度较高。

    Test results show that POT model can grasp the extreme volatility characters , and the prediction failure rate is controlled near the level of significance . This means the goodness-of-fit and prediction accuracy of POT is higher .