
  • 网络header file;include;head file
  1. 如果出现错误,那你就知道头文件坏了。

    If that spews out errors , you know your include files are messed up .

  2. 它是用于Web服务的头文件。

    It is the header file for a Web service .

  3. 注意:头文件中应该有include

    Note : The header file should have # include

  4. 接口定义是在位于boost/pool目录中的objectpool.hpp头文件中提供的。

    The definitions are provided in the object_pool.hpp header located in boost / pool directory .

  5. 这些行指定所需的头文件。stdio.h是C标准输入输出库的头文件。

    Stdio . h is the header for the C standard I / O library .

  6. 是一个新的函数。,So,,malloc,is,a,new,function。,在头文件中定义了标准库作为参考。

    Malloc It 's defined in a header file just FYI called standard lib .

  7. Spirit是一个只包括头文件的库,因此在链接时不需要任何额外的库。

    Spirit is a header-only library , so no extra libraries are needed at link time .

  8. 相应地,在Linux中用于open()和close()的函数应当包含头文件sys/types.h、sys/stat.h和fcntl.h。

    They are sys / types . h , sys / stat.h , and fcntl . h.

  9. 这些头文件是以,h为后缀的,完全不同于,一个,c文件。

    Just the . h file as we 'll see is obviously named different than a.c file .

  10. 在VisualC++中,基于C/C++的应用程序通常会使用预编译头文件。

    C / C + + - based applications in Visual C + + often use precompiled headers .

  11. 安装令牌的设备驱动程序以及相关的支持库(还可能需要来自那些“分发版(distribution)”的一些头文件)

    Device drivers and associated support libraries for the installed tokens ( some of the header files from those distributions may also be required )

  12. 要想使用这三个宏,必须包含预定义的Boost头文件floatingpointcomparison.hpp。

    To use any of these three macros , you must include the predefined Boost header floating_point_comparison.hpp .

  13. 一个Turboc的鼠标头文件

    The Head-File for Mouse in Turbo C

  14. 通常,当在C/C++开发框架中修改头文件时,一般基于make的系统最终会重新编译所有源文件。

    Usually , when header files are modified in a C / C + + development framework , an average make-based system ends up recompiling all source files .

  15. 在每个shell脚本的头文件中提供相关的注释和说明是一个良好的编码习惯。

    It is good coding practice to provide pertinent comments and instructions in the header of each shell script .

  16. C向导导入用户结构C头文件,并选择用于ALE或FileIDocs的新选项。

    C wizard , and select the new option for ALE or File IDocs .

  17. 应用AutoCAD系统接口软件及自制头文件实现参数化绘图

    Interface Program for AutoCAD System and Self-Design Heading File for Realizing Parameterized Drawing

  18. include目录包括OpenAFS和FUSE的include目录的头文件。

    The include directory will contain the include headers from OpenAFS and FUSE .

  19. 开发人员常常通过头文件将API导入或集成到现有代码库中。

    Often developers can import or integrate APIs into an existing code library via header files .

  20. 使用在头文件mappedregion.hpp中声明并定义的mappedregion类执行映射。

    The mapping is done using the mapped_region class declared and defined in the header mapped_region.hpp .

  21. 头文件boost/swap.hpp中提供的模板函数template

    The template function template

  22. 安装DB2客户机,确保选择了用于应用程序开发的头文件和库文件。

    Install the DB2 client , ensuring that you select the application development headers and libraries .

  23. 可以使用这些头文件重新构建Ruby和PHP驱动程序。

    These header files can be used to rebuild Ruby and PHP drivers .

  24. 特别是您还要有与PHP安装相关的头文件。

    Specifically , you must have the header files associated with your PHP installation .

  25. 因此,在VisualStudio中,我们创建了一个win32dll项目,并在其中插入了上面的头文件。

    So , in Visual Studio we create a win32 dll project , and insert the header file above .

  26. 在改正头文件、函数和参数之后,该程序准备在Linux上运行。

    After revising header files , functions , and parameters , the program is ready for a Linux run .

  27. 标准模板库(STL)在头文件实用程序中定义pair。

    The Standard Template Library ( STL ) defines pair in the header utility .

  28. make和所有的C编译器的问题在于C预处理程序(preprocessor)和头文件的工作方式。

    The problem with make and just about any C compiler is the way in which the C preprocessor and header files work .

  29. 观察一个典型的C源文件,您会发现其中有很多由include所引用的各种头文件。

    If you have a look at a typical C source file , it will incorporate a number of # include references to the various header files .

  30. 如果十分关注于性能,则可以用一些针对将要用到的特定头文件的include语句来替代该文件。

    If you 're desperately concerned with performance , you can replace this file with include statements for the specific header files you 're going to use .